Sterling (GBP) Subscription Rates (including postage):

Full & Independent Author members (in EU):£58.00Full & Independent Author members (outside EU):£65.00

Associate members (in EU): £68.00Associate members (outside EU):£75.00

Members may pay by sterling (GBP) cheque, standing order or bank transfer. Non-UK residents may also pay by PayPal. Cheques should be made payable to the Romantic Novelists’ Association. If you wish to pay by standing order, bank transferor PayPal (Note – Paypal only available for non-UK residents) please tick the appropriate box below and you will be sent the relevant bank details to arrange your payment.All members must be at least 18 years of age.

Please complete allappropriate sections and sendto:Gill Stewart, Ardnackaig, Tayvallich, Lochgilphead, Argyll,

PA31 8PH. Email:


Name: ______

Address: ______

______Post Code:______

Telephone number(s): ______

Email: ______

Website: ______

Not previously a member/member last year/ member in previous year (most recent date):______


How did you hear about the RNA? ______

II wish to pay by cheque (enclosed)  or electronically (BACs, standing order or Paypal)

FULL & INDEPENDENT AUTHOR MEMBERS ONLY(published writers of romantic novels and full-length serials)

Pen name(s): ______

Which name would you like to be known by in the RNA? ______

No of books published? ______Date/year first book published? ______

Publisher(s)? ______

Current or most recent Occupation (apart from writing!): ______

Please select one of the following:

 I am published, or have signed a publishing contract, with a traditional publisher (including digital only/digital first imprints) for a romantic novel or full length serial, and wish to apply for Full Membership of the RNA


 I have self-published two or more works of romantic fiction over 30,000 words in length, at least one of which has achieved sales of over 1000 copies in a single 12 month period and/or generated income of at least £500 in a single 12 month period, and wish to apply for Independent Author Membership of the RNA

ASSOCIATE MEMBERS ONLY(agents, members of the publishing profession, other book trade professionals)

Book Trade Profession: ______Company (if applicable): ______

The personal details above will be used for the administration of the RNA and for compiling statistics. Publicly available statistics will not identify any individual. Personal data will not be shared outside of the association without express permission from the member. In addition we will use your email address for the distribution of our monthly ebulletin. This bulletin contains information about association events and activities. Please tick to consent to receive this bulletin 

Signature ______Date: ______