Section 3Session 17: Action plan

Questions to aid SMART goal setting

Specific / Measurable / Achievable / Realistic/relevance / Time aware
Goal / Objectives / What do I need to achieve? / Relevance / Timings
What staff development is required to initiate or improve the use of
e-learning within your organisation?
What are the training needs of the staff?
What resources are currently available for e-learning?
What resources are required to help in the cascade plan?
What are implications for the management – cost, allocation? / How will you gather this information?
How will you track the information and what it means?
How will you know if changes have happened?
How will you know it’s been successful?
What forms of feedback are you planning for? / How will you find this information?
What equipment is needed and what needs to be purchased?
Do you have all the skills to cascade or do you need assistance?
Who will help you? / Does your organisation have an ILT strategy?
Where does e-learning fit into the strategy?
What has happened already and what is in the plan for the future and where does your cascade plan fit?
Why have you planned the goal? What was the purpose? / When are you going to take action?
Does each goal have an end date for achievement?
Are others aware of the time restraint/structure?

Two examples of goal setting and SMART planning:

Specific / Measurable / Achievable / Realistic/relevance / Time aware
To support tutors in all aspects of e-implementation. / Eighteen tutors from various curriculum areas are taking part in Laptop for Tutors project.
A training event will introduce them to websites, Hot Potatoes™ and NLN materials. / Venue, NLN sampler CDs, ILT tutors to support in the event.
Equipment: projector, interactive whiteboard, access to internet.
One IT tutor to be available to co-deliver content. / Support Laptop for Tutors scheme with ILT coordinator.
To encourage and enthuse the development of
e-learning within all curriculum areas. / Training event in January 2005.
Current Laptop for Tutors group phase completes in March 2005.
How to use a digital camera to evidence progress and achievement. / Up to 25 ACL tutors and support staff will be able to attend a four hour, half-day session.
New tutors will receive same training at induction session. / Skills audit as a result of questionnaire.
Liaison with ILT Champions to help deliver session. / Induction and staff development training. / In June 2005, a day and/or evening session.

E-Guides training programme 2006 – 20071