Table of Contents

Part IX. Office of Conservation―Natural Gas Policy Act

Chapter 1. NGPA Well Category Determination Rules and Procedures 1

§101. Determination of NGPA Well Categories 1

§103. Definitions 1

§105. Applications 1

§107. Documents Supporting Application 2

§109. Notice; Hearing 2

§111. Rehearings 3

§113. Notice of Determination 3

§115. Confidentiality 3

§117. Effective Date 3

Chapter 3. Tight Formation Rules and Procedures 3

§301. Authority 3

§303. Definitions 4

§305. Application 4

§307. Documents Supporting Application 4

§309. Notice, Hearing 5

§311. Rehearing 5

§313. Notice of Determination 5

§315. Confidentiality 5

§317. Effective Date 5

Part XI. Office of Conservation―Pipeline Division

Subpart 1. Natural Gas and Coal

Chapter 1. Natural Gas and Coal 7

§101. Definitions 7

§103. Applications 8

§105. Applications Not Requiring Public Notice 8

§107. Applications Requiring Public Notice 8

§109. Applications Requiring Public Hearing 8

§111. Applications and Notices 9

§113. Approvals by the Commissioner for Certain Matters under the Act 9

§115. Approvals by the Commissioner for Matters Involving Public Hearing 10

§117. Reports 10

§119. Applicability of Rules of Procedure 10

§121. Certificate of Transportation or License to be Issued Pursuant to the Provisions of §554 or 722 of the Act 10

§123. Requirements for Abandonment of All or Any Portion of a Facility, or Any Service Rendered by Means of Such Facility under §§555.B and 722 of the Act 10

§125. Transportation of Intrastate Natural Gas, Coal or Lignite and the Construction, Extension, Acquisition, and Operation of Facilities or Extension Thereof Pursuant to Provisions of §§555.C and 722 of the Act 11

§127. Intrastate Natural Gas 13

§129. Requirements for Connections Pursuant to §§555.H and 722 of the Act and Louisiana Constitution 1974 13

§131. Governing the Issuance of Orders Relative to the Transporting of Gas Using the Excess Capacity of Intrastate Gas Pipelines Pursuant to §501 et seq. of the Act 14

§133. Transportation of Intrastate Natural Gas and the Construction, Extension, Acquisition and Operation of Facilities or Extensions Thereof for the Purpose of Acquisition of Gas
Supplies within a Gas Supply Acquisition Service Area or Transportation of Gas Supplies
for Others within a Gas Supply Transportation Service Area Pursuant to the Provisions of §555(F) of the Act 19

§135. Prohibition of Rate Discrimination by Coal Slurry Transporters Pursuant to §723(H) of
the Act 20

§137. Governing the Use of Louisiana Water in Coal or Lignite Slurry Pipeline Operations Pursuant to §723(F) of the Act 20

§139. Requirements for Disposal of Water Resulting from Coal Slurry Pipeline Operations
under §723(G) of the Act 21

§141. Establishment, Promulgation, and Implementation of Emergency Gas Shortage
Allocation Plan 21

§143. Governing Compilation and Publication of Information Pursuant to §§546.A.(5) and 550
of the Act 27

Subpart 2. Underwater Obstructions

Chapter 3. Underwater Obstructions 29

§301. Definitions 29

§303. Applicability 29

§305. Variances 30

§307. Requirements for New Facilities 30

§309. Inspection and Reporting 30

§311. Abandoned Facilities 31

§313. Remedial Action 33

§315. Memorandum of Understanding 33

§317. Office of the Secretary 34

§319. Office of Conservation―Assistant Secretary 34

§321. Establishment of the Fund 34

§323. Use of the Fund 35

§325. Office of Conservation; Underwater Obstruction Assessments or Removal 35

§327. Underwater Obstruction Sites 35

§329. Liability 36

§331. Annual Report 36

Subpart 3. Pipeline Safety

Chapter 5. Pipeline Safety 37

§501. Service 37

§503. Subpoenas 37

§505. Inspection, Field Inspection Reports 37

§507. Letter of Noncompliance, Relief Therefrom 38

§509. Reinspection, Show Cause Conference 38

§511. Show Cause Hearing, Notice, Rules of Procedure, Record, Order of Compliance 39

§513. Emergency 39

§515. Civil Enforcement Injunction 39

§517. Criminal Enforcement, Penalties 39

Subpart 4. Carbon Dioxide

Chapter 7. Transmission of Carbon Dioxide Pipelines 41

§701. Definitions 41

§703. Operation, Construction, Extension, Acquisition, Interconnection or Abandonment of
Carbon Dioxide Transmission Facilities 41

§705. Hearings, Notice, Conferences and Orders 42

§707. Applications, Form and Content 43

Chapter 9. Transportation of Carbon Dioxide 44

§901. Scope 44

§903. Applicability 44

§905. Definitions 44

§907. Matter Incorporated by Reference 45

§909. Compatibility Necessary for Transportation of Carbon Dioxide 45

§911. Conversion to Service Subject to This Regulation 46

§913. Transportation of Carbon Dioxide in Pipelines Constructed with Other Than Steel Pipe 46

§915. Responsibility of Operator for Compliance with This Regulation 46

Chapter 11. Accident Reporting for Carbon Dioxide Pipelines 46

§1101. Scope 46

§1103. Telephonic Notice of Certain Accidents 46

§1105. Accident Reporting 47

§1107. Changes in or Additions to Accident Report 47

§1109. Operator Assistance in Investigation 47

Chapter 13. Design Requirements for Carbon Dioxide Pipelines 47

§1301. Scope 47

§1303. Qualifying Metallic Components Other Than Pipe 47

§1305. Design Temperature 48

§1307. Variations in Pressure 48

§1309. Internal Design Pressure 48

§1311. External Pressure 49

§1313. External Loads 49

§1315. New Pipe 49

§1317. Used Pipe 49

§1319. Valves 49

§1321. Fittings 50

§1323. Changes in Direction: Provision for Internal Passage 50

§1325. Fabricated Branch Connections 50

§1327. Closures 50

§1329. Flange Connection 50

§1331. Station Piping 50

§1333. Fabricated Assemblies 50

§1335. Vents 50

§1337. Sensing Devices 51

§1339. Fail-Safe Control 51

§1341. Sources of Power 51

Chapter 15. Construction Requirements for Carbon Dioxide Pipelines 51

§1501. Scope 51

§1503. Compliance with Specifications or Standards 51

§1505. Inspection: General 51

§1507. Material Inspection 51

§1509. Welding of Supports and Braces 52

§1511. Pipeline Location 52

§1513. Bending of Pipe 52

§1515. Welding: General 52

§1517. Welding: Miter Joints 52

§1519. Welders: Testing 52

§1521. Welding: Weather 52

§1523. Welding: Arc Burns 52

§1525. Welds and Welding Inspections: Standards of Acceptability 53

§1527. Welds: Repair or Removal of Defects 53

§1529. Welds: Nondestructive Testing and Retention of Testing Records 53

§1531. External Corrosion Protection 53

§1533. External Coating 53

§1535. Cathodic Protection System 54

§1537. Test Leads 54

§1539. Installation of Pipe in a Ditch 54

§1541. Underwater Obstructions 54

§1543. Cover over Buried Pipeline 54

§1545. Clearance between Pipe and Underground Structures 54

§1547. Backfilling 55

§1549. Above Ground Components 55

§1551. Crossings of Railroads and Highways 55

§1553. Valves: General 55

§1555. Valves: Location 55

§1557. Compression/Pumping Equipment 55

§1559. Construction Records 56

Chapter 17. Hydrostatic Testing of Carbon Dioxide Pipelines 56

§1701. Scope 56

§1703. General Requirements 56

§1705. Testing of Components 56

§1707. Test Medium 56

§1709. Testing of Tie-Ins 56

§1711. Records 56

Chapter 19. Operating and Maintaining Carbon Dioxide Pipelines 57

§1901. Scope 57

§1903. General Requirements 57

§1905. Procedural Manual for Operations, Maintenance, and Emergencies 57

§1907. Training 58

§1909. Maps and Records 59

§1911. Maximum Operating Pressures 59

§1913. Communications 59

§1915. Line Markers 60

§1917. Inspection of Rights-of-Way and Crossings under Navigable Waters 60

§1919. Cathodic Protection 60

§1921. External Corrosion Control 60

§1923. Internal Corrosion Control 61

§1925. Valve Maintenance 61

§1927. Pipeline Repairs 61

§1929. Pipe Movement 61

§1931. Scraper and Sphere Facilities 61

§1933. Overpressure Safety Devices 61

§1935. Firefighting Equipment 62

§1937. Signs 62

§1939. Security of Facilities 62

§1941. Smoking or Open Flames 62

§1943. Public Education 62

§1945. Reports 62

Subpart 5. Compressed Natural Gas

Chapter 25. Compressed Natural Gas 63

§2501. Scope 63

§2503. Retroactivity 63

§2505. Definitions 63

§2507. Applicability 64

§2509. Odorization 64

§2511. Severability 64

§2513. Application for Construction or Certification of Existing Facilities 64

§2515. Acquisition of an Existing CNG Facility 65

§2517. Changes in Service 65

§2519. Approval of CNG Systems Equipment and Components for Vehicles 65

§2521. Design and Construction of Cylinders and Pressure Vessels 65

§2523. Pressure Relief Devices 65

§2525. Pressure Gauges 66

§2527. Pressure Regulators 66

§2529. Piping 66

§2531. Valves 66

§2533. Hose and Hose Connections 67

§2535. Compression Equipment 67

§2537. Vehicle Fueling Connection 67

§2539. External Corrosion Control 67

§2541. Leak Survey 67

§2543. Report of CNG Incident/Accident 67

Part XIII. Office of Conservation―Pipeline Safety

Subpart 1. General Provisions

Chapter 1. General 69

§101. Applicability 69

§103. Purpose 69

§105. Incorporation by Reference 69

§107. Deviations from the Regulations 69

§109. Recommendation for Revision of Regulations 69

§111. Records, Reports 70

Subpart 2. Transportation of Natural Gas
and Other Gas by Pipeline [49 CFR Part 191]

Chapter 3. Annual Reports, Incident Reports and Safety Related Condition Reports [49 CFR Part 191] 70

§301. Scope [49 CFR 191.1] 70

§303. Definitions [49 CFR 191.3] 70

§305. Telephonic Notice of Certain Incidents [49 CFR 191.5] 71

§307. Report Submission Requirements [49 CFR 191.7] 72

§309. Distribution System: Incident Report [49 CFR 191.9] 72

§311. Distribution System: Annual Report [49 CFR 191.11] 72

§312. Distribution Systems: Mechanical Fitting Failure Reports [49 CFR 191.12] 72

§313. Distribution Systems Reporting Transmission Pipelines: Transmission or Gathering
Systems Reporting Distribution Pipelines [49 CFR 191.13] 73

§315. Transmission Systems; Gathering Systems; and Liquefied Natural Gas Facilities: Incident Report [49 CFR 191.15] 73

§317. Transmission Systems; Gathering Systems; and Liquefied Natural Gas Facilities: Annual Report [49 CFR 191.17] 73

§321. OMB Control Number Assigned to Information Collection [49 CFR 191.21] 73

§322. National Registry of Pipeline and LNG Operators [49 CFR 191.22] 73

§323. Reporting Safety-Related Conditions [49 CFR 191.23] 74

§325. Filing Safety-Related Condition Reports [49 CFR 191.25] 75

§327. Filing Offshore Pipeline Condition Reports [49 CFR 191.27] 75

§329. National Pipeline Mapping System [49 CFR 191.29] 76

Subpart 3. Transportation of Natural Gas or Other Gas
by Pipeline: Minimum Safety Standards [49 CFR Part 192]

Chapter 5. General [49 CFR Part 192 Subpart A] 76

§501. What is the Scope of this Subpart? [49 CFR 192.1] 76

§503. Definitions [49 CFR 192.3] 76

§505. Class Locations [49 CFR 192.5] 79

§507. What Documents are Incorporated by Reference Partly or Wholly in this Part?
[49 CFR 192.7] 79

§508. How are Onshore Gathering Lines and Regulated Onshore Gathering Lines
Determined? [49 CFR 192.8] 81

§509. What Requirements Apply to Gathering Lines? [49 CFR 192.9] 82

§510. Outer Continental Shelf Pipelines [49 CFR 192.10] 83

§511. Petroleum Gas Systems [49 CFR 192.11] 83

§513. What General Requirements Apply to Pipelines Regulated Under this Subpart?
[49 CFR 192.13] 83

§514. Conversion to Service Subject to this Part [49 CFR 192.14] 83

§515. Rules of Regulatory Construction [49 CFR 192.15] 84

§516. Customer Notification [49 CFR 192.16] 84

Chapter 7. Materials [49 CFR Part 192 Subpart B] 84

§701. Scope [49 CFR 192.51] 84

§703. General [49 CFR 192.53] 85

§705. Steel Pipe [49 CFR 192.55] 85

§709. Plastic Pipe [49 CFR 192.59] 85

§713. Marking of Materials [49 CFR 192.63] 86

§715. Transportation of Pipe [49 CFR 192.65] 86

Chapter 9. Pipe Design [49 CFR Part 192 Subpart C] 86

§901. Scope [49 CFR 192.101] 86

§903. General [49 CFR 192.103] 86

§905. Design Formula for Steel Pipe [49 CFR 192.105] 86

§907. Yield Strength (S) for Steel Pipe [49 CFR 192.107] 87

§909. Nominal Wall Thickness (t) for Steel Pipe [49 CFR 192.109] 87

§911. Design Factor (F) for Steel Pipe [49 CFR 192.111] 87

§912. Additional Design Requirements for Steel Pipe Using Alternative Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure. [49 CFR 192.112] 88

§913. Longitudinal Joint Factor (E) for Steel Pipe [49 CFR 192.113] 90

§915. Temperature Derating Factor (T) for Steel Pipe [49 CFR 192.115] 90

§921. Design of Plastic Pipe [49 CFR 192.121] 90

§923. Design Limitations for Plastic Pipe [49 CFR 192.123] 91

§925. Design of Copper Pipe [49 CFR 192.125] 91

Chapter 11. Design of Pipeline Components [49 CFR Part 192 Subpart D] 92

§1101. Scope [49 CFR 192.141] 92

§1103. General Requirements [49 CFR 192.143] 92

§1104. Qualifying Metallic Components [49 CFR 192.144] 92

§1105. Valves [49 CFR 192.145] 92

§1107. Flanges and Flange Accessories [49 CFR 192.147] 93

§1109. Standard Fittings [49 CFR 192.149] 93

§1110. Passage of Internal Inspection Devices [49 CFR 192.150] 93

§1111. Tapping [49 CFR 192.151] 94

§1113. Components Fabricated by Welding [49 CFR 192.153] 94

§1115. Welded Branch Connections [49 CFR 192.155] 94

§1117. Extruded Outlets [49 CFR 192.157] 94

§1119. Flexibility [49 CFR 192.159] 95

§1121. Supports and Anchors [49 CFR 192.161] 95

§1123. Compressor Stations: Design and Construction [49 CFR 192.163] 95

§1125. Compressor Stations: Liquid Removal [49 CFR 192.165] 96

§1127. Compressor Stations: Emergency Shutdown [49 CFR 192.167] 96

§1129. Compressor Stations: Pressure Limiting Devices [49 CFR 192.169] 97

§1131. Compressor Stations: Additional Safety Equipment [49 CFR 192.171] 97

§1133. Compressor Stations: Ventilation [49 CFR 192.173] 97

§1135. Pipe-Type and Bottle-Type Holders [49 CFR 192.175] 97

§1137. Additional Provisions for Bottle-Type Holders [49 CFR 192.177] 97

§1139. Transmission Line Valves [49 CFR 192.179] 98

§1141. Distribution Line Valves [49 CFR 192.181] 98

§1143. Vaults: Structural Design Requirements [49 CFR 192.183] 98

§1145. Vaults: Accessibility [49 CFR 192.185] 99

§1147. Vaults: Sealing, Venting, and Ventilation [49 CFR 192.187] 99

§1149. Vaults: Drainage and Waterproofing [49 CFR 192.189] 99

§1151. Design Pressure of Plastic Fittings [49 CFR 192.191] 99

§1153. Valve Installation in Plastic Pipe [49 CFR 192.193] 99

§1155. Protection against Accidental Overpressuring [49 CFR 192.195] 100

§1157. Control of the Pressure of Gas Delivered from High-Pressure Distribution Systems
[49 CFR 192.197] 100

§1159. Requirements for Design of Pressure Relief and Limiting Devices [49 CFR 192.199] 101

§1161. Required Capacity of Pressure Relieving and Limiting Stations [49 CFR 192.201] 101

§1163. Instrument, Control, and Sampling Pipe and Components [49 CFR 192.203] 101

Chapter 13. Welding of Steel in Pipelines [49 CFR Part 192 Subpart E] 102

§1301. Scope [49 CFR 192.221] 102

§1305. Welding Procedures [49 CFR 192.225] 102

§1307. Qualification of Welders [49 CFR 192.227] 102

§1309. Limitations on Welders [49 CFR 192.229] 102

§1311. Protection from Weather [49 CFR 192.231] 103

§1313. Miter Joints [49 CFR 192.233] 103

§1315. Preparation for Welding [49 CFR 192.235] 103

§1321. Inspection and Test of Welds [49 CFR 192.241] 103