October 2017 / /
Tilbury Area Public School
Telephone: 519-682-2260
Mr. L. Balkwill, Principal
Mrs. R. Shea – Vice Principal
Mrs. D. Blair, Secretary / Tilbury Area Public School Website
Lambton Kent District School Board
Thanks for Visiting on Meet the Teacher Night
We had a very good turnout for our Meet the Teacher event. Thanks for setting aside part of your evening to be with us. I enjoyed seeing students and being introduced to parents and guardians. Please keep in mind that it does not need to be a special event for you to stop by. You are welcome to join us for sporting events, assemblies and volunteer activities.
Thanks again to School Council for recommending that the Optimist Club be present to take care of the barbecue so everyone could have time to meet and socialize.
School Council News
Congratulations and thank you to our
2017-2018 Executive for stepping into the following leadership positions:
Chair: Melina Mellow
Co-Chair: Lisa Russell
Secretary: Debbie Valihora
Congratulations also to Lisa Russell for joining the Board’s Parent Involvement Committee.
Notice/ Invitation to Special meeting of School Council
There will be a meeting on October 2 at 6:30 at TAPS to discuss Grade 8 Graduation. We are looking for parent volunteers from all grades to assist in the planning of this special occasion.
Student Council News
Student Council Elections
Student Council elections were a mix of traditional speeches and digital iMovie presentations. We would like to congratulate all students who participated in the election. Your initiative and leadership skills are fantastic! The 2017-2018 Student Council Executive and Class Representatives list is posted on our bulletin board. Teacher Supervisors for this year are Mrs. Dittmer, Ms. Bolohan and Mrs. Johnston.
Sports News
Thanks to our teacher-coaches, Soccer teams will be competing in a tournament on October 3 at TDHS and our Cross country team has a meet on Oct 12 and 19 at Harwich Raleigh P.S. and Oct 25 in Sarnia.
Parents are encouraged to review the new volunteer driver policy in order to be permitted to transport anyone other than your child.
PA DAY Friday, October 27th.
School pictures Retake day
Tuesday October 17th
Battery Recycling
We are continuing to collect used batteriesfor recycling. There are white buckets in the school office to collect used batteries. Before recycling 9 volt batteries, please cover the contact points with tape to avoid a short circuit and potential dangerous situation. Thank you for keeping batteries out of the landfill.
EQAO 2016-2017 Results
We are very proud of our students, teachers, support staff and parents for the ongoing efforts in helping students to achieve their academic potential. The graph shows our students’ performance as compared to the Board and Provincial Results in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. We will continue to use this information as one of many measures to reflect on our instructional practices and implement teaching and learning strategies to benefit our students.
Field trip planning / Fundraising
Teachers are planning a variety of educational tours and field trips. Our fundraisers help to reduce the cost to you. Thank you to all who supported our Farm Fresh fundraiser. Customers will be notified when orders will come in.
Birds of Prey Visit TAPS
We were very fortunate to have the Canadian Raptor Conservancy show visit our own back yard. We were entertained and educated as a Bald Eagle, Harris Hawk, Turkey Vulture, Great Horned Owl and Red-tailed Hawk soared majestically from perch to perch and to its trainer. The CRC strongly believe that education is the key to conservation.
For more information check them out at http://www.canadianraptorconservancy.com