WWW/IO/RS92 Radiosondes - Annex I

Questionnaire on Upper-Air (UA) Observations

(April 2005)

(Please, fill-out one questionnaire for each upper-air station)

Please note, this questionnaire has been prepared in a format to facilitate the electronic compilation of data. Whenever possible, kindly use the e-copy available on the WWW website at:

and provide us with a copy of the completed questionnaire via e-mail attachment to the address:

How to complete the questionnaire:
For questions requiring a Yes/No reply, just click on the boxes to see the markings appear (clicking again makes a marking disappear). For all other questions, the grey shaded areas will expand as much as the text of your reply may require.
  1. Country:

WWW/IO/RS92 Radiosondes - Annex I

  1. Station number:
  2. Station name:

WWW/IO/RS92 Radiosondes - Annex I

Observing times and parameters measured:

  1. 00h , parameters measured: PTU Wind
  2. 06h , parameters measured: PTU Wind
  3. 12h , parameters measured: PTU Wind
  4. 18h , parameters measured: PTU Wind

Ground equipment in use (questions 10-17 apply to VAISALA systems):

  1. Manufacturer:
  2. Type:

WWW/IO/RS92 Radiosondes - Annex I

  1. CORA
  2. MicroCORA
  3. PC-CORA

WWW/IO/RS92 Radiosondes - Annex I

  1. DigiCORA I
  2. DigiCORA II
  3. DigiCORA III

WWW/IO/RS92 Radiosondes - Annex I

  1. Other (specify):

Regular radiosonde in use (questions 21-26 apply to VAISALA sondes):

  1. Manufacturer:
  2. Type:
  3. Frequency:

WWW/IO/RS92 Radiosondes - Annex I

  1. RS80 - 400 MHz
  2. RS80 - 1680 MHz

WWW/IO/RS92 Radiosondes - Annex I

  1. RS90 - 400 MHz
  2. RS90 - 1680 MHz

WWW/IO/RS92 Radiosondes - Annex I

  1. RS92 - 400 MHz
  2. Type of RS80 (specify):

WWW/IO/RS92 Radiosondes - Annex I

Alternative radiosonde in use (questions 30-35 apply to VAISALA sondes):

  1. Manufacturer:
  2. Type:
  3. Frequency:

WWW/IO/RS92 Radiosondes - Annex I

  1. RS80 - 400 MHz
  2. RS90 - 400 MHz
  3. RS80 - 1680 MHz
  4. RS90 - 1680 MHz

WWW/IO/RS92 Radiosondes - Annex I

  1. RS92 - 400 MHz
  2. Type of RS80 (specify):

WWW/IO/RS92 Radiosondes - Annex I

Wind finding system/method:

WWW/IO/RS92 Radiosondes - Annex I

  1. Radar
  2. Radiotheodolite

Type of NAVAID system:

  1. GPS
  2. Loran-C
  3. Alpha
  4. VLF

Wind finding equipment:

  1. Manufacturer:
  2. Type:

Questions 45 to 56 are for users of VAISALA 400MHz RS80/RS90 radiosondes:

Do you intend to upgrade/replace the current VAISALA system at this UA station?

  1. Yes
  2. No

If yes, would an upgrade/replacement at this UA station be ready by the end of 2005?

  1. Yes
  2. No

  1. If Not, what is the main reason?

Would you need WMO assistance in upgrading/replacement of the current system?

  1. Yes
  2. No

If Yes, what would be required?

  1. Technical assistance
  2. Financial assistance

The financial assistance (by the Voluntary Cooperation Programme), would be required:

  1. For a new UA system
  2. To upgrade of the current system

  1. Other related needs (specify):

Name and position of the contact person for further queries on upper-air observation in your country:

  1. First name:
  2. Family name:
  3. Position:
  4. Telephone:
  5. Fax:
  6. E-mail:

Name and position of the person responsible for filling out this Questionnaire:

  1. First name:
  2. Family name:
  3. Position:
  4. E-mail:

Approved by the Permanent Representative of the WMO Member:

  1. Date

  1. First name:
  2. Family name:

Please return the completed questionnaire, as soon as possible,

but not later than 20May2005

to the WMO Secretariat, to the attention of:

Dr A. Karpov
Chief, Observing System Division
World Weather Watch Department
P.O. Box 2300
1211 Geneva 2
Switzerland / E-mail:
Telefax: +(41 22) 730 8021