____/ 25Name______


Motion Reading Guide

  1. Speed = ______/ ______. (1)
  1. km / hr is read as kilometers ______hour and means to divide the ______by the______interval. (3)
  1. Average speed = ______/ time interval. (1)
  1. What is the average speed of a cheetah that sprints 100 m in 4 seconds? (Show work, include units.) (2)
  1. Distance = ______x ______. (1)
  1. A car moved at an average speed of 60 km/h for 1 hour. How far did it go? (Show work, include units.) (2)
  1. Speed is relative. How fast is the classroom traveling relative to the sun? (1)
  1. Define velocity. (1)
  1. If a car travels in a circle at a constant rate of speed, does it change velocity? Why or why not? (2)

10. What are three ways that we can change the velocity of something? (3)

  1. Define acceleration. (2)
  1. If a car goes from rest to 90 km/h in 10 seconds, what is its acceleration? (Show work, include units.) (2)
  1. If a car increases its velocity from 60 km/h to 65 km/h in 2 seconds, what is its acceleration? (Show work, include units.) (2)
  1. If a bicycle goes from rest to 5 km/h in 2 seconds, what is its acceleration? (Show work, include units.) (2)

Motion Reading Guide KEY

  1. Speed = DISTANCE / TIME. (1)
  1. km / hr is read as kilometers PER hour and means to divide the KILOMETERS by theTIME interval. (3)
  2. Average speed = TOTAL DISTANCE COVERED / time interval. (1)
  3. What is the average speed of a cheetah that sprints 100 m in 4 seconds? (Show work, include units.) (2) 110 m / 4 s = 25 m / s
  5. A car moved at an average speed of 60 km/h for 1 hour. How far did it go? (Show work, include units.) (2)(60 KM / HR)(1 HR) = 60 KM
  6. Speed is relative. How fast is the classroom traveling relative to the sun? (1) 30 KM / SEC
  7. Define velocity. (1) v = SPEED + DIRECTION
  8. If a car travels in a circle at a constant rate of speed, does it change velocity? Why or why not? (2) YES, CHANGES DIRECTION

10. What are three ways that we can change the velocity of something?


11. Define acceleration. (2) RATE OF CHANGE IN VELOCITY

  1. If a car goes from rest to 90 km/h in 10 seconds, what is its acceleration? (Show work, include units.) (2)

a = ∆v / ∆ t = v2 – v1 = 90 km/hr – 0 km/hr = 90 km/ hr / sec

t 2 – t 1 10s – 0s

13. If a car increases its velocity from 60 km/h to 65 km/h in 2 seconds,

what is its acceleration? (Show work, include units.) (2)

a = ∆v / ∆ t = v2 – v1 = 65 km /hr – 60 km /hr= 2.5 km / hr / sec

t 2 – t 12 sec

14. If a bicycle goes from rest to 5 km/h in 2 seconds, what is its

acceleration? (Show work, include units.) (2)

5 km / hr – 0 km / hr = 5 km / hr = 2.5 km / hr / sec

2 sec – 0 sec 2 sec