Notes on Jacques Cartier…..

Other European countries such as France, England and Portugal

also began heavily exploring the New World. Since the Spanish had

control of the Caribbean Sea, the other countries had to go different

places. The French went the furthest north, to what is today Canada.

Jacques Cartier was a French explorer that first arrived in the

Western Hemisphere in 1534. Like Christopher Columbus, he was looking

for a sea route to Asia, something he called a Northwest Passage On his

first voyage however, he found the St. Lawrence River and sailed down it.

He found some new land and some valuables but his greatest discoveries

were of animals-- such as beavers and great auks. He befriended some

Native Americans and traded with them, and they showed him how to

live in such a cold place. On later journeys up the St. Lawrence he forgot

about the Northwest Passage and just came for trade goods to bring

back to Europe.

He tried to begin a permanent colony, but rough winters and

Iroquois attacks forced him and his men to leave. He is very important for

several discoveries: the St. Lawrence River and beginning the fur trade

in northern North America.

Notes on Samuel de Champlain….

Jacques Cartier was the first European to sail down

theSt. Lawrence River. He had immediately noticed that it was

rich with furs and other raw materials that could be sold in

Europe for high profit. However, he was never able to establish

a permanent colony in the place called New France

(Canada). More and more French moved there to trap game

- - but much of the area was still unexplored and not


Starting in 1603, Samuel de Champlain began exploring

New France and making maps, naming things, and writing

about what he saw. He seemed very organized and intelligent,

so he was given the job of building Quebec City in 1608, the

first strong permanent colony for France in the Western


He also became friends with the Algonquin Native

Americans. In return for helping them fight the Iroquois,

the Algonquin helped his people survive and helped them get

materials to sell back in Europe.

Until his death in 1635, Champlain helped New France

become a stable and rich colony that sent back many

raw materials and natural resources for sale in Europe.

1.) What was the Northwest Passage?

2.) Even though Cartier’s voyage was technically a failure, what did he find that was good, if not better than what he was supposed to find. Explain.

3.)Why couldn’t Cartier build a permanent colony in the New World?

4.)What city did Champlain found?

5.)Explain the relationship between Champlain and the Native Americans in the New World.

6.)What effect do you think the French fur trade will have on the environment in the New World.