"Most Diseases Can't Exist Long In Active Oxygen"
Listen "Mr.Oxygen"Ed McCabe's audio greeting /"Modern Father of the Public Awareness ofOxygen Therapies."
The Only Person In History Who Interviewed Thousands of Oxygen Therapy Using Patients & Doctors Worldwide, and Also The First To Internationally Publish Popular Oxy Information, Books and Tapes.Mr. McCabe self-published, self-promoted, & sold over 250,000 copies of his first book, Oxygen Therapies because the big publishers, news bureaus, talk shows, movie stars, sports heroes, Internet, and AIDS groups ignored him when he personally contacted them all with positive proof of the effectiveness of Oxygen/Ozone Therapies. Ed appeared on over 1,500 media and speaking events in 8 countries over 10 years, in order to get the word out and help everybody. He did it because somehow we have to overcome the public lack of knowledge about the proven safe oxygen/ozone solutions, as well as repair the almost total lack of media attention paid to them.
The Ed McCabe Story
How a Regular Guy BecameMr. Oxygen™Ed McCabe, "Mr. Oxygen" is a best selling author, investigative journalist, analyst, writer, lecturer, and consumer advocate in the innovative oxygen and health area. The moniker "Mr. Oxygen" started as a gag, a play on Ed's expertise in his favorite subject combined with the name of Ed's favorite childhood TV program, "Mr. Wizard." Many a cold snowy New England Saturday morning in the '50s found young Ed glued to the TV while being fascinated by the science show's constant parade of new mind-expanding concepts. His constant experiments with what his father called 'tinkering' with everything mechanical and electrical in the house caused his mother many a worry and clean up session. He was often hospitalized with pneumonia as a child due to being born prematurely and consequently not having strong lungs. He says God was trying to make sure he got the message to be compassionate for the sick later on. When not playing neighborhood sports many of his after school sessions were spent in the local library's science and history sections.
As an adult, Ed lectured worldwide, and has been the honored recipient of several awards. He is the first and only one to create a modern mass public awareness of the existence and benefits of Oxygen and Ozone Therapies.
One milestone in his career was when Mr. McCabe, along with Senator Tom Harkin and former Congressman Bedell organized and brought former AIDS patients and their doctors to the top levels of the National Institute of Health. The patients had become healthy by using Oxygen Therapy. Mr. McCabe's international expertise, recognition, popularity, and experience have also enabled him to appear on U.S. network television.
Mr. McCabe holds a degree in Educational Media from the University of Massachusetts. He is a leading international author, lecturer, consultant, and promoter of Oxygen and Ozone Therapies. His ongoing involvement with advanced healing modalities encompasses a span of over 25 years. As a journalist, he solely focused upon studying Oxygen Therapies during 12 years of intensive investigation, research, experimentation, interviews, and travel. He has personally interviewed thousands of Oxygen Therapy users and suppliers. As a result, he is recognized and acclaimed as a top international expert on the subject of using oxygen and ozone for health and environmental improvement.
Without a major publisher, his best-selling, and now cult classic, 1988 book Oxygen Therapies, A New Way of Approaching Disease, sold more than 250,000 copies through word of mouth. His was the first book to detail every known therapy that used special forms of oxygen to eliminate disease and restore health by ridding the body of toxins and microbes, while simultaneously boosting the immune system.
As a direct result of Mr. McCabe's writings, his audio and video tape publications, and his extensive worldwide appearances and lecturing, millions have now learned that the proper use of oxygen supplementation and therapies are of prime importance in order to stay healthy, to optimize performance, and to successfully treat disease. "After all," he teaches, "your immune system runs on oxygen, and disease causing microbes, like most of the bacteria and viruses, can't live in it."
In addition to Oxygen Therapies, Mr. McCabe has written a syndicated newspaper and Internet column, 'Ask Mr. Oxygen', and numerous national magazine articles. He has been published in 'AIDS Patient Care', 'Health Freedom News', 'Explore!', 'East West Journal', 'New Perspectives', 'What Medicine', 'Nexus' and 'Well Being Journal' magazines, and his image and his work were featured on the cover of 'Health Consciousness' and 'New Times' magazines.
After his appearances on more than 1,500 radio and television programs and speaking platforms in the U.S., England, Scotland, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Holland, and New Zealand, he became internationally recognized as a prominent and captivating lecturer. A Maury Povich TV talk show was devoted to his emerging Oxygen Therapy work, and featured Mr. McCabe and a no-longer-sick-with-AIDS oxygen/ozone user as central guests. The Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation-an international Oxygen Therapy physician's group-honored him with its prestigious 'Special Recognition,' and 'Distinguished Speaker Awards.' Mr. McCabe is unique in his distinction as the only person who has ever interviewed thousands of Oxygen Therapy using patients and hundreds of doctors worldwide. He did this while simultaneously investigating the Oxygen Therapy research and treatment centers and at the same time publishing and lecturing on his findings.
Although several Oxygen Therapies have been quietly in use for more than one hundred years prior to Mr. McCabe's body of work, the general public was unaware of them. His undertakings also earned him popular usage of his title of 'Mr. Oxygen.' The numbers of professional and lay adherents to the therapies continues to grow rapidly owing to his promotion of their simple effectiveness.
U.S. manufacturers and the professional organizations surrounding the Oxygen Therapy concepts are now flourishing, in large part, owing to Mr. McCabe's years of relentless lecturing and purposely focusing the public's attention on the efficacy of the therapies. His promoting created a demand for them, which then naturally induced people into becoming suppliers to fill the need. The knowledge that Mr. McCabe gathered, created and then taught us is the very foundation of our modern public understanding of how the therapies work and why we should employ them.
This foundation, or 'informed group consciousness' that we all now stand upon, which he repeatedly laid down, is so large, and so much a part of the now 'common knowledge' of Oxygen Therapy, that we scarcely notice that it did not exist before his pioneering work began.
What Oxygen Users Are Saying AboutEd McCabe©and Oxygen Therapies!
"Take note. The interest this book will unleash is noteworthy. Both lay and professional persons who secretly will not admit their ignorance in this emerging field of study will use it as a guide."
Mona Harrison, MD, Former Assistant Dean,
Boston University School of Medicine
"Your name is well-known in Russia particularly among the specialists in the field of Ozone Therapy."
Natalia Berdnikova, Manager Foreign Business,
Medozons, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
"Ed's information really ignited my brain."
Viktor Goncharov,
ND, Ph.D., New York
"I now literally thank God for giving us Ed McCabe. It is through his courage and conviction that my life was saved. Thank you, Ed."
Chris Savage, Australia
"May God continue to bless you Ed as you have blessed us with your compassionate service. Humankind is the better for your being."
Jerry Bergemeyer, Arizona
"Ed, God bless you my man. I'll always owe you more than I will ever be able to repay. I'm heartfelt about the tribulations you've had to endure over helping people like me. My deepest appreciation and respect."
Bob Carlisle, Massachusetts
"Thanks Ed, you're a God damn legend and are brave. I am sending out your message daily to hundreds in my presentations. Thanks Ed, you saved my brothers life."
J.F., Australia
"I thank you for your stand and crusade for our health in spite of the dangers you have had to endure. I would say your stance would describe one of my favorite sayings, 'One man with courage makes a majority.'"
M.G., New Hampshire
"Ed, it was a lucky day for us when you found your way into our lives. One rarely has the opportunity to meet such wonderful and caring people."
Al Sands, Florida
"I am doing my best to promote your work and the concept of Oxygen Therapy. The work is so important and many more people must know about this. Keep up the fantastic work. God Bless."
John Smith, England
"I think you are a very brave and courageous person and your stand against the very malicious authorities deserves the admiration and support of all thinking people."
Nancy Adams, Oregon
"We all owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Ed McCabe for researching and exposing the range of Oxygen Therapies available, many of which are within the reach of anyone regardless of location or resources. Ed has, at great personal sacrifice, continued to teach and to research, and we owe him a lot."
M. B., Florida
"Since early times the chosen ones have referred to thunder as the 'voice of God' and the O3 produced in such thunder storms as the 'Breath of God.' The proper spelling for the Supreme Eternal Purifier of all living things is actually G03D. And Mr. Ed McCabe is today's messenger. So, arise, purify thyself and restore the earth to all its OXYGENATED brilliance."
Zero3 Man, California
"I became aware of Ozone and Oxygen Therapies some 13 years ago when listening to a Radio broadcast (KPFK) FM out of L.A. and I was amazed at the information I was hearing about how cancer, hepatitis, HIV, and most of the other life-threatening diseases of mankind were all 'anaerobic' and could be effectively killed with ozone (A higher form of oxygen) with little to NO side effects to the human body. I had just become a journalist and an investigative reporter for Paragon Cable Television and later to become TIME WARNER Cable television all over the U.S. I was so excited and amazed by the information that I was hearing I could not sleep. I had to find out more about mind-blowing ozone and oxygen killing all of these diseases. I thought to myself, this could be the biggest story of the decade if not the century. I started investigating and heard about Ed McCabe and his book 'Oxygen Therapies.' I read the book and was completely blown away. I attended the very next Cancer Control Society health convention in California and I was coming around a blind corner and ran right into Mr. Ed McCabe. I attended his lecture and found him to be very precise, very knowledgeable, and very credible in his presentation. It was very hard for me at the time to find others in the United States that were using or talking on this subject other than Ed McCabe. Ed was engaged in something that almost no one was doing at this time, lecturing, investigating, researching, and reporting on ozone all over the world—and especially in America where almost no one knew anything about it. I had interviewed and talked to hundreds of doctors in the U.S. that didn't know anything about the medical use of ozone that actually started in America in 1900 with Nikola Tesla. Ed continues to this day to be one of the leading forces in bringing knowledge and awareness of Ozone and Oxygen Therapies to the world and especially here in the United States. Ed, keep the flame alive and burning. Humanity and all those suffering unnecessary deaths from disease need you. We thank you sooooooooooooo much for never stopping your mission."
Keith Ranch, producer, reporter, and journalist, California.
Ed McCabe is a breed of journalist from the 'old school' of investigation. His quest for knowledge and truth has been exhaustive—even when it has potentially meant personal harm. His realizations that water and air are not just water and air have spurred his efforts forward.
"The story of oxygen and its primal role in water and health enhancement are the book's key ingredients. Not only is oxygen a key to the air we breathe, it is equally important in the water we drink and otherwise use. In his treatise, Ed McCabe takes one well into this new century with an understanding of the applications of water and Oxygen Therapies.
"Both lay and professional persons who secretly will not admit their ignorance in this emerging field of study will use it as a guide.
"It is only here in North America that the significance of this science is just awakening. The rest of the Western Scientific World caught on a long time ago.
"Take note. The interest this book will unleash is noteworthy."
Mona Harrison, MD
- Assistant Dean—Boston University School of Medicine
- Director—Adolescent Medicine, Boston City Hospital
- Chief Medical Officer—D.C. General Hospital—Directed Trauma Center Emergency
- Services, Outpatient Services and Employee Health
- Medical Director-Rehab Inc., a multifaceted physical rehabilitation agency
- MD University of Maryland School of Medicine
- Residency, Family Medicine, University of Maryland Hospital
- Residency, Pediatrics, Boston City Hospital, Boston University
- In-Service Fellowship:
- Adolescent Medicines Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard University
- Neonatology Research Fellowship
- Boston University Hospital, Boston University
Ed McCabe, affectionately referred to as 'Mr. Oxygen' by his admirers, has literally educated millions around the world on the health benefits of oxygen. I know from personal experience the validity of his teaching, for as a physician I have used oxygen in its various forms in my practice for overcoming disease, restoring health and improving human performance since the 1980s. In the 1980s, the few existing doctors treating with one or more forms of oxygen often did not know that colleagues using other forms existed. I had come to personally know Mr. Ed McCabe as a meticulous investigator on a mission to tell the world about all the known therapies in this relatively unknown field at that time.
"Today, Ed McCabe is a celebrated authority on Oxygen Therapies. He is an acclaimed author, avid researcher, and energetic humanitarian in the field. In order to share his discoveries with the world, he wrote numerous stimulating articles in a gifted style that allows for large amounts of pragmatic knowledge to be effortlessly assimilated. Thanks to the knowledge disseminated by Mr. McCabe, public awareness of the therapies has remarkably increased and the medical community using Oxygen Therapies has grown in both wisdom and population.
"The driving force behind Mr. McCabe's popularity, more so than his talents in communication, is the enormous value of the knowledge he offers for living in the 21st century. He teaches how oxygen related therapies, such as ozone, peroxide, hyperbaric and photoluminescence, may be applied to complement or replace various in-vogue medical and health practices, yielding superior outcomes with less cost and undesirable side effects. The huge list of conditions that are prevented and treated by Oxygen Therapies range from fleeting minor colds to chronic wounds that do not heal to dreaded life taking diseases such as cancer. Mr. McCabe, the scientist, teaches why oxygen related methods work so well and how to apply them.
"He provides us knowledge on how we can all take advantage of exciting, scientifically backed health related opportunities available today which still remain largely unknown to the public and the medical profession. His book, Flood Your Body with Oxygen, Therapy for Our Polluted World is a must read and must share! Thank you Mr. Oxygen.
Martin Dayton D.O., MD, MD (h), C.C.N., F.A.A.F.P.
"I have been a Med Phys 30 years over the past 20 years using Bio Oxidative Medical Therapies In my patients for a wide range of medical conditions These therapies would Include Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy, Ultraviolet Light Blood Irradiation, and Medical Ozone Therapy. I can attest to the fact that when these therapies are properly used, they are extremely effective and extremely safe and good for a wide variety of medical conditions.
"I want to express my gratitude to Ed McCabe whom I have known since 1988 for writing several books and getting the word out about how great these therapies can be. Good Luck Ed with your work In the future."- 2006 Video interview by Tony Whitehead.
Dr. Shallenberger has been practicing medicine for 25 years, after graduating from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and receiving post graduate training at Mt. Zion Hospital in San Francisco. He is one of only 16 physicians in Nevada that are licensed both in conventional medicine as well as alternative and homeopathic medicine. This allows him to integrate the best of both approaches for optimal results.
Dr. Shallenberger is a member of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine, The American Preventive Medical Association, and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. He has served as a founding board member of the International Bio-Oxidative Medical Foundation, and is also a board member of the Society for Orthomolecular-Health Medicine. He is a past Clinical Instructor of Family Medicine at the U.C. Davis School of Medicine, and has been appointed by the governor of Nevada to serve on the Nevada State Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners. Dr. Shallenberger is a specialist in Anti-Aging Medicine, and is board certified by the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. He has published several scientific and clinical papers, and has lectured extensively in the United States and abroad. He is best known for his research involving the use of oxidative therapy for immune related disorders.