Headteacher: MissV.M. Hunt Tel: 01442 389040 Fax: 01442 390589


21st April 2017

Dear Families of Year 4,

I hope that you all had an enjoyable Easter holiday, and that the children have had a well-deserved rest after our trip to Woodrow High House. We were very lucky with the weather at Woodrow and were able to enjoy being outside for most of our activities. It was lovely to see how the children coped and developed their independence during the few days. We will be using the Woodrow experience for our class assembly which is coming up very quickly this half term.

Our whole school topic this half term is ‘Into the Wild’ which will link in with our Geography topic on ‘the Amazon Rainforest’, our Science topic ‘Living Things and their Habitats’ and our Power of Reading text ‘Journey to the River Sea’.

In Maths, the children will be working on area and perimeter, fractions and decimals, and shape including angles. As always we will continue to work on times tables, word problems and written methods for all four operations.

In English, our core text will be ‘Journey to the River Sea’ by Eva Ibbotson. We will use the story as a basis for poetry writing, characterisation and narrative writing in role. This will also provide inspiration for our art and DT work this term.


The children will continue to have PE on a Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning so please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school on those days. We have had several instances of items of PE kit going missing so please make sure that all items are named. As the weather improves, please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school every day.

Homework will continue to be set on a Wednesday and due in on the following Monday.

If you have any questions about your child’s learning or well-being, please don’t hesitate to ask or put a note in the link book which is checked daily. Please do check your child’s link book as these are for two-way communication and there may on occasion be a message for you.

Kind regards,

Melanie Christie

An overview of learning in Year 4, Spring 2ndHalf Term 2017

Understanding English, Communication and languages
(Speaking & Listening, Reading, Writing, MfL) / Mathematical Understanding / Religious Education
Our Power of Reading book for this term will be ‘Journey to the River Sea’ by Eva Ibbotson.
- Poetry writing
- Characterisation
- Narrative writing in role.
Grammar – conjunctions and prepositions
Spelling – plurals and apostrophes,
Punctuation – inverted commas, apostrophes, paragraphs
MFL: ‘en classe’ (in the classroom) / - Area and perimeter
- Fractions and decimals
- Shape including angles
- Problem solving
- Written methods for 4 operations
- times tables / RE is taught by Mrs Archbold.
The children will be learning about special, sacred books in the Sikh and Hindu faiths, and also how the Bible is regarded and handled by Christians.
Scientific and Technological Understanding
(Science, Design & Technology) / Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding
(PSHE, History, Geography) / Computing
This half term, we will be learning about Living things and their habitats to include changing environments and the effects of change and management. / This half term we will focus on Geography, the topic will be ‘the Amazon’.
PSHE/SEAL: Relationships.
Value: Forgiveness / Computing will follow the Herts Scheme and this half term we will be working on Authoring.
- using digital tools to improve accuracy and efficiency
- text formatting
- producing a multimedia text
Understanding physical Development, health and wellbeing.
(Physical Education, Personal and Economic Wellbeing) / Understanding the Arts
(Art and Design, Music, Drama, Dance)
PE will continue to take place every Tuesday afternoon with Game On.
PE on a Wednesday morning will be Dance. / Music:
- Music Express, playing ostinato and layering them in a performance
Art and Design & Technology:
- Mechanical Systems: different mechanisms to make pop-ups
- using crosshatching in artwork

Do unto others as you would have them do to you (Luke 6:31)