Owen G Glenn FIH Champions Trophy (men’s)
December 3-11, 2011 Auckland, New Zealand
1. Personal Data /


Last name:
First Name:
ZIP & Country:
Mobile phone:
Date of birth: / Sex: / Nationality:
AIPS card number: / National press card number:
2. Type of media and Organization
This section must be filled out, in order to get an accreditation for the event.
In case of freelance & photographer, please indicate the media you will work for during this event.

q  o

/ International Press Agency /

q  o

/ National Press Agency /

q  o

/ Daily Newspaper /

q  o

/ Internet

q  o

/ Weekly Newspaper /

q  o

/ Monthly Newspaper /

q  o

/ Hockey Magazine /

q  o

/ Photographer
(tick another box too)

q  o

/ TV Commentator /

q  o

/ Radio Commentator /

q  o

/ TV/Radio Technician /

q  o

/ Freelance
(tick another box too)
Media name:
City & Country
Phone: / Fax:
Signature: …………………………………………………………………….

Owen G Glenn FIH Champions Trophy (men’s)

December 3-11, 2011 Auckland, New Zealand

·  Journalists who would like to be accredited for FIH Champions Trophy (December 3-11, 2011) are kindly requested to complete the accreditation form in full.

·  Only journalists with a valid AIPS card or an approved national press card will receive a media accreditation.

·  Applying for an accreditation does not automatically give the respective journalist the right for a media accreditation. All persons who apply for an accreditation will receive a confirmation in case their accreditation is approved.

·  All international journalists (non New Zealand/Australia) are requested to return their accreditation form to:

FIH Communications Department


Fax: +41 21 641 06 07

·  All New Zealand and Australian journalists are requested to return their accreditation form to:

Julia King, Hockey NZ

Fax: +61 9 630 2954

·  The organizing committee of the FIH Champions Trophy has selected the Ibis Hotel as the designated hotel for working media.

Address: 72-112 Greenlane Road East, ELLERSLIE 1543, AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. Tel: (+64) 9 5299091 Fax.: (+64) 9 5299092

Single room or double room - (NZD) $115 including tax.
Breakfast additional $25 per person

·  There will be dedicated media shuttles departing regularly from the Ibis Hotel.

·  For information about Auckland visit: www.aucklandnz.com or if you’d like destination Auckland story ideas or images please contact Jo Mackie –

Please return this form to:

FIH Communications Department Fax: +41 21 641 06 07; e-mail:

DEADLINE: Friday, November 26, 2011