Prepared By


Regt No-MIMTS/10-12/05




I SiddharthChatterjee a student of Mahendra Institute of Management and Technical Studies,BBSR , bearing Regt no-MIMTS/10-12/05 ,do hereby declare that this project report entitled “ Employee Engagement ” atTATA Teleservices is the outcome of my own work and University / Institute before.

I also declare that the data provided in this report are true and fair to the best of my knowledge and the interpretations and are based on my own understanding and judgment.







I feel it is a great privilege to acknowledge my sincere obligation and deepest gratitude to Mr. ShibashisMishra (HR Head),Miss Puspanjalikar(Assistant Manager HR),Mr.Ayaskant Nanda (Assistant Manager HR), in Tata Teleservices Ltd., Bhubaneswar for giving me their active guidance, supervision and constant inspiration for successful preparation of this project.

I would also extend my thanks to my project guide Prof.SarmisthaMishra who has given me enough flexibility to complete my project.


Regt no-MIMTS/10-12/05



1. / Introduction
Literature review
Scope and Importance of the study
Objectives of the study
Methodology of the study
Limitation of the study / 6-13
2. / Profile of the Organization
JRD QV Awards
Evaluation Process / 14-40
3. / Practices in the Organization
Techniques of retention in TTSL
Employee Engagement
Employee satisfaction factors
Employee and motivational activity in TTSL
Elements of the Employee Engagement
Elements of the Employee engagement model [DARPAN]
Recognition and Reward System
People Touch – IT Enabled HR / 41-47
4. / Questionnaire / 48-49
5. / Analysis of Questionnaire / 50-61
6. / Findings / 62-63
7. / Suggestions / 64-65
8. / Conclusion / 66-67
9. / Bibliography / 68-69


Literature review


Employee Engagement at its best would imply heightened level of ownership where each employee wants to do whatever they can for the benefit of the internal and external customers ,and for the success of the organization as a whole.

We give a lot of importance to talent engagement because of correlations between employee engagement and desirable business outcomes such as retention of talent ,customer service ,individual performance ,team performance, business unit productivity ,and even enterprise –level financial performance.

In order to meet Employee Expectations and engage them on a continuous basis, some organisations have developed the Employee Engagement Model (EEM).

Attributes of Employee Engagement

There are the 10 most important attributes which lead to better employee engagement

1.Communicate: Project managers should clearly indicate their expectations from and about the employee. They should also provide feedback to the employees regarding their work and performance.

2.Career: Management should provide meaningful work to the employees along with career growth opportunities.

3.Confidence: Good managers should induce and boost confidence in an employee.

4.Control: Managers should let the employees utilize the control which they have on their job and career.

5.Clarity: Managers should have a clear vision of what job is to be done and how it is to be done. Also the managers should effectively communicate these visions and plans.

6.Collaborate: Good coordination and relationships should me maintained within a team. Managers should motivate their employees to work in and as a team. He should also take steps to cultivate trust among the team members.

7.Compliment: Give recognition to the employee for the job well done.

8.Connect: Managers should make their employees feel valuable and important. Show that you care.

9.Contribute: Give opportunities to employees to contribute in the management decision making process. Ask for suggestions, new ideas, and ways of improvement.

10.Credibility: Managers should set examples for the employee by imbibing and teach others to practice ethical standards and practices. He should maintain company’s reputation.

Key Drivers of Employee Engagement

The key drivers of employee engagement are:

• Type of job: The job should be challenging enough to motivate the employee. The employee should be interested in his/her job.

• Relationship between employee and organizational performance: The employee should know how he and his work are contributing to the organization’s goals.

• Growth opportunities:

The employee should have ample opportunities for his career development and growth.

• Brand name: The employee should feel proud of being associated with the organization.

• Coworkers: The nature and type of co workers also influences the employee engagement level.

• Skills enhancement: Employee should get ample on-the-job opportunities to develop their skill set.

• Relationship with the boss: Employee should value his relationship with his boss.

All these factors when combined help in increasing employee engagement levels.

Measuring Employee Engagement

In order to increase employee retention, the organization should know how engaged their employee are. Here are a few questions which can be asked to the employees to measure employee engagement levels in the organization.

10 Questions to measure employee engagement

  1. Does the employee know the organization’s expectations from him?
  2. Does the employee have all the resources (material, tools, information) to do his work right?
  3. Does the employee find opportunities at work to do what he is best to do?
  4. Does the employee get any recognition, praise or acknowledgement for his work in the last seven days?
  5. Does the supervisors or colleagues care about the employee as a person?
  6. Is the employee encouraged for his development at work?
  7. Does employee’s opinion matters or counted?
  8. Does the employee feel that his work is important for the organization?
  9. Are your fellow employees doing quality work or are committed to do so?
  10. Does the employee have a best friend at work?

Increasing Employee Engagement

An organization’s productivity is measured not in terms of employee satisfaction but by employee engagement. Employees are said to be engaged when they show a positive attitude toward the organization and express a commitment to remain with the organization.

Organizations that believe in increasing employee engagement levels focus on:

  1. Culture: It consists of a foundation of leadership, vision, values, effective communication, a strategic plan, and HR policies that are focused on the employee.
  2. Continuous Reinforcement of People-Focused Policies: Continuous reinforcement exists when senior management provides staff with budgets and resources to accomplish their work, and empowers them.
  3. Meaningful Metrics: They measure the factors that are essential to the organization’s performance. Because so much of the organization’s performance is dependent on people, such metrics will naturally drive the people-focus of the organization and lead to beneficial change.
  4. Organizational Performance: It ultimately leads to high levels of trust, pride, satisfaction, success, and believe it or not, fun.

Increasing employee engagement

  • Provide variety: Tedious, repetitive tasks can cause burn out and boredom over time. If the job requires repetitive tasks, look for ways to introduce variety by rotating duties, areas of responsibility, delivery of service etc.
  • Conduct periodic meetings with employees to communicate good news, challenges and easy-to-understand company financial information. Managers and supervisors should be comfortable communicating with their staff, and able to give and receive constructive feedback.
  • Indulge in employee deployment if he feels he is not on the right job. Provide an open environment.
  • Communicate openly and clearly about what's expected of employees at every level - your vision, priorities, success measures, etc.
  • Get to know employees' interests, goals, stressors, etc. Show an interest in their well-being and do what it takes enable them to feel more fulfilled and better balanced in work and life.
  • Celebrate individual, team and organizational successes. Catch employees doing something right, and say "Thank you."
  • Be consistent in your support for engagement initiatives. If you start one and then drop it, your efforts may backfire. There's a strong connection between employees' commitment to an initiative and management's commitment to supporting it.

Handling Non-Engaged Employees

Not all the employees are engaged in an organization. There are those who are not engaged and tend to concentrate on tasks other than the goals and outcomes they are expected to accomplish. Efforts are to be made to raise levels of engagement for those who fall in the not-engaged range.

These non engaged employees want themselves to be spoon fed in terms of work targets and are rarely seen to take initiatives. They focus on accomplishing a task rather than achieving an outcome. Managers tend to believe giving targets to employees keeps them engaged. In real terms, manager who provides only a task to an employee reinforces not-engaged behaviors and actually move away from engaging the heart, mind, and soul of that employee.

Actively disengaged employees aren't just unhappy at work. They spread their discontentment to every other employee and undermine the work of others. They are not just indifferent to company goals and mission but also express their mistrust and animosity. Employees who are not engaged tend to feel their contributions are being overlooked, and their potential is not being tapped. They often feel this way because they don't have productive relationships with their managers or with their coworkers.

Too often people have to work with others who have become actively disengaged. The way to get people to become a part of an organization is through relationships. Employees who feel disconnected emotionally from their coworkers and supervisor do not feel committed to their work. They hang back and do the minimum because they believe their contribution hardly counts. These employees lower the bar for themselves by doing the least amount of work necessary. Managers should try to interact with these non engaged employees so as to identify the improvement areas. Providing consistent and positive feedback to the subordinates can help in boosting the morale of non engaged employees. By exhibiting a caring nature, manager can show his employees of what importance they are to him. Managers can also help employees refocus on the demands of their roles and on the skills, knowledge, and talents they bring to their jobs. The manager who takes the proper time to have a dialogue about an employee's strengths and how these can make a difference creates essential ties that lead to employee commitment.

As employees increasingly work with each other to deliver commitments, the problems and tensions that are fostered by actively disengaged workers cause great damage to an organization's functioning. A good manager has to identify those who are disengaged and explore the reasons behind their discontentment to determine if coaching or other interventions are appropriate. In some cases, employees respond favorably to opportunities to reconnect and rekindle their interest and enthusiasm for their jobs. However there are some who thrive on the negativity and refuse to become part of any solution. If they repeatedly refuse opportunities to engage again, terminating their employment should be seriously considered in order to avoid further damage to staff morale and organizational progress.

Employee Scheduling

Higher employee retention rates call for innovative methods of managing workforce. Employees are leaving their workplaces at a faster pace because of which managers have to take corrective action to make employees stick to their organizations. One of the reasons why employees leave is low levels of work engagement among them. Poor scheduling of work may result in employees who either are overloaded with work or don’t have any work at all. For the purpose of engaging employees effectively, managers follow the workforce scheduling process.

Employee scheduling refers to the assignment of tasks between the employees. It is a difficult and a time consuming process. It involves producing detailed daily (or monthly) schedules for individual employees while taking the organization’s goal into consideration.

Managers often misuse workforce scheduling to refer to employee scheduling. Workforce scheduling is basically the short-term allocation of tasks in time. The people scheduled are assumed to be homogeneous in terms of their skills, that is, individual skills are not taken into account while scheduling employees. On the other hand, employee scheduling takes into account individual skills and distinguishes employees in terms of their skills and abilities.

How it is done

Following points are to be taken into account while scheduling employees:• Set of skills and the level of proficiency for each employee. This allows him/her to be assigned to simple tasks in a new skill, thus allowing a gradual development.

• Employees’ previous assignments so as to ensure that maximum work duration does not exceed in the current month or quarter.

• Skill and proficiency level required for each activity type.

• Company skills to develop, employees designated for training in these skills

• Scheduling history can also be used to produce schedules that are balanced with respect to values of counters.

The companies create a scheduling model which is a detailed assignment of employees to activities or skills on each day of the week. The schedule must consider the different timely (daily or weekly) constraints on work and rest duration, total work duration and total work duration per skill. Since employee scheduling is a complex process, many software are available in market which make it an easy task like VasTech's integrated workforce management tools for scheduling. It focuses on workforce scheduling and self scheduling, credentialing and expiration notification, payroll, costing, and time and attendance systems.

Scope & Importance :-

This study related to the retention of employees was taken up at TATA TELE SERVICES LIMITED, BHUBANESWAR. This study is expected to help in motivating and make employees engaged by assigning work according to the ability and capacity of an employee and relating them to higher responsibilities by recognizing their developmental needs, satisfaction factors.

It aims at improving employee-employer relationship and makes employee committed towards organization for a longer period through mutual understanding, trust and transparency.

The study will help the organization to understand the commitment level of employee towards organizational goal and will fulfill their expectation by improving “Feel Good Factors” at working environment inside the organization.

Objectives Of the Study:-

In this project work, I have made an attempt to study the techniques used to retain and motivate employee at work in TTSL. The main objectives of the present study are stated below:

  • To critically assess the appropriateness of the existing systems and policies in concern to strength and weakness of company.
  • To assess the relative contribution of the employees in the form of commitment and involvement to accomplish organizational goal.
  • To highlight employees expectation against their job so that they will stay in company for longer time.
  • To examine the necessities for changes in the existing pattern of PMS system, R&R System, Training and Development Program, Engagement forum e.t.c.
  • To understand organization culture, corporate ethics and employees behavioral pattern.


The researcher adopted the descriptive research design method to do the survey at TTSL. A survey is conducted for obtaining the feedback of employees about the training and development program at TTSL. Descriptive research includes survey and fact finding enquiries of different kinds. The research used this research design to find out the respondents and attitude inside the organization, by the research the researcher can only give suggestions but implementing this suggestion depends upon the interest of the company.


A questionnaire is prepared for doing the survey about analysis of training and development at TTSL.

Step-1 Define the population

Elements Employees of TTSL, sampling unit: Employees of TTSL

Step-2 Specify sampling

The executive and non executive employees of TTSL are taken as Sampling frame.

Step-3 Sampling design

It is the process of obtaining information about an entire population by Examination only a part of it.The item selected from the population is know as sample. Judgmental sampling,random sampling and convenience sampling are being used.

Step-4 Sample size

Sampling size is being taken as( including on-role and off-role)


The researcher is being done by taking the sample size of 50 executives.

This will represent the TTSL whole employees.


In this research sample size is 50. It includes only executives.


Data is being collected in the form of questionnaire.


Based on descriptive design method for achieving the objective of the study the researcher adopted instrumental tool as the questionnaire.


Taking the help of the questionnaire I am able to collect information about the organization. At TTSL I collected information or data by interacting with the employees. The information required for our project was collected mainly from the primary sources and even from the secondary sources. The primary source consists of the data analyzed from the questionnaire and interaction with the user at that time only. And internet is as secondary source.

Here in this project the methods used by me for collecting information the plans are–

Primary Method

Secondary method

PRIMARY METHOD: It is the direct respondents to employees of collecting information. Primary data are generated in an investigation according to the needs of the problem in hand. Here I collected the information from distributing questionnaire to the people.

SECONDARY METHOD: This is the method, which is collected through some other external sources. Secondary data can be defined as the data collected by someone else for purposes other than solving the problem. In this method I have collected the information from internet.