Teacher: E. Vásquez Subject: Life Science Date: Nov. 11-15, 2013

Mazapan G.A.N.A.G. Lesson Plan 2013-2014

/ Standard / Goal / Access Prior Knowledge / New Information / Apply Knowledge / Generalize/ Goal Review/ Grade /
Monday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / Learn what bacteria are.
Learn what the impact of bacteria is on the environment.
Identify what viruses are and how they affect human health. / S will begin researching their chosen bacteria or virus using their laptops, tablets, or phones. / Bring for Bacteria or Virus project:
Laptops or tablets,Poster paper
Crayons, markers, scissors, construction paper, glue and anything else you will need to create your Bacteria or Virus project
Supporting Standards:
S3A, S3Aa,S3Ab,S3Ac,S3Ag S3Ai,S3Cb, S3Cd
Tuesday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / Learn what bacteria are.
Learn what the impact of bacteria is on the environment.
Identify what viruses are and how they affect human health. / S. will write their goal for this day (how much they think they will accomplish for their project) / S will finish researching their chosen bacteria or virus using their laptops, tablets, or phones.
S. will then start to make their cereal boxes, following the guidelines that have been previously given to them. / Bring for Bacteria or Virus project:
Laptops or tablets,Poster paper
Crayons, markers, scissors, construction paper, glue and anything else you will need to create your Bacteria or Virus project / S. rate how well they are managing time and how well they accomplished their goals for the day.
Supporting Standards:
S3A, S3Aa,S3Ab,S3Ac,S3Ag S3Ai,S3Cb, S3Cd
Wednesday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / Learn what bacteria are.
Learn what the impact of bacteria is on the environment.
Identify what viruses are and how they affect human health. / S. will write their goal for this day (how much they think they will accomplish for their project) / All s. must be working on cereal boxes this day. / Bring for Bacteria or Virus project:
Poster paper
Crayons, markers, scissors, construction paper, glue and anything else you will need to create your Bacteria or Virus project / S. rate how well they are managing time and how well they accomplished their goals for the day.
Supporting Standards:
S3A, S3Aa,S3Ab,S3Ac,S3Ag S3Ai,S3Cb, S3Cd
Thursday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / Learn what bacteria are.
Learn what the impact of bacteria is on the environment.
Identify what viruses are and how they affect human health. / S. will write their goal for this day (how much they think they will accomplish for their project) / All s. must complete their cereal boxes this day. / Bring for Bacteria or Virus project:
Poster paper
Crayons, markers, scissors, construction paper, glue and anything else you will need to create your Bacteria or Virus project
Supporting Standards:
S3A, S3Aa,S3Ab,S3Ac,S3Ag S3Ai,S3Cb, S3Cd
Friday / Focus Standard:
Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interaxct with each other and their environment. / Learn what bacteria are.
Learn what the impact of bacteria is on the environment.
Identify what viruses are and how they affect human health. / Students start to present their bacteria/virus information to class today
S. will take notes in their ISN on all information that is being shared.
Presentations will continue on Monday. / Exit Slip
Write down three new things you learned today about bacteria and viruses.
Supporting Standards:
S3A, S3Aa,S3Ab,S3Ac,S3Ag S3Ai,S3Cb, S3Cd
