Lockview High School Music Department

September 2014 Band Newsletter – D.Burtt

Welcome to a new year of music making at Lockview High School. I am looking forward to working with all of the students to build musicianship, community, memories and skills. It has been a pleasure getting to know and work with the band students in these first few weeks of school.


I will soon have a working webpage http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/dburtt/ ( not live yet) and I will eventually communicate through email via distribution lists. I will be using the email addresses you have listed on power school. If you would like me to use a different address please send me an email to note the change. Please let me know via email if you would like hard copies of future newsletters. I can be reached at or 860-6000 ext.7721271

All students are encouraged to scan the Lockview APP for regular band reminders.

Materials for Class

All students enrolled in Music at Lockview High School are required to have the following:

·  A clean, working instrument (some instrument rentals are available through LHS). Please make sure your name is on the case of the instrument.

·  Reed players should have 3-4 working reeds at all times.

·  Trumpet, baritone and tuba should have their own valve oil.

·  All trombone players must have slide grease.

·  Percussionists should have a practice pad at home, along with drumsticks ( Vic Firth SD1), and hard xylophone mallets. Timpani mallets are very useful for each percussionist to have as well. Percussionists should have a stick bag and are required to bring their own sticks to every class.

·  A pencil is required for all band students for every class and rehearsal as well as a folder or binder to keep handouts and sheet music in.

·  Grade 9 band students will be using Standard of Excellence Book 2(blue)

·  Grade 10 and 11 band students will be using Standard of Excellence Book 3 ( green)

·  Grade 12 band students should locate their Claude T Smith book of Chorales that was distributed last year.

·  Bass players should be prepared by bringing their instrument and a patch cord.

Band Instrumentation

I am looking for students who might be interested in playing TUBA and French horn. We are also in need of trombone/ baritone players. If your child is interested please have them set up an appointment with me during lunch to give it a try! Some switching is more accessible than others – sometimes a student just has the desire and time to put into a new instrument.

Band Donation

In past years, $100.00 was collected from each band student ($150.00 per family) to help provide extra experiences for the students. This donation will be collected again this year. Cheques can be made out to Lockview high School and passed in to Mrs.Burtt. Each student will be issued a receipt. This money will go towards bussing, clinicians, uniform replacements, repairs and special events. Due Date : November 30th,2014

Leadership Opportunities – forms are due back in to Mrs. Burtt by Friday Sept. 19

There are many opportunities in the music department to develop leadership skills if students are interested. There is a form in the music room to be filled out if this might apply to you!

Large Ensembles

Due to the instrumentation of each ensemble, the following large ensembles will be performing this year:

Senior Band – All grade 11 and 12 students enrolled in MUSIC. There may be a call for grade 9 and 10 students enrolled in MUSIC to participate depending on instrumentation.

Jazz Band – Any interested students enrolled in Music in grades 9,10,11,12. Prior sign up is required.

Grade 10 band – All grade 10 MUSIC students

Grade 9 – All grade 9 band students who are enrolled in band from September to November and November to February. There will be a lunch band rehearsal for this group all year in order to keep playing and participate in various musical experiences.

Vocal Ensembles – Cantare and Volare are vocal ensembles that are held at lunch for interested singers. An information meeting was held last week. Please see Mrs.Burtt with any questions you might have.

I have tried to keep most schedules the same as in past years. There is one change that is important to note for this year. I have meetings on the first Tuesday of each month after school. For these dates, senior band will be on Wednesday of that week instead of Tuesday.

October 7 – Senior Band October 8th

November 4 – Senior band November 5

February 3 – Senior band February 4

Rehearsal Schedule



Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
8:30 / Extra Help available / Extra Help available / Extra Help available / Extra Help available / Extra Help available
LUNCH / Cantare / Flute Ensemble / Grade 9 Band
Volare / Cantare / Volare
String Ensemble
3:40-4:40 / Jazz Band / Senior Band / Senior band first week of each month instead of Tuesday

We will have some ensembles running at the same time in the large classroom and small ensemble rooms. There are opportunities for other ensembles if there is student interest. For example – percussion ensemble, clarinet ensemble, saxophone ensemble, jazz combos, brass ensemble……the possibilities are endless!!!

Extra Help Times

I am available for extra help most mornings and some lunch times. Please sign up outside my office in advance.

Band Parent Association

A brief meeting was held with two remaining members of the band executive from last year. We discussed a need for new members as well as fundraising on a needs basis. A full band parents meeting will be held in October. More information will be emailed on this as soon as possible. It is a great time to get involved!

Calendar of Events

I am working on a full calendar of events for the year. So far please mark these dates on your family calendar.

Remembrance Day Ceremony – Senior Band November 10

Holiday Concert – All Music Students December 2 7:00

Grade 9 Band

This year grade 9 band is offered quarterly. Students either have band from Sept- Nov or Nov-Feb. In order to maintain skills and participate in special events I would like all grade 9 band students to meet once a week on Wednesdays at lunch for a full rehearsal in the music room. Rehearsals will run from 12:10-12:40 and will be on a rotation of Woodwinds/brass /Percussion some weeks. A detailed schedule for the year will be posted and also sent through the Lockview APP as reminders.

September 24 – All grade 9 Woodwinds

October 1 – All grade 9 brass and percussion

October 8 – Woodwinds

October 15 - Brass and Percussion

October 22 – Woodwinds

October 29 – Brass and Percussion


Grade 9 Band students – Black Pants or skirt and white shirt with a collar. A black dress is also acceptable.

Grade 10,11,12 – Black pants or skirt and black shirt with a collar. A black dress is also acceptable.

Bow ties will be issued to each student.


Marius Kowalski - mkwoodwinds.com or 452-4089. Located in Waterstone Subdivision.

Mark Bond – www.bondmusicrepair or 866-1554 Mount Uniacke


A detailed course outline will be distributed with each student. All students will be evaluated according to the following:

Creating, Making, Presenting 50%

Understanding and Connecting 20%

Perceiving, Reflecting and Responding 30%

School Owned Instruments, Rental, Percussion Maintenance

Please let me know if you have a Lockview Instrument at your home by emailing

I do have an inventory and list but I would like to cross reference. There is a cost affiliated ($100.00)with renting an instrument from the school. I will send home forms with each student. There is also a percussion maintenance fee for the year of $100.00.

Band Aid Grants

Lockview may be eligible for a grant of $10,000 for new instruments. Please let me know if you are interested in helping out with the application. Check out: http://www.musicounts.ca/band-aid-grants/

Special Notices

Mount A Honours Band Weekend – Please let me know if your child would be interested in this opportunity:

We invite the most talented and engaged Maritime high school brass, woodwind, and percussion students to spend the weekend of October 3-5 together at Mount Allison University rehearsing and working with MtA faculty. Every high school band director in the Maritimes can recommend their strongest students. We will choose participants based on the needs of the ensemble and the recommendation of the high school music teacher.

The weekend will culminate in a public concert of the Honour Band on Sunday afternoon, October 5, 1:00 pm. The cost to the student is $50. A detailed schedule for the weekend is attached.

Please nominate one or more your students by writing a brief letter of recommendation, then pass along the information, application, and recommendation letter to them. Send it in soon!


Students will be notified of their status on Friday, September 26.

Information and application are online at http://mta.ca/music/outreach/

Please send applications, letters, and questions to