Dates, Deadlines, and Events
To know what is going on, and for the PO to get in touch with you text @649bk44 to the number 81010
- The following calendar is testing for the current DP Juniors and Seniors:
Date / Session 7:30-11:00
Space for testing / # Tests / Session 12:00-3:00
Space for testing / # Tests
Wed. May 2
FMS Bank / Math Studies:
Math HL
Math SL / 9
Thurs. May 3
FMS Bank / Math Studies
Math HL
Math SL / 9
8 / Music HL
Music SL / 2
Mon. May 7 / English A Aux Gym / 17
Tues. May 8 / English A Aux Gym / 17 / History Aux Gym / 18
Wed. May 9 / History Aux Gym / 18 / Math HL IB Cafe / 1
Thurs. May 10 / Physics Aux Gym / 9
Frid. May 11 / Physics Aux Gym / 9
Mon. May 14 / Bio HL Aux Gym
Bio SL / 4
Tues. May 15 / Bio HL Aux Gym
Bio SL / 4
10 / Spanish SL Aux Gym / 9
Wed. May 16 / Spanish HL Aux Gym
Spanish SL / 1
8 / Chem SL IB CAFE / 3
Thurs. May 17 / Chem SL IB CAFE
Further Maths *** / 3
1 / French SL aux gym / 11
Fri. May 18 / French Aux Gym / 11 / Further Maths IB CAFE / 1
Need parent volunteers during testing!
2. Internal Assessments for specific courses:
●4/3/18CAS is completed--including reflections FOR SENIORS
●4/16/18Seniors select stoles
●4/18/18TOK field trip
3. IB Matriculation list finalized--seniors must have completed all IAs APRIL 3,2018
●Matriculation Date: May 22, 2018 @ 6:00 pm
4. Extended Essay timeline for Juniors
●March 30th: have met with librarian to discuss data bases and sources for research
●April 13: prove viability of proposed research question with 5-10 sources
●April 27: have met with supervisor for 1st interview and compete form
●May: EE Coordinator, Mr. Shaver, will meet student individually to discuss background of chosen topic, details for two section of the EE, detailed bibliography, problems encountered, solutions proposed, plan for summer
●Email parents student’s plan @ end of May
5. Personal Projects scores sent to IB 4/10/2018. IB will send certificates with students scores to the school over the summer, and students will receive them in the Fall.
6. Registration for next years classes should be finalized.
●If grades fell below a C, students should seek assistance before registering for advanced/honors courses
●9th & 10th grade students are encouraged to take as many advanced/honors courses as they feel comfortable
●11th &12th graders may now select to take 1 or more DP courses without doing the full diploma.
●TOK is open to all 11th and 12th grade students
●There will be a sophomore Visual Arts option: FIN700A/B if students want their 6th subject to be Visual Art
Sample Sophomore Schedule:
○1. Pre DP/AP English 10
○2. Pre DP/AP World Language 2
○3. Pre DP/AP US History & Pre DP/AP Gov
○4. Science--Bio, AP Physics, Chem, AP Environ
○5. Math--Algebra 2, Trig/Pre-Calc, Stats
○6. Elective: Pre DP Art, Pre DP Theatre, Music Class
○7. Elective
Sample Junior Schedule:
○1. DP English 1
○2. DP World Language 1
○3. DP History of Americas
○4. DP Science: Bio, Physics, Chem
○5. Math: Alg. 2, Trig/Pre Calc, AP Stats
○6. DP Arts: Visual Arts, Theatre, Music, Film
○7. TOK 2nd semester only!
Sample Senior Schedule:
○1. DP English 2
○2. DP World Language 2
○3. DP 20th Century History
○4. OPEN!!!
○5. DP Math Studies or DP Math SL
○6. DP Arts: Visual Arts, Theatre, Music, Film
○7. TOK 1st semester only
7. Matriculation Ceremony: MAY 22
Other important things:
- We need to build our Organization and fill roles: Secretary, Treasurer, Volunteer Coordinator
- What events are important to our kids and to the program?
- These are the events that we currently oversee:
- 9th grade welcome April 17
- 9th Grade Orientation
- Honors Breakfast
- IB Retreat
- Soup lunch in December
- IB Showcase
- Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
What events do we want to continue to support, what different or additional supports should be offer?