TTAP Team Job Descriptions


○Call teacher and ask for student information to be delivered/faxed to the team leader:






○Transition Plan & Assessment Information


○Outside Reports

○Student’s Daily Schedule

○Most recent Re-evaluation Report

○Student’s daily schedule

○Student’s type of schedule, if any. (written list, icons, pictures, etc.)

○Go through TEACHER checklist with teacher and email him/her the list if necessary

○E-mail Parent Information Letter to the teacher to be sent home with the student.

○Schedule a time with team members to test and relay that information to the teacher.


○Get the test kit. Kit is being stored at ______.

○Check TTAP Folder (blue)/ TTAP Kit to make sure all materials are present and in good working order.

○Gather materials not included in kit.

○Money (see money bag in blue folder)

○Snack for student on the day of the test (call/email teacher for ideas)

○Set up test materials the evening prior to the day of the test (arrange with teacher).

○Determine which vending machine will be used, where the vending machine is, and how the vending machine operates. Make sure the vending machine will be turned on at the time of the evaluation. Share this information with the RECORDER/TTAP team during the pre-test meeting.

○Touch base with the teacher the evening prior to the day of the test to answer any questions.

○Arrange to have a computer for day of test (bring own laptop, make arrangements with teacher to have computer in testing room).

○ This will be used for the typing portion (#12) of the test and can be used for assessing distractibility (#15).

○Put all materials away when test is complete.

○Record any missing items, damaged/broken items, and/or items that need to be refilled on the Materials Checklist in the blue folder.

○Return kit to team leader.

TEACHER: (EVALUATOR should review this checklist with the teacher)

* At least 2 weeks prior to testing:

○Obtain signed Consent to Test and Release to Share Information (for student records) from parents.

○Send/fax consent forms/student records to the team leader






○Transition Plan & Assessment Information


○Outside Reports

○Student’s Daily Schedule

○Most recent Re-evaluation Report

○Student’s daily schedule

○Student’s type of schedule, if any. (written list, icons, pictures, etc.)

* As soon as test date has been scheduled with TTAP team:

○Schedule appropriate room in student’s school building.

○Schedule Parent Interview for the day of the test. Share that information with the EVALUATOR.

○Send Parent Information Letter home with student.

○Prepare student for change in his schedule as appropriate.

Remain in contact with TTAP team (EVALUATOR) regarding any issues.

* Day of test:

○Bring student to test room and introduce to TTAP team.

○Make arrangements with office (or other familiar staff) for student to deliver a message.

○Make arrangements to place a phone call to the EVALUATOR so student can take a message.

○Keep TTAP team on track regarding student’s lunch.


○Get “official” protocol/file. Call team leader at

○Record scores and observations during the test.

○Operate the timer during the test. There should be one in the kit but make sure!

○Communicate with material organizer during the test.


○Set up appointment to meet with the teacher.

○Make arrangements with TTAP team member for assistance.

○Get “official” protocol/file. Call team leader at ______.

○Return file to team leader.


○Ask teacher when the parent interview has been scheduled.

○Make arrangements with TTAP team member for assistance.

○Get “official” protocol/file. Call team leader at ______.

○Return file to team leader.

TASN Autism and Tertiary Behavior Supports is funded through Part B funds administered by the Kansas State Department of Education's Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services. TASN Autism and Tertiary Behavior Supports does not discriminate on the basis ofrace, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programsand activities. The following person has been designated to handleinquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: DeputyDirector, Keystone Learning Services, 500 E. Sunflower, Ozawkie,KS 66070, 785-876-2214.