Stow on the WoldTown Council

Stow Youth Centre, Fosseway, Stow on the Wold, Glos. GL541DW

Clerk: Robin Dix Phone: 01451 832 585

Minutes of the Burial Board Meeting held on16thApril2014 held in the Council Offices

Present: Colin Smalley (CS),Alun White (AW), Robin Jones (RJ), Derek Magson (DM), Graham Golby (GG), undertaker from wrights

Apologies: Rev. Martin Short, Chris Turner, Mike Curtis

The minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed subject to a couple of minor amendments.

Minutes:RJ proposed, AW seconded, all were in favour.
Matters arising from minutes:Approval from CDC had been given with regard to tree removal in the cemetery with regard Tree conservation order.
Ashes Wall:Currently awaiting quotes for the building of the wall.
Shed in Churchyard: Awaiting maps to provide physical evidence of when it was built (maps 1900 and 1930).
Terms and Conditions: Awaiting response from Mr Morris, CS confirmed Mr Morris has been working on this but not in a position to present to the committee yet.
Push Testing: GG gave an update on the ongoing testing that is taking place. He has completed over 300 out of 400 in the NM. When completed will move onto the old cemetery. GG will submit a report when the testing is completed. It was decided Rob Dix would not take the NAMM course, as the Push Testing would take up too much of his time.
Any Other Business: Wrights undertaker – advised that in our Terms and Conditions the base for the headstone are not standard dimensions. This means additional costs to the stone mason who passes that cost on to the customer. He enquired if the council was willing to revisit the size of the base. The committee agreed to revisit this before the Terms and Conditions are reissued.
The Next Meeting will be on June 11th in the Youth Centre.

Signed: ......

Dated: …......