Edgartown School 4th Grade

Expectations, Classroom Information, and Curriculum


Student Expectations

  • Come to school rested, fed, and ready to learn.
  • Treat others with respect at all times.
  • Participate in class.
  • Try your best all of the time.
  • Ask for help when you do not understand.
  • Make mistakes- mistakes help us know what you are learning.
  • Take care of school materials.
  • Take responsibility for behavior.
  • Complete homework and bring it to school daily.



Newsletters will be posted on the Edgartown School Website. The newsletter will include what is happening in our classroom and important reminders. Please also check the Edgartown School Website for any other notices.


Our classroom can be reached by calling 627-3316 ext. 211(Robin Moriarty), ext. 216 (Kate McCormick), and ext. 220 (Ryan Leandro) or via email at , , . Please do not leave an important message on the voicemail, as we cannot always listen to the messages prior to the end of the school day. Please try to call back or call the office. Students are only allowed to use the phone for important issues. Plans need to be made before school.

Social Curriculum

The Edgartown School has been implementing the Responsive Classroom Approach for many years. Our goal is to create a safe and positive atmosphere, which will enable students to optimize their potential. Components of the Responsive Classroom Approach include:

Morning Meeting

We start each day off with a Morning Meeting. This includes a greeting, sharing, a class activity/game and then the morning message. The meeting sets the tone for the day. Its purpose is to help our students make connections with their teachers and classmates.

Classroom Rules

Students will work together to create their classroom rules. Rules are stated in the positive, so we enforce what behaviors should look and sound like. Throughout the year, we will review our rules and what they should look like in our classroom. It is known that students who help create the rules are more apt to follow them.

Logical Consequences/Take A Break

We have a “take a break” spot in our classroom for students who need to refocus their behavior. Once they feel as though they are ready to return to the group they may. Should “Take a Break” become a habit, a conference between the student and teacher will happen and other consequences may occur.


4th Grade Homework Expectations

1. Independent Reading (20 minutes)

2. Math Assignment (15 minutes)

3. Weekly Spelling Words/Vocabulary (5 minutes)

** Other assignments may be substituted, such as Journal writing and Long Term Projects (Book Reports/Social Studies/Science Reports/Math Projects)

4th Grade Homework Policy

Missed assignment (s): Student will be expected to complete the missed assignment the next night at home (in addition to assigned homework). If there is a pattern of missed homework then the teacher will contact the parents to come in and meet with the teacher and child to make a plan.

4th Grade Curriculum

The fourth grade curriculum is based on the Massachusetts State Mathematics Frameworks and Common Core State Standards. You can find the 4th grade framework at the following site( The Common Core Standards which inform our state standards can be found at


In grade four, your child will use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve word problems, including problems involving measurement of volume, mass, and time. Students will continue to build their understanding of fractions—creating equal fractions, comparing the size of fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, and multiplying fractions by whole numbers. They will also start to understand the relationship between fractions and decimals. Activities in these areas will include:

-adding and subtracting whole numbers up to 1 million quickly and accurately

-solving multi-step word problems, including problems involving measurement and converting measurements from larger to smaller units

-multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers

-extending understanding of fractions by comparing the size of two fractions with different numerators and different denominators

-creating equal fractions (3/4 = 6/8)

-adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator

-building fractions from smaller fractions

-connecting addition and subtraction of whole numbers to multiplying fractions by whole numbers

-connecting addition of fractions to the concept of angle measurement

-representing and interpreting data

-converting fractions with denominators of 10 or 100 into decimals

-locating decimals on a number line

-comparing decimals and fractions using the symbols for more than, equal to, and less than.

We teach math using the scientifically researched, rigorous curriculum called Eureka Math. You will receive their “Tips for Parents” at the beginning of each our 7 units of study this year.

It is very important that students master their addition and subtraction tables and master their multiplication and division facts through their 12’s tables. We start out the year reviewing these and it is imperative that your child study/practice/memorize the tables at home. These facts are important to know, as they are a foundation for topics covered throughout the year. We will be spending minimal time in class on memorizing facts. If your child does not know their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts automatically they should be working on them at home on a daily basis. Please refer to the fourth grade web pages for resources to practice math facts at home.


Fourth Gradersbecome better readers by reading independently, with partners, in small focus groups and as a whole class. We use the Making Meaning reading program as a resource for our reading instruction. The Making Meaning program is a classroom-tested K–8 reading curriculum that combines comprehension research with best practices for social and emotional learning. This approach creates an environment where students learn to collaborate, agree and disagree respectfully, and take responsibility for their own learning. Carefully selected nonfiction and fiction read-aloud trade books support the teaching of nine different comprehension strategies, developing students’ thinking and understanding of increasingly complex texts.Our reading instruction is supplemented with other high quality informational text, literature and research based support programs such as Read Naturally. During Read Aloud, we will model the thinking and processing of information that occurs when someone reads. We discuss and model the many strategies readers use to improve their Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and to Expand their Vocabulary.


In our 4th grade classroom, your child will be learning about the writing process during Writer’s Workshop. Students will be engaged in three types of writing: Narrative, Opinion, and Informative. We use the Lucy Calkins Unit of Study in Opinion, Information, and Narrative Writing Program to guide our instruction, including prewriting, drafting, editing, revising, writing a final draft and sharing. Several times a week, we will have writing mini-lessons that focus on Ideas, Voice, Organization, Sentence Fluency, Word Choice, and/orConventions. Fourth Graders also write poetry, reports, and letters.


We have a list of spelling words that are called Priority Words. Students are required to always spell these words correctly. The words are posted on the wall in the classroom. The learning goal for spelling is to have students spell and proofread correctly in their daily writing. They will be asked to make spelling corrections in their writing on a daily basis. During our Word Work lessons, we teach the rules of syllabication, reviewing phonics, and the many rules of spelling. Students will also complete several activities each week based on these lessons.

Science/Social Studies

The 4th grade Science/Social Studies Curricula are based on the Massachusetts State Social Studies and Science Frameworks. In science, fourth graders investigate these questions through inquiry and research:

-What are waves and what are some things they can do?

-How can water, ice, wind and vegetation change the land?

-What patterns of Earth’s features can be determined with the use of maps?

-How do internal and external structures support the survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction of plants and animals?

-What is energy and how is it related to motion? How is energy transferred? How can energy be used to solve a problem?”

In Social Studies we will focus on U.S. Geography and Immigration. These topics can be found at We will be reading from a variety of high quality sources, completing projects and researching to expand our knowledge.

We look forward to a year full of learning and growth! Please contact us at anytime with questions or concerns. Together we can help your child reach his/her full potential.


Ryan Leandro, Kate McCormick, and Robin Moriarty

4th Grade Teachers Edgartown School