Dates, Deadlines, and Events

To know what is going on, and for the PO to get in touch with you text @649bk44 to the number 81010

  1. The following calendar is testing for the current DP Juniors and Seniors:

Date / Session 7:30-11:00
Space for testing / # Tests / Session 12:00-3:00
Space for testing / # Tests
Wed. May 2
FMS Bank / Math Studies:
Math HL
Math SL / 9
Thurs. May 3
FMS Bank / Math Studies
Math HL
Math SL / 9
8 / Music HL
Music SL / 2
Mon. May 7 / English A Aux Gym / 17
Tues. May 8 / English A Aux Gym / 17 / History Aux Gym / 18
Wed. May 9 / History Aux Gym / 18 / Math HL IB Cafe / 1
Thurs. May 10 / Physics Aux Gym / 9
Frid. May 11 / Physics Aux Gym / 9
Mon. May 14 / Bio HL Aux Gym
Bio SL / 4
Tues. May 15 / Bio HL Aux Gym
Bio SL / 4
10 / Spanish SL Aux Gym / 9
Wed. May 16 / Spanish HL Aux Gym
Spanish SL / 1
8 / Chem SL IB CAFE / 3
Thurs. May 17 / Chem SL IB CAFE
Further Maths *** / 3
1 / French SL aux gym / 11
Fri. May 18 / French Aux Gym / 11 / Further Maths IB CAFE / 1

Need parent volunteers during testing!

2. Internal Assessments for specific courses:

●4/3/18CAS is completed--including reflections FOR SENIORS

●4/16/18Seniors select stoles

●4/18/18TOK field trip

3. IB Matriculation list finalized--seniors must have completed all IAs APRIL 3,2018

●Matriculation Date: May 22, 2018 @ 6:00 pm

4. Extended Essay timeline for Juniors

●March 30th: have met with librarian to discuss data bases and sources for research

●April 13: prove viability of proposed research question with 5-10 sources

●April 27: have met with supervisor for 1st interview and compete form

●May: EE Coordinator, Mr. Shaver, will meet student individually to discuss background of chosen topic, details for two section of the EE, detailed bibliography, problems encountered, solutions proposed, plan for summer

●Email parents student’s plan @ end of May

5. Personal Projects scores sent to IB 4/10/2018. IB will send certificates with students scores to the school over the summer, and students will receive them in the Fall.

6. Registration for next years classes should be finalized.

●If grades fell below a C, students should seek assistance before registering for advanced/honors courses

●9th & 10th grade students are encouraged to take as many advanced/honors courses as they feel comfortable

●11th &12th graders may now select to take 1 or more DP courses without doing the full diploma.

●TOK is open to all 11th and 12th grade students

●There will be a sophomore Visual Arts option: FIN700A/B if students want their 6th subject to be Visual Art

Sample Sophomore Schedule:

○1. Pre DP/AP English 10

○2. Pre DP/AP World Language 2

○3. Pre DP/AP US History & Pre DP/AP Gov

○4. Science--Bio, AP Physics, Chem, AP Environ

○5. Math--Algebra 2, Trig/Pre-Calc, Stats

○6. Elective: Pre DP Art, Pre DP Theatre, Music Class

○7. Elective

Sample Junior Schedule:

○1. DP English 1

○2. DP World Language 1

○3. DP History of Americas

○4. DP Science: Bio, Physics, Chem

○5. Math: Alg. 2, Trig/Pre Calc, AP Stats

○6. DP Arts: Visual Arts, Theatre, Music, Film

○7. TOK 2nd semester only!

Sample Senior Schedule:

○1. DP English 2

○2. DP World Language 2

○3. DP 20th Century History

○4. OPEN!!!

○5. DP Math Studies or DP Math SL

○6. DP Arts: Visual Arts, Theatre, Music, Film

○7. TOK 1st semester only

7. Matriculation Ceremony: MAY 22

Other important things:

  1. We need to build our Organization and fill roles: Secretary, Treasurer, Volunteer Coordinator
  2. What events are important to our kids and to the program?
  3. These are the events that we currently oversee:
  4. 9th grade welcome April 17
  5. 9th Grade Orientation
  6. Honors Breakfast
  7. IB Retreat
  8. Soup lunch in December
  9. IB Showcase
  10. Teacher Appreciation Breakfast

What events do we want to continue to support, what different or additional supports should be offer?