Code / Name of the
Subject / Instruction
Periods / Week / Total Periods /
Semester / Scheme of Examination
Theory / Practicals / Duration
(hrs) / Sessional Marks / End
Marks / Total
CT-101 / English -I / 3 / - / 45 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100
CT-102 / Basics of Health
and Beauty Care / 3 / - / 45 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100
CT-103 / Textile Science / 3 / - / 45 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100
CT-104 / Foods - I / 3 / - / 45 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100
CT-105 / Food crafts Lab / - / 4 / 60 / 3 / 40 / 60 / 100
CT-106 / Drawing and
Sketching Lab / - / 8 / 120 / 3 / 40 / 60 / 100
CT 107 / Basic Stitches
and Sewing Skills
Lab / - / 8 / 120 / 4 / 40 / 60 / 100
CT 108 / Hand Embroidery
Lab / -
/ 3 / 45 / 3 / 40 / 60 / 100
CT 109 / Basics of Beauty
Clinic Lab / - / 4 / 60 / 3 / 40 / 60 / 100
CT 110 / Computer Fundamentals Lab - I / - / 3 / 45 / 3 / 40 / 60 / 100
TOTAL / 12 / 30 / 630 / - / 320 / 680 / 1000


CT/HS-101 – ENGLISH-I (Common for all the Polytechnics)


CT/HS-110– Computer Fundamentals Lab - I

English -I

(Common to All the Branches)

First Semester

Subject Code : CT-101

No. of periods per week : 3

No. of periods per Semester : 45


S. No / Major Topics / No. of Periods / Weightage of Marks / Short Answer Questions / Essay Type Questions
1. / Speaking / 9 / 26 / 8 / 1
2. / Grammar / 22 / 34 / 12 / 1 (Questioning)
3. / Reading / 6 / 20 / - / 2
4. / Writing / 8 / 40 / - / 4 (2 from paragraph writing,
2 from letter writing)
Total / 45 / 120 / 20 / 8

Objectives and Key Competencies

Sl. No. / Name of the Unit / ·  Objectives / Key Competencies
01 / Need for English / ·  Understand the need to learn English
·  Find solutions to some problems of Learning English / ·  Know the need to learn English
·  Identify the problems students face in learning |English
·  Discuss the various solutions to overcome them
02 / Classroom English / ·  Identify expressions useful in the classroom
·  Use classroom expressions meaningfully / ·  How to greet the teacher and other students
·  Learn the expressions frequently used by the teacher
·  Practise to express one’s ideas in English
03 / Expressing Feelings / ·  Express feelings
·  Speak about what others feel / ·  Know the structures to express feelings
·  Use the vocabulary related to feelings
04 / Expressing Likes and Dislikes / ·  Express likes and dislikes
·  Express likes and dislikes of others / ·  Study the different ways to express likes and dislikes
·  Learn several words and phrases to express likes and dislikes
05 / Making requests / ·  Learn some ways of making requests
·  Learn some ways of offering help / ·  Examine the various structures to make requests
·  Learn to make requests in formal and informal situations
06 / The Mighty Mountain and Little Lads of Telangana / ·  Comprehend the central idea
·  Learn about Expeditions / ·  Understand the main idea
·  Practise to read aloud
·  Learn new vocabulary
07 / Adventures of Toto / ·  Read and comprehend the main idea
·  Appreciate a humorous narrative / ·  Understand the central idea
·  Learn to make inferences
·  Learn new vocabulary
·  Complete a story
08 / Tiller Turns Engineer – An Innovation / ·  Read and understand the main idea
·  Improve vocabulary / ·  Focus on minute details
·  Develop innovative skills
·  Present one’s view
09 / The Present Tense- I / ·  Differentiate between time and tense
·  Describe habits and facts / ·  Learn the three broad categories of tense
·  Learn the action words and auxiliary words
·  Learn the simple present tense structure
·  Talk about routine, habits and facts
·  Make negative sentences
10 / The Present Tense- II / ·  Describe the actions happening in the present
·  Describe past actions as relevant to the present / ·  Express the actions happening in the present
·  Express the actions that have been completed in the recent past
·  Make sentences in the present perfect continuous tense


Subject Title : Basics of Health and Beauty Care

Subject Code : CT-102

Periods / Week : 3

Periods / semester : 45


S.No. / Major Topics / No. of Periods / Weightage of marks / No. of Short Questions / No. of Essay Questions
1 / Nature of Human body / 05 / 16 / 03 / 01
2 / Importance of Beauty Care / 08 / 28 / 04 / 02
3 / Importance of Exercise and Yoga in Beauty / 08 / 16 / 03 / 01
4 / Skin and Skin Care / 08 / 28 / 04 / 02
5 / Importance of
Balanced Diet in Health / 08 / 16 / 03 / 01
6 / Hair and Scalp / 08 / 16 / 03 / 01
Total / 45 / 120 / 20 / 08

OBJECTIVES: On completion of the study of the subject the student will be able to:


1.1 Explain how knowledge of human body is related to health.

1.2 Explain the structure and functions of cells and tissues.

1.3 Explain the basic knowledge of skeletal and muscular system of Facial and Neck bones.

1.4 Explain the effect of natural ageing process on the facial skin and muscle tone.


2.1 Explain the Structure of the skin.

2.2 Explain the functions of the skin.

2.3 Explain the effects of diet and sun on the skin.

2.4 Explain the types of skin.

2.5 Explain about Facial wrinkles, marks, spots and pimple treatment.


1.0 NATURE OF HUMAN BODY- knowledge of human body and its relation to health-
structure and functions of cells and tissues - basic knowledge of skeletal and muscular
system of Facial and Neck bones- effect of natural ageing process on the facial skin
and muscle tone

2.0 IMPORTANCE OF BEAUTY CARE –Structure of the skin- functions of the skin effects of diet and sun on the skin - types of skin - Facial wrinkles, marks- Spots of Face

And pimple treatment.


1, Devendra Vora - Gala Publishers, Health in your hands. - Volume 1.

2. Shahanaz Hussain - Beauty Book.

3. Tanusree Poddar - Beauty Solution from top to toe.

4. Aroona Reejhsinghani - Be your own beautician.


Subject Title : Textile Science

Subject Code : CT-103

Periods / Week : 03

Periods / Sem : 45


S.No. / Major Topics / No. of Periods / Weight age of marks / No. of Short Questions / No. of Essay Questions
1 / Classification of Textile Fibres / 10 / 28 / 04 / 02
2 / Identification of Textile Fibres / 08 / 18 / 04 / 01
3 / Weaves / 07 / 28 / 04 / 02
4 / Water / 05 / 04 / 02 / 00
5 / Stiffening Agents / 08 / 14 / 02 / 01
6 / Fabric Finishes / 07 / 28 / 04 / 02
TOTAL / 45 / 120 / 20 / 8

OBJECTIVES: On completion of study of the subject the student will be able to:


1.1 Define the terms Textiles, Fibre, Staple, Filament and Yarn.

1.2 Define the Classification of Textiles fibres.

1.3 Explain the types of Yarns.

1.3 Explain the Physical and Chemical properties of Cotton fibres.

1.4 Explain the Physical and Chemical properties of Silk fibre.

1.5 Explain the Physical and Chemical properties of Wool fibre.

1.6 Explain the Physical and Chemical properties of Nylon, Rayon and Polyester.


2.1 Explain about the Physical, Visual, Burning, Chemical tests and Microscopic tests for
Cotton Fibre.

2.2  Explain about the Physical, Visual, Burning, Chemical tests and Microscopic tests for

Silk Fibre.

2.3 Explain about the Physical, Visual, Burning, Chemical tests and Microscopic tests for
Wool fibre.

2.4 Explain about the Physical, Visual, Burning, Chemical tests and Microscopic tests for
Synthetic fibre.


1.0  CLASSIFICATIONOF TEXTILE FIBRES: Define the term textiles, fibre, staple, filament and yarn - multifilament, monofilament fibres. Classification of Textile fibres-Vegetable, Animal, Mineral and Synthetic Fibres. Physical, Chemical and other properties of Cotton, Silk, wool, Nylon, Rayon and Polyester. Types of yarns-Simple yarn, Complex yarn and Textured yarns.

2.0 IDENTIFICATION OF TEXTILE FIBRES: Physical, Visual, Burning, Chemical and
Microscopic tests of Cotton, Silk, Wool, Nylon, Rayon and Polyester.


1. Durga Deulkar Household Textiles and Laundry work.

Atmaram and sons. Kashmir gate, Delhi, 1998.

2. Susheela Dantiyagi Fundamentals of Textiles and their care,

Orient Longman ltd. New Delhi 1984-1987.

3. Sushma Gupta and Neeru Garg A Textbook of Home science,

Kalyani publications, year 1994.

4. Sushma Gupta, Neeru garg, A Textbook of Clothing and Textiles,

Renu Saini Kalyani publications, year 1995.

5. A.M.Kaye A student’s handbook of Housewifery,

Kalyani publications, year 1989.

6. Premlata Mullick Textbook of Home Science,

Kalyani Publishers, year 2004.


Subject Title : FOODS - I

Subject Code : CT-104

Periods / Week : 3

Periods / Sem : 45


S.No. / Major Topics / No. of Periods / Weight age of marks / No. of Short Questions / No. of Essay Questions
1 / Introduction to Foods / 06 / 08 / 04 / 00
2 / Study of Cereals and Millets. / 08 / 16 / 03 / 01
3 / Study of Legumes, Nuts and oil seeds. / 07 / 26 / 03 / 02
4 / Study of Vegetables, Fruits, Milk and Milk products. / 08 / 28 / 04 / 02
5 / Study of Poultry. / 08 / 16 / 03 / 01
6 / Study of Meat, Fish and other Animal foods. / 08 / 26 / 03 / 02
TOTAL / 45 / 120 / 20 / 08

OBJECTIVES: On completion of study of the subject the student will be able to:

1.0 Introduction to Foods.

1.1  Define the term Food, Food additive and fermented food.

1.2  Explain classification of Foods based on Nutritive value and Storage.

1.3  Explain classification of foods into food groups based on convenience of planning meals.

1.4 Explain classification of Raw foods.

2.0  Study of Cereals and Millets.

2.1 Define the term Cereals and Millets.

2.2 List the different processed Wheat products.

2.3 List the different Rice products milled into different degrees.

2.4 Explain the factors to be considered in selection, purchase and storage of
Cereals and Millets.

2.5 List the role of Cereals in cookery.


1. Introduction to Foods – Define the term Food, Food additive and fermented food.
Classification of Foods (a) based on Nutritive value – Cereals and millets, Legumes
(pulses),Nuts and Oil seeds, Vegetables, Fruits, Milk and Milk products, Poultry, Meat,
Fish, Prawns, Fats and oils, Sugar, Jaggery and Spices and Condiments(b)Based on
Storage-Perishable, Semi perishables and Non-perishable Foods. Classification of foods
into food groups based on convenience of planning meals – Basic Four, Basic Five and
Basic Seven Food Groups. Classification of Raw foods – Foundation Ingredients, Fats and
Oils, Raising Agents, Eggs, Salt, Liquid, Flavorings and Seasonings.

2. Study of Cereals and Millets –Define the term Cereals and Millets. List the different
processed Wheat products – Bread, Biscuits, Toast and Breakfast cereals. List the
different Rice products milled into different degrees - Husked Raw Rice, Hand pounded
or under milled rice, Milled Raw Rice, Parboiled, Processed rice Products -Rice Flakes,
Beaten Rice, and Puffed Rice from paddy and Rice. Millets – Raagi, Bajra, Sorghum and
Maize – Popcorn, Corn Flakes, Corn Meal, Corn Oil and Corn Flour. Explain the factors
to be considered in selection – Physical Quality – Cleanliness, soundness of grain,
absence of broken pieces, freedom from insect infestation, absence of admixture with
foreign seeds and any other foreign matter. Processing Quality – Suitability for use.
Purchase –Grain Quality – Appearance, Feel, Color, Variety, Long, Medium, short, use
and ageing. Storage of Cereals and Millets – remove foreign matter, wash with water to
remove dust and dirt and dry to less than 13% moisture, store in tins, bottles,
earthenware or Porcelain with tight fitted lids. List the role of Cereals in cookery –
thickening agent, coating agent, beverage, desserts, as a covering like samosa,
pooran polis, stuffed parathas and Fermented foods.


1. B.Srilakshmi (2007) -FOOD SCIENCE, New Age International (P) Limited
Publishers, New Delhi.

2. Krishna Arora (2005) - Theory of Cookery, Frank Bros and Co. Publishers,
Noida, U.P.

3. Thangam Philip (2005) - Modern Cookery, for teaching and the Trade. Orient

Longman Pvt. Ltd., Chennai.


Subject Title : Food Craft Lab

Subject Code : CT-105

Periods / Week : 4

Periods / Year : 60


S.No. / Major Topics / No. of Periods
1 / Cereal Cookery / 10
2 / Pulse Cookery / 10
3 / Vegetable Cookery / 10
4 / Meat, Poultry & Sea Foods / 10
5 / Milkshakes, Ice-creams, Puddings and Soufflés / 10
6 / Vegetable carving / 10
TOTAL / 60

OBJECTIVES: On completion of the study of the subject the students will be able to: