Local SA Day

( Program as an example)

Name of the event: “Social Accountaility and Comminity Based School”

Where and dates: Khovd (June 04, 2017 Sunday)

Organizers: Aimag governor office, services providers, local NGOs and the National NGO

About a local SA day in general: This is a local public event, during which community groups and key stakeholders discuss and share about civic and community participations, and stakeholders collaboration to improve quality of service delivery in their localities.


  • To raise public and stakeholders awareness and knowledge on SA initiatives in service delivery, particularly in education services
  • To share results of the sub project implemented within MASAM as a SA demonstration project in primary and secondary education services.
  • To discuss and agree on policy issues for scaling up and mainstreaming the Community Based School as an effective participatory governance module in local schools. The discussion will also include sustainability of the module.

Main activities:

1) “Information disclosure and civic participation” – Each of 10 schools, which participated in the sub project, will share their results (each of their own modules of a community school and SA initiatives at their schools) with the public, all stakeholders including the aimag governor office and other schools in the aimag which were not part of the subproject.

2)“Policy dialogue” – Representatives from the multi-stakeholders group ( the aimag governor office, the ministry, schools, NGOs and parents etc. ) will identify best practices from the sub project to be scalled up nationwide and also neccessary policy measurements for sustainability and mainstreaming in aimag and national level.

3)“Knowledge session” – to present and share best practices of SA initiatives in the aimag and also other places for demonstration and learning for all stakeholders.

Expected results:

1)A very good public and stakeholders awareness building on SA initiatives including information disclosure and civic participation in service delivery particularly in education services in primary and secondary schools in aimag and soums

2)Demonstration of results and best practices of the subproject among all stakeholders in aimag and soum level but also for key Government institutions

3)Government commitments (aimag and national level) for policy support/sustainability, mainstreaming and scaling of the subproject best results.


a)Representatives from the Government: Cabinet Secretariat, MECSS and UB Education department

b)The aimag governor office

c)Aimag schools: directors, teachers, parents and students

d)Local NGOs

e)Communities, youth and public

f)Other service providers in the aimag

g)Mongolian Education Alliance, the partner NGO for the sub project

h)Development partners including SDC, the World Bank


Main activities / Time /Venue / Activities under each of the main activities
Opening / 10.00-10.30
Main public place of the aimag / The aimag governor office
The Cabinet Secretariat
Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sport
Partner National NGO
School representative
Information disclosure and civic participation / 11.00-16.00
Main public place of the aimag / All 10 schools from the subproject will present and share their SA initiatives and also their modules of a Community Based School
Information on education services
(In parallel there will be other information sharing on public services)
Policy dialogue / 11.00-13.00
Meeting room at the governor office /
  • Presentation of policy documents prepared within the subproject
  • Discuss and agree on actions and commitments for sustainability of the subproject results and mainstreaming in policy and institutional level
  • Present a process and findings of external monitoring (by local NGOs) for quality of education services at schools. And, agree on key issues to be addressed jointly.
  • Discuss and agree on policy issues and best practices to be scaled up in local and national level.

Knowledge exchange / 14.00-17.30
Conference hall at the aimag governor office /
  • “What is Social Accountability and MASAM” project by MASAM
  • “MASAM in our communities” by local stakeholder representative
  • Processes, results and challenges of the sub project “Community based school” by the national NGO/MEA
  • How multi stakeholders worked together to support a Community based school in their community by the execution team
  • Modules of the Community Based School – plays and shows from the schools
  • Videos of the sub project in each of 10 schools

Closing / 17.30-18.00
Conference hall at the aimag governor office /
  • Appreciation and Acknowledgement for organizations and individual people who contributed for the sub project
  • Introduce Community Based School initiatives to be implemented in remaining schools of the aimags for 2017-2018