Curriculum vitae

Name: Sølvi Wehn

Date of birth: 29.03.1974

Nationality: Norwegian

Present position: Research Scientist, Bioforsk Midt-Norge (2012 -)

Address: Bioforsk Midt-Norge, Kvithamar, 7500 STJØRDAL

Telephone: 92011217


Degrees: 2008: PhD in landscape ecology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim

2002: Cand.Scient. in plant ecology, NTNU, Trondheim

Earlier positions: 2009 - 2012: Associate professor, Queen Maud University College, Trondheim

Research activities and fields of interest:

·  Vegetation dynamics; at plant population, plant community and landscape level.

·  Spatial and temporal variation of vegetation pattern

·  Effects of climate on vegetation

·  Effects of land use on vegetation

·  Mountain ecology


2012 - : Sheep in motion (

2009 - : Gloria Norge (

2003 - 2008: BioScene (EU Research 5th FRP, contract no. EVK2-CT-2002-00167)

2000 - 2002: Forest fragmentation, forest-grassland dynamics, and biodiversity conservation in Madagascar (The Norwegian Research Council, project no. 12/579/720)

Peer-reviewed journals:

Wehn, S., Olsson, G.A. and Hanssen, S.K. 2012. Forest line changes after 1960 in a Norwegian mountain region – implications for the future? Norwegian journal of geography, 66(1): 2-10.

Olsson, G.A., Rønningen, K., Hanssen, S.K. and Wehn, S. 2011. The interrelationship of biodiversity and rural viability: sustainability assessment, land use scenarios and Norwegian mountains in a European context. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 13(2): 251–284.

Wehn, S., Pedersen, B. and Hanssen, S.K. 2011. A comparison of influences of cattle, goat, sheep and reindeer on vegetation changes in mountain cultural landscapes in Norway. Landscape and urban planning, 102(3): 177-187.

Wehn , S. 2009. A map-based method for exploring responses to different levels of grazing pressure at the landscape scale. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 129: 177-181.

International conference proceedings:

Wehn S. 2013. Wehn, S. 2013. Fjellnøkleblom – et lite eventyr fra det historiske seterlandskapet? Bioforsk-konferansen 6.-7. Februar.

Wehn S. 2012. Implications for the future distribution and viability of a Scandinavian red listed plant species (Primula scandinavica) due to declined land use? ECCB 3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology. Glasgow, Scotland, 28. August – 1. September.

Wehn S. 2012. The present and possible future alpine vegetation along a coast-inland gradient in Mid Norway. 21st Workshop, European Vegetation Survey. Vienna, Austria, 24.-27. May.

Wehn S. 2011. The future users of the mountain nature. People and Nature in Mountains. Trondheim, 21.-23. September.

Wehn S. and 2010 Holten J.I. A new approach: The GLORIA Mountain Slope Approach! GLORIA Conference 2010. Perth, Scotland, 23.-26. September.

Wehn S. 2006. The endemic mountain herb Primula scandinavica dependent on human use. The 22nd Conference of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape, European rural future: landscape as an interface, Berlin, Germany, 4.-9. September.

Wehn S. 2005. Predicting influence of different agrienvironmental policies on the endemic mountain herb Primula Scandinavica. The BioScene conference; Biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in mountain areas of Europe: the challenge of interdisciplinary research. Ioannina, Hellas, 20-24 September.

Other relevant publications

Wehn S. 2013. Fjellnøkleblom – et lite eventyr fra det historiske seterlandskapet? I Fløistad, E. og Günther, M. (red.) Bioforsk-konferansen 2013. Sammendrag av presentasjoner. Bioforsk FOKUS 8(2): 148-151.

Wehn S., Holten, J.I, Lundemo, S. 2013. The present and possible future alpine vegetation along a coast - inland gradient in Central Norway. Poster abstract in Biodiversity and ecosystem services in a changing environment: Challenges for science and conservation. The first conference of the Norwegian ecological society. Trondheim, Norway 13 - 15 mars 2013. Page 34.

Wehn S., Hovstad, K.A., Johansen, L. 2013. Potential effects of sheep grazing on ecosystem services and biodiversity. Poster abstract in Biodiversity and ecosystem services in a changing environment: Challenges for science and conservation. The first conference of the Norwegian ecological society. Trondheim, Norway 13 - 15 mars 2013. Page 35.

Karlsen, S.R., Høgda, K.A., Johansen, B., Holten, J.I. and Wehn, S. 2012. Etablering av overvåkning av vekstsesongen langs et kyst – innland transekt i Midt Norge - ett delprosjekt innen GLORIA Norge. Norut-rapport 4/12. ISBN 1890-5226.

Wehn, S., Holten, J.I. and Karlsen, S.R. 2012. Etablering av fastruter i fjell langs et kyst - innland transekt i Midt Norge - ett delprosjekt innen GLORIA Norge. Norut-rapport 3/12. ISBN 978-82-7492-256-3.

Wehn, S. and Holten, J.I. 2011. Stortussen/Snøtind og Kaldfonna. Et delprosjekt av ‘GLORIA Norge – et integrert og langsiktig forsknings- og overvåkingsprogram for norsk fjellnatur relatert til klimaendringer. Årsrapport for DN, 2010.

Wehn, S. 2010. Terrestriske økosystemer i arktiske og alpine områder? -Før, nå og i framtiden? Naturen, 3: 147-156.

Wehn, S. and Holten, J.I. 2010. Overvåking av fjellvegetasjon på Stortussen/Snøtin et pilotprosjekt innenfor GLORIA Norge. DN-utredning nummer 8: ISBN: 978-82-7072-839-8.

Wehn, S. 2008. Vegetation dynamics in semi-natural cultural landscapes. – Consequences of changed agricultural practices in Eastern Jotunheimen – Norway. Doctoral thesis at NTNU, 2008: 168.

Wehn, S. 2002. Reestablishment of treespecies after fire in Ambohitantely Forest, Madagascar. Canditatus Scientiarum Thesis in Biodiversity, Plant Ecology.