Social Studies 7

Teacher: Mrs. Kimberly Forsyth Contact information:

Wood-Ridge Junior Senior High School

Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year!
This year in Social Studies 7 we will be studying American History
from the birth of our nation through the United States Constitution.
Throughout the year, students will analyze and interpret primary sources,
develop critical, analytical thinking skills, and partake in historical research.

Classroom Rules and Expectations

Students must bring each of these items to class on a daily basis:

Binder or notebook (with pages that can be ripped/taken out), textbook, pen, pencil, highlighter, folder.

Students are expected to arrive to class prepared to learn. This means that you will come in, take your seat, prepare your class materials, and complete the opening activity. Quiet conversation is sometimes acceptable- shouting is not!

Cell phones: Cell phones are not to be used at any time during class unless they are used in part of a lesson. Students will be made aware of the times they are permitted to use them. Texting and “checking the time!” are not permitted during class. If a student is caught using his or her phone, ONE warning will be issued. Subsequent offenses will result in a detention, phone call home, or a meeting with the principal. It is not worth it!

Gum: Students are permitted to chew gum in class, HOWEVER, if it poses as a distraction during class (loud popping, blowing bubbles, etc.) or a detriment to the classroom environment (placed anywhere other than the garbage can!) then gum will not be allowed. If the gum poses as a disruption in any way during class and this is the first offense for the student, he or she will be asked to throw it in the garbage. Subsequent offenses will result in a detention and/or additional disciplinary action.

Technology: Students are solely responsible for any and all electronic devices brought to school. There may be times where students are permitted to use computers during class. During this time, students must make sure they keep an eye on their electronic devices throughout the entire period. It is expected that students will not misuse these devices in the building and will adhere to all policies regarding technology at WRJSHS. The teacher is not responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices.

Textbooks: Textbooks must have a book cover on them at all times. Students are asked to display their names on the cover for easy identification. Please do not write on the textbook itself. Failure to keep the textbook covered will result in a warning- disciplinary action will follow if it is a frequent issue. Students are responsible for keeping track of their textbook throughout the school year. It is NOT the responsibility of the teacher to keep tabs on all distributed textbooks.

Bathroom Policy: Students are permitted to go to the bathroom one boy and/or one girl at a time. It is strongly encouraged that you go during the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class to minimize disruption. Students are required to use a WRJSHS hall pass signed by the teacher when leaving the classroom. With the exception of medical excuses, students who habitually leave to visit the bathroom or take the “scenic” way back to class will result in a detention, visit to the nurse, or other disciplinary action. Visiting or disturbing other classes is also not permitted.

General Expectations

Students are to leave the classroom in the same or better condition in which they entered. Leaving garbage or other discarded items is unacceptable. It is a room shared by many students and must be presentable for each class. Students that do not follow these guidelines (drawing on desks, destroying property, leaving a mess at their desk, etc.) will face a detention or other disciplinary action. Remember, someone has to clean up that mess!

Personal Property: Mrs. Forsyth respects the personal property of each of her students. In return, she asks that all students respect her personal property. Desk items, school supplies, posters, closets, books, markers, and all other items should not be touched in any way without the consent of Mrs. Forsyth. Borrowed items should always be returned at the end of class.

Remember your manners! Mrs. Forsyth expects that students will refrain from using any foul language. It is NOT appropriate! Frequent swearing will result in an email or phone call to parents! She also expects that you will enter the room in a reasonable manner- shouting, running, etc. are not acceptable.

Nothing should EVER be thrown around the room at anyone or anything. It is not worth the risk of injuring yourself, your peers, or the teacher. If you must throw something out, take a walk to the nearest garbage can!

Students are expected to contact the teacher as soon as possible if they know they will be absent from class. Make sure you check the teacher's website for class work, notes, and/or homework that you will miss.

Since students will have ample time to prepare for tests, it is expected that he/she will arrange with Mrs. Forsyth to make up the test on the FIRST or SECOND day back to school. If the test is not made up on either one of these days the grade will be reduced. Special circumstances will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Major projects follow the same procedure.

Homework and Grading Policy

Homework will be posted on the teacher's website (accessible through the WRJSHS website- Click Directory → Wood-Ridge Junior Senior High School Staff → Forsyth, Kimberly. Students are expected to check the site each day and complete the assignment(s) posted. Assignments may also be announced in class and written on the homework board. It is up to the student to make sure they are aware of any assignments. It would be a good idea to get the contact information of a classmate in the event that you do not know what you missed.

Grades will be awarded as follows:

  • Project-Based Assessments - 40%
  • Formal Assessments = 40%
  • Informal Assessments = 10%
  • Homework = 10%

All homework must include the student’s name and the DATE SUBMITTED. Late work must include the date it is submitted as well as the original due date.

Students will receive a letter grade down for each day that an assignment is not handed in. Special circumstances will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Behavior Policy

Students are expected to adhere to the behavior policy of Wood-Ridge High School as stated in the Student Handbook. Again, the unauthorized use of cell phones, iPods, and restricted devices/content (Facebook, Twitter, computer games, etc.) during class is not permitted and will result in disciplinary action.

Bullying: Bullying other students is never okay. If you are found bullying or pressuring another student, disciplinary action will be taken, according to all school policies.

Detentions: All detentions must be served in a timely manner as per school rules.

**If you know you have a commitment you absolutely cannot miss or know that you have to make the bus, then it is your responsibility to ensure that your behavior is at its best!**

Cheating: Wood-Ridge Junior Senior High School promotes a “Zero Tolerance Cheating Policy.” All circumstances involving cheating will be reported to the administration. The student will receive an “F” on the assignment and must get it signed by a parent or guardian.

Feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns! I am always available for extra help when needed. Students are encouraged to speak to me if they need assistance- together we will find the best method to help them succeed.
I hope you have a wonderful school year!