Volume :1July/SeptemberYear : 2016/17
Congratulations to President Sunil Perera and his
Team who were installed by our own RD Prasantha De
Silva, PRD Godfrey Francis and PRD NihalPeiris.
Christian Emphasis
We always celebrate the Nativity of Jesus Christ. Why not we celebrate with joy the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for from her arose the “ son of justice, Christ our God.”
We celebrate the Feast of the Birth of Mary on 08th Sept., and honor her with prayers and shouts of praise. The opening antiphon for feast mass gives you an insight of the place of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the mystery of Salvation. She is the one who was chosen to become the vessel for the “son of justice,” Christ the Lord! This is a special day in Catholic Calendar and In Sri Lanka, this feast is grandly celebrated by the Catholic Devotees at Matara where the church is dedicated in honour of Mary our Mother.
The opening prayer of liturgy gives us another hint of why we have such a place of veneration for the Mother of God. “…that the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin may bring deeper peace to those for whom the birth of her Son was the dawning of salvation.”
You and I, devotees of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, rejoice on this feast day of Maryand light a candle of joy on this day of her birthday!Look at her icon and draw your attention to the star on her veil. That star symbolizes that announcing of the “dawning of salvation”.
Mary is the “Star of Evangelization,” as Pope Francis often says. In our daily devotions to Mary, you and I must be aware that Mary is calling us to be disciples and proclaimers of the gospel in our daily actions. We too are called to become “Stars of Evangelization”!
Let us pray to Our Lady this day for the grace to be living vessels with the compassion of Christ in our world. Today, with Mary, may we bring peace and love to all! Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pray for us.
Psalm 73:26 - Heart May Fail
Club Activities :
The following Micro Projects have been undertaken by the members of the Club individually, to be continued monthly.
- Donated 10 kilos of rice to the ‘David Jayasundera Home for Elders’ monthly,by RDE
Ranarajah and MenetteMystica. Cost – Rs.1,000/- x 3 = Rs.3,000/=
- A deserving student coming to the YMCA Moratuwa were given Rs.1,500/- for educational purposes monthly, by YM Mahes and Mnt.Sunethra. Cost Rs.4,500/-
- A deserving student coming to the YMCA Moratuwa were given Rs.1,000/- for educational purposes monthly, by YM Deepthi and Mnt.Shanthikusum. Cost Rs.3,000/=
- Rs.4,000/- worth of milk powder packets were given to The Blessings Child Care Moratumulla monthly, by PRD Godfrey and RS Surangani. Cost Rs.12,000/=
- Rs.1,000/- monthly to a poor child for educational purposes through the Moratuwa YMCA by PRD Godfrey and RS Surangani. Cost Rs.3,000/=
- Rs. 1000/- is given monthly to a deserving student at Princess of Wales’ College, Moratuwa for educational purposes, by YM Anil and Mnt. Srikanthi. Cost Rs.3,000/=
- Rs.2500/- is provided monthly to a poor family in the community for sustenance, by
RDE Ranarajah and Mnt. Mystica. Cost Rs.7,500/=
- Provide financial assistance to two under-privilege children in the community for educational purposes at Rs. 500/- x 2 = Rs.1,000/- sponsored by YM Deepthi and Mnt.Shanthikusum. Cost Rs.3,000/=
- Rs.2,000/- is given monthly to David Jayasundera Home for Elders for their expenses, sponsored by YM Sunil and Mnt.Madubala. Cost Rs.6,000/=
- On 16th August meals for the full day at a cost of Rs.6,000/- was given by PRD Nihal and Mnt.Ramya to Sunshine Home.
- On 22nd August dinner was provided to the SarvodayaChildrens Home, Lunawa at a cost of Rs.3,500/- sponsored by RDE Ranarajah and Mnt.Mystica.
- Rs.1,500/- for a meal was given to Boys Industrial Home Pamankade by YM Joe and Mnt.Sayana.
- Rs.1,000/- is given monthly to a deserving school boy of Wesley College for maths tuition fees by YM Joe and Mnt.Sayana. Cost Rs.3,000/=.
Special Projects :
- Sum of Rs.12,000/- was donated to “Blessings Child Centre at PahalaIndibedda for snacks to be provided to the children.
- 03 water tanks were provided in Pananthan area at Bulathkohupitiya to the value of Rs.50,000/-
- Rs.12,000/- was donated to YMCA Moratuwa as Scholarship fund to a student for educational purposes for one year.
Club is organizing a trip to Suriyawewa in Anuradhapura for distribution of School Books. Members will be informed once the date is finalized.
YMCA Liaison
With MoratuwaYMCA -
- Our club funds a child for Rs.1,000/- for educationsl purpose through the Moratuwa YMCA.
- Nine memners serve on the YMCA Board . YM NihalFerdinando is the present President of YMCA Moratuwa and the others serve on various committees.
- NihalPeiris, DeepthiPerera and NihalFerdinando, Enginneers are members of the Building committee of YMCA Moratuwa.
- Deepthi, NihalFerdinando and Prasantha are members of the Financial Committee.
- PRD NihalPeisis Chairs the membership committee co-chaired by Prasantha De Silva which includes Errol and Deepthi.
- YL NilaniManthrinayake Chairs the Human rights Legal Aid and the “Outreach Programme” Committees and the Childrens’ Committee.
- YM Deepthi Chairs the Vocational Training Committee
- YM Godfrey Chairs and YM NihalFerdinandoco-chairs the International Projects Committee.
They all meet at least once a month on all above committees and sometimes weekly, whenever the need arises.
Moratuwa YMCA Is distributing Garbage bins in the area.
With National Council of YMCAs -
- YL Nilani is an Elected member of the Ex-Co. She serves on the following committes :
- Development & Emergency Committee (Co-Chairperson)
- Legal Committee and Good Governance Committee
- DeepthiPerera serves in Christian Environment Committee
- YL Nilani is an elected member of the APAY Board.
International Relations
We are in contact with our Brother Cubs in Charlottee Town- Canada, Gobichattipalayam -India, Kenya and Adelaide-Australia. We exchange our quarterly club bulletins with our brother clubs.
Somethings to Smile :
Father used to walk 20 Minutes to save 20 Rs.
Son spends 20 Rs. to save 20 Minutes.
(Surprisingly both are correct...!!!)
Cultural Gap
If electricity goes in America they call the power house.
In Japan, they test the fuse,
But In India, they check neighbour's house, "power gone there too....then ok!"
Funny but true
New South Wales
A senior citizen drove his brand new Holden Senator out of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he pushed it to 120 kph, enjoying the power of the car .
“Amazing,” he thought as he flew down the M1, pushing the pedal even more.
Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a highway patrol car, blue lights flashing and siren blaring.
He floored it to 140 kph, then 180kph, then suddenly he thought, “What am I doing? I’m too old for this!” and pulled over to await the copper’s arrival.
Pulling in behind him, the copper got out of his vehicle and walked up to the car. He looked at his watch, then said, “Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today isFriday. If you can give me a new reason for speeding – a reason I’ve never before heard – I’ll let you go..”
The old gentleman paused then said, “Thirty three years ago, my wife ran off with a policeman, I thought you were bringing her back.”
“Have a good day, Sir,” replied the copper.
The owner of a golf course on the Gold Coast was confused about paying an invoice, so he decided to ask his secretary for some mathematical help.
He called her into his office and said,“You graduated from the University of Queensland and I need some help. If I were to give you $20,000, minus 14%, how much would you take off?”
The secretary thought a moment, and then replied, “Everything but my earrings.”
A senior citizen in Tasmania was overheard saying, “When the end of the world comes, I hope to be here.”
When asked why, he replied, “I’d rather be in Tasmania ‘cause everything happens in Tasmania20 years laterthan in the rest of the world.”
The copper pulled up next to the bloke unloading garbage out of his ute into the ditch.
The copper asked,“Why are you dumping garbage in the ditch? Don’t you see that sign right over your head.” “Yep,” he replied.
“That’s why I’m dumpin’ it here, ‘cause it says: ‘Fine For Dumping Garbage.”
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