Florida Occupational Therapy Association

Minutes Monthly Officer Teleconference

October 21, 2014

8:00-9:00 p.m.

Members present: Elena Vizvary (EV), Deb Oliviera (DO), Debbie Murphy-Fischer (DMF), Debbie Misrahi (DM) and Janine Silvaroli (JS)

Call in number: 1-626-677-3000 Access Code: 1095206#

Conference 2014 update / FGCU memorandum of understanding signed
EV will use credit card ($371)
Bus shuttle from hotel to FGCU. Will leave around 12:15-12:30 from hotel.
Liability insurance for Fri & Sat.
Fun Run waiver reviewed by Larry.
Conference Program outsourced. To printer this week. Elena will bring programs to conference
Postcards delivered last week.
Lots of FB coverage. Thanks Janine!
Early Bird deadline coming up: Friday Oct. 24.
Hotel room capacity met for Friday night. Comp room to Katherine. Staying ? nights DO will follow up via e-mail
Is Larry coming? Where is he staying? For how many nights? DO heard he was coming and that JS was making reservations for him
Registrant numbers as of Sunday: 249 (84practitioners, 164 students).
Institute totals: 19- due to low number may consider for next year
Lunch counts low (Fri = 21, Sat = 23)
Fun Run -42
Nov. 6 planning / Room set up prior. Room will be open for us.
Paper products – EV will bring plates & napkins from last year.
Water-DMF will bring
Snacks-DMF will purchase items and others will chip in to cover cost
Access to electric carts for material transportation/special services if needed-DO will check on
Nov. 6 consent agenda / Sheri Montgomery sent helpful suggestions to set up
DMF- usually done in RA, used for “housekeeping chores”, items can be “pulled” for further discussion/explanation. Allows for many items to be considered and allows for discussion period for specific item.
EV- recommends including SIS reports and RR reports be placed on consent agenda. Other reports including AA, will not be part of consent agenda this year.
DM will compile consent agenda (from SIS and RR chairs). DM will post message on board stating that if reports are not received, no items from specific Members will be accepted.” If you have any item to be considered by this Board, it will not be considered if your report has not been submitted”.
DMF recommends sending message to RC and CP listing which SIS chairs and RR’s have reported and to inform them that no item will be considered if not submitted.
Nov. 6 regular agenda
Items to be discussed
Not sure about order.
Try to follow Roberts Rules more closely. Ask for motions FIRST, then discuss. / President report: portions
Strategic Plan
FOTA FLOTEC relationship
Job Target-ad hoc committee requested by EV
GHP membership and conference- Falls Prevention
Membership in Professional organizations – where does it fall?
Suze Dudley Ad Hoc report
Membership report & discussion
Magellan follow up
FLASHA, FPTA, FOTA Alliance re: MM
Myra McDaniel Scholarship awarded!!
Reviewed new Board reporting form- motions and process should be end game. EV recommends asking Sheri Montgomery (By- laws chair to act as parliamentarian)
Nov. 8 agenda / President’s report
VP report
Treasurer report
RA report from Sara Jane Crowley
JS will send template to all concerned to add content
Roll out Strategic Plan and be voted on by membership-DMF recommends having a hard copy of the proposed SP to give to all members present. FOTA Board must approve first
EV will ask DR about AV equipment available for mtg
Awards ceremony
Regional Reps / Capitol – Region 2 and Central East – Region 5 is still open.
Central West – Region 9 new RR = Ranyouri Hines
Leadership positions / Research SIS resignation
New Research SIS accepted position - Pey-Shan Wen from FIU
Budget / Budget vote set up, completed and passed-DMF will state that budget was passed in her report.
Announce as part of next meeting-yes by DMF. Posted to leadership not entire membership. DMF recommends posting it under “documents” that membership can access if interested.(member home page and link to budget )
Accountant meeting / Elena and Deb Murphy-Fischer meeting on October 8
AOTA developing state association archival project.
Deadline 12/30/14. / Debbie Misrahi to follow up
8:55-9:00 / NEW ITEMS
Elena gone Oct. 24 -27 / Will have access to email and internet but will not have a lot of free time.
Other / Three events: iPad drawing, silent auction and scavenger hunt
JS- raffle items- iPad, OT Tool Kit books, OT canvas signs, statue, several schools will submit items. Raffle tickets cost could be $5 each or 5 for $20. Raffle drawings could be interspersed throughout conference. iPad drawing at membership meeting
Silent auction is for 7 day trip. Proceeds could be for scholarship. Board needs to decide.-
Silent auction begins at registration and goes throughout the day. Ends at 7:45pm Drawing at end of President reception 8pm.
JS making poster announcing all events
JS- how much will she be needed at Board meeting. May be needed to complete prep activities. Understood she has last minute tasks to attend to.