Tuesday, March 6, 2007 – 7:00 p.m.
MontclairElementary School
President, Steve Werts, Vice-President, Pat Hagen, Joe Schoen, Trudie Wilhelm, Norval Grubb, Secretary, Chris Vancil,
Excused: Marie Ashton
President, Steve Werts welcomed everyone to the 28th Annual Homeowners Meeting and called the meeting to order. Steve stated that new rosters were available and asked residents to update their email address. Steve announced both the current and new board members and thanked them for volunteering to serve in various capacities.
The minutes from the 2006 annual meeting were available to all residents and were approved unanimously.
Landscape Committee
Pat Hagen reported that the completion of the entry was successful and the appearance is very attractive. Pat noted that after investigating into “turf replacement” it was determined that it would be cost prohibited. The Board has decided to concentrate on turf maintenance for both the common areas and front lawns. Improvements in the irrigation system will take place during the spring at which time sprinkler heads would be replaced with more efficient equipment. The cost for this project will come from the Capital Fund.
TruGreen representatives were available for questions related to landscape issues. Residents had several concerns regarding maintenance and understanding what the landscape contract included. Areas that were addressed included the following:
- Residents have needed to cut their own lawns
- Proper mowers are not used
- No leaf removal
- Drainage problem in both common areas and front lawns
- Lack of worker visibility
- Original contract stated workers would be onsite 5 days/wk. With 3 employees
(# of days and # of employees has been reduced to 4 days/wk with 2 or 3 employees)
TruGreen Representatives stated that they had not been made aware of many of the above concerns and noted that if residents have any landscape issues or concerns that they need to contact a board member on the Landscape Committee.. Pat Hagen stated that she had met numerous times with TruGreen to discuss various residents issues. TruGreen noted that approximately 60% of the sprinkler heads have been replaced with an additional number to be complete by this summer.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer, Marie Ashton, was not available so Pat Hagen, President introduced resident, Joe Schoen who presentedthe budget.
Financial Statements – Operations
Joe explained that there are three financial summary statements. These include the following;
- Balance sheet (includes Arranmore’s assets)
- Revenue, Expense & Fund Balance
- Capital Reserve Fund
The balance sheet explained Arranmore’s current assets and all liabilities. The current asset balance as of February 28, 2007 is $165,131. The revenues, expenses and changes in fund balance indicate total income minus all expenditures. Total income was $163,659 with expenses of $173,941. This represents a negative balance of $10,282.
Capital Reserve Fund Summary
The final statement is the capital reserve fund summary showing what has come in and gone out since the inception of the fund. As of February 28, 2007 we currently have deposited $32,611 and budgeted $36,300 in expenditures for the next fiscal year. President, Pat Hagen explained how items are placed into the Capital Reserve or Reserve Fund. Pat stated that they are following the schedule implemented by the board as to items scheduled for maintenance or replacement. Following is a list of areas that will be scheduled for this year:
- St. John’[s circle renovation
- Pool House bed renovation
- Replace rotor heads
- Install drains in problem turf areas
- Replace pool fence
- Pool heater
Architectural Committee
Norval Grubbs reported that homeowners have been extremely cooperative regarding notifying the board of any remodeling or changes made to their property. There were only a few minor problems with renters and those owners remodeling for resale Norval reminded homeowners that prior to having remodeling, painting, landscaping including fences installed prior authorization must be received from the Architectural Committee. Below is a recap of recent renovation;
- 10 remodels
- 12 paintings
- 6 roof
- 2 replacement of LP siding (Hardy Plank)
- 2 Satellite Dish installed
Membership & Hospitality
Trudie Wilhelm introduced the following new homeowners and welcomed them to the Arranmore community.
Location New Resident
Lot132 Luis Rodriques
Lot 61 Bob & Kathy DeWitt
Lot 123 Jane Bennett & Dale Cubbison
Lot 135 Scott Hayden & Stephanie Butler
Lot 86 Martin & Christina Fuss
Lot 44 Duane & Maxine McComas
Lot 26 Don Morgan & Candace Coleman
Lot 156 Bill & Jeanne Pierson
Lot 103 Giti Zehtab
Lot 55 Jason & Danielle Wissmiller
Lot 36 Elizabeth Sass
Lot 59 Keith Young
Trudie stated that as property becomes available new buyers are requesting information regarding Arranmore’s Homeowner Association. She is in the process of designing a binder that will include the following; Bylaws, Reserve Study, Financial Report etc. The cost for this information would be absorbed by the seller or buyer.
Pool Committee
Joe Schoen reported that locks would be changed on the pool house this spring. New keys were made available to all homeowners. Individuals signed for one key per household. Joe noted that the ice cream social will be scheduled for this summer but suggested holding it in the evening. More information will come regarding a final determination as to a date. Residents requested that additional umbrellas be purchased for the pool area. Joe reported that the pool fence will need replacing in the near future. Several panels have either been repaired or replaced and because of the safety issue this would be of high priority.
Updated CC&R/Bylaws
Steve Werts reported that since the existing CC& Rs and Bylaws are extremely old this past year a redraft was prepared and presented to all homeowners. Because of a lack of votes, this new proposal did not pass. He noted that the new board members would consider holding several “townhall” meetings to have an open discussion regarding the most important areas of concern to homeowners. More information will follow during the upcoming year.
Election of Officers
Pat Hagen presented the Nominating Committee’s docket for the Arranmore Board of Directors that included Danielle Wissmiller, Danielle Morehouse and Dick Lindsay. Due to receiving more election proxies there was a sufficient representation of the membership for a final vote. Those homeowners present were asked to vote by raising their hands. Candidates were unanimously approved and will serve a 3-year term. Board member for the 2007-2008 year will include: Pat Hagen, Trudie Wilhelm, Norval Grubb, Marie Ashton, Danielle Wissmiller, Danielle Morehouse and Dick Lindsay.
New Business
Pat Hagen noted that the memorial plaque for Dick Fennel installed at the front entrance had been stolen. She expressed a deep sadness. There are no plans at this time to have the plaque replaced in this location.
Pat stated that they are working on creating an Arranmore webpage and explained that this would improve the communications with homeowners. Joe Schoen had supplied the board with samples for use as a model.
Pat Hagen suggested that a new date in late September be scheduled for the annual meeting. A survey was recommended before a final decision is considered.
Pat Hagen adjourned the meeting @ 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted: Chris Vancil, Secretary