Section 02922
2004-05-10 Sodding
Use this Section to specify requirements for sodding in conjunction with Section 02911 Topsoil Placement and Grading.
This Master Specification Section contains:
.1 This Cover Sheet
.2 Specification Section Text:
1. General
1.1 Related Sections
1.2 Delivery, Storage and Handling
1.3 Maintenance Period
1.4 Measurement and Payment
2. Products
2.1 Material
2.2 Sod Type
3. Execution
3.1 Fertilizing
3.2 Laying Sod
3.3 Laying Sod on Slopes
3.4 Protection of Sodded Areas
3.5 Maintenance
3.6 Acceptance
3.7 Cleanup
BMS Basic Master SpecificationAlberta Infrastructure
Master Specification System / Page 0
Section 02922
Plan No: Sodding
Project ID: Page 1
1. General
.1 Topsoil Placement and Grading: Section 02911.
.2 Exterior Landscape Maintenance: Section 02936.
.1 Use all means necessary to protect material before, during and after installation. Provide adequate protection to materials which may deteriorate if exposed to elements.
.2 Deliver fertilizer and store on site in waterproof bags, with label clearly indicating net mass, analysis and manufacturer.
.3 Protect sod during transportation with tarpaulin to prevent sun scalding and drying out. Deliver healthy sod rolled or flat to prevent tearing or breaking. Store on pallets. Broken or irregular pieces are unacceptable.
.4 Harvest, deliver and install sod within a period of 24 hours.
.5 Protect sod that cannot be installed immediately on delivery from sun, wind, dehydration and rain prior to installation.
.6 Dried out, deteriorated and unhealthy sod will be rejected.
.7 In event of damage or rejection, promptly remove sod from site. Make immediate repairs and replacements at no cost to Minister.
SPEC NOTE:When maintenance requirements are for more than six weeks, delete this article and include Section02936Exterior Landscape Maintenance.
.1 Maintain sodded areas from time of sodding until [six] [] weeks after date of Interim Acceptance of the Work.
SPEC NOTE: For Unit Price Contracts only.
.1 Quantity of sod supplied and installed on site will be paid by [lump sum] [square metre]. Unit bid price shall include sod, fertilizer, warranty and all other work, equipment and materials required to complete the Work.
.2 Quantity of sod maintenance will be paid [per week] []. Unit bid price shall include all work, equipment and materials required to complete maintenance requirements.
.3 []
2. Products
.1 Fertilizer:
.1 Complete commercial granular fertilizer, minimum of 50% of elements derived from organic sources.
.2 Minister may adjust specified fertilizer analysis after topsoil test analysis results are received, with no change in Contract Price.
.2 Nursery Sod:freshly cut and healthy with strong, fibrous root system, cultivated in nursery field as turf grass crop containing maximum of 2% of other grass species, and maximum of two broad leaf weeds and ten other weeds per 40m2. Thickness of sod soil portion shall be maximum of 40mm and minimum 25mm.
.3 Water:clean water free of contaminants that my inhibit germination and plant growth.
.1 [General purpose use: on site source supplied and paid for by Minister.]
.2 [Water for water hauling equipment: supplied and paid for by Contractor.]
.3 [Water for hydraulic seeding and mulching equipment: supplied and paid for by Contractor.]
.4 Staples:25mm wide by 200mm deep by 3mm diameter steel wire.
.5 Geotextile Fabric:biodegradable, [25mm x 25mm] [] square mesh.
.6 Biodegradable Pegs:17mmx8mmx200mm.
.7 WoodPegs:19mmx19mmx300mm for sod.
.1 Bluegrass/Fescue grass sod:sod grown from minimum 65% Kentucky bluegrass blend, 35% Creeping red fescue, or approved alternative.
3. Execution
.1 Apply fertilizer only after final grade has been approved by Minister.
.2 Apply [12510] [] fertilizer at 3kg/100m2.
.3 Spread evenly with calibrated mechanical distributor.
.4 Mix thoroughly into upper 50mm of topsoil.
.1 Obtain Minister's approval of sodbed finish grades, final tilth, surface flatness and fertilizer application before laying sod.
.2 Firm sodbed by rolling before laying sod.
.3 Do not lay sod over frozen soil, wet soil conditions or snow covered soil.
.4 Rake soil immediately before sodding. Lay sod smooth with tight butt joints. Do not leave visible open joints or overlap adjacent pieces of sod. Lay adjacent rows of sod in a staggered sequence.
.5 Finish sod edges at walks, curbs, planting, edgers, manholes, sprinkler heads, and other vertical surface by cutting neatly and fitting tightly to edge and line.
.6 Lay sod with top flush with adjacent hard surface and seeded areas. Remove excess soil when necessary before placing sod.
.7 Where new sod joins existing lawns, cut straight and neatly into existing lawn and level subgrade to allow height to match.
.8 Cut and remove all irregular, unhealthy and thin sections of sod. Replace with new sod.
.9 Place sod so that watering will not interfere with other work.
.10 Water immediately in sufficient quantities to obtain moisture penetration through sod and into upper 100mm of topsoil.
.11 After sod and soil have dried from initial watering, roll sod to ensure sod contact with topsoil and to remove minor depressions and irregularities.
.1 For grades exceeding 3:1, start laying sod at bottom of slope. Lay sod sections at right angles to slopes and secure with 4 to 5pegs/m2, to prevent shifting. Drive pegs flush with sod surface.
.2 Where additional sod establishment support is required on steep slopes over 3:1, and in areas indicated, place geotextile fabric on topsoil before placing sod.
.3 Lightly cover fabric with topsoil. Lay sod at right angles to slope. Secure fabric and sod with wooden pegs in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
.1 Immediately after sodding, provide adequate protection against erosion, pedestrian and vehicular traffic damages. Remove protection after sod areas become established or as directed by Minister.
.2 Keep site well drained and landscape excavations dry.
.3 Cover and protect sod edges by banking with moist topsoil at transition from sod to seed areas. Place topsoil to obtain a smoothly graded transition into seed area.
SPEC NOTE:When maintenance requirements are for more than six weeks, delete this article and include Section02936Exterior Landscape Maintenance.
.1 Apply water in sufficient quantities to prevent grass and underlying soil from drying out.
.2 Areas with no irrigation system: supply labour, all hoses and attachments necessary to provide adequate watering to prevent grass and underlying soil from drying out.
.3 Provide clean water and water hauling vehicle with proper attachments to provide efficient and adequate watering of sodded areas when necessary.
.4 Cut grass at regular intervals and maintain to minimum height of 60mm. Do not cut more than 30% of blade at any one mowing. Remove clippings that will smother grass.
.5 Repair areas which show root growth failure, deterioration, bare or thin spots, or which have been damaged by any means or cause, including replacement operations.
.6 Fertilize sod areas during establishment period, approximately six weeks after sodding, with 27140 fertilizer or as directed by Minister. Spread evenly at rate of 3 kg/100 m2, water in well.
.7 Control and eliminate weed growth and turf damaging insects. Remove and dispose of debris, rubbish and animal waste from lawn areas before mowing.
.8 Postpone fertilizing until spring if application falls after August 15th.
.9 Repeat rolling of sod as required to maintain a smooth grass surface.
.10 Maintain daily maintenance log throughout contract. Submit copy of log data to Minister each week for verification. Record all maintenance activities performed on site.
.11 Minister may extend maintenance period at no additional cost when Contractor fails to maintain an accurate log, submit log when required or when unsatisfactory and inadequate maintenance occurs.
.1 Sodded areas will be accepted by Minister at end of maintenance period provided:
.1 Sodded areas are properly and well established.
.2 Sod is healthy, even coloured, free of weeds and other pests.
.3 Sodded areas are free of bare and dead spots.
.4 Sod is recently mowed and thoroughly watered.
.5 Required applications of fertilizer have been provided.
.6 All installation and maintenance requirements have been provided.
.1 Broom clean pavement and sidewalks. Clear soil and rubble from underground or surface storm sewer lids.
.2 Clean up immediately any soil or debris spillage on hard surfaces.
.3 Leave site in neat and clean condition free of all litter. Remove and dispose of grass clippings, debris and excess materials at approved disposal site.