PO BOX 166

OZARK, MO 65721-0166

August 27, 2009

MEMORANDUM FOR: Ozark High School Drill Competition Participants

SUBJECT: Drill/Air Rifle Competition Letter of Instruction (LOI).

1.  Your Drill & Air Rifle Team is invited to participate in the Ozark High School JROTC Invitational Drill/Air Rifle Competition, scheduled for Saturday, January 23, 2010. Because every Competition is slightly different in one or more aspects, please read this LOI carefully. Entry Form is the last page of this document.

2.  The Drill Team Captain/Advisor meeting is scheduled for 8:00 am. We will provide additional coordination information and necessary schedule adjustments at this meeting.

3.  The Ozark Drill Team will not compete in this event, but they will perform for the judges. Our drill team performance will be used to orient the judges as to how the routines should be performed and as a scoring base. This will prevent the first team on the floor from being the standard.

4.  Uniforms: Class “A” or “B” uniform. If a Class “B” uniform is used it will need to include a necktie for males and a neck-tab for females. Cadets participating in drill events will wear headgear. (Civilian clothes, P.T. Uniforms, BDU’s or ACU’s will not be allowed for any event).

5.  Fort Leonard Wood will be asked to provide active duty Sergeants as well as Multi Service Instructors for judging the competition.

6.  We will have a concession stand in operation. It will be located in our Commons Area along with our General Store and Silent Auction. Due to school policy there will be no food, candy, snacks, soda, or flavored waters (due to sugar content) consumed outside of the cafeteria/commons area. This means no eating/drinking in classrooms, classroom hallways, etc. This policy must be strictly enforced.

7.  If lunch or snacks are brought into the building they must be taken directly to the cafeteria for consumption. Coaches, we will need your help enforcing this!

8.  Do not bring shoe polish, sole dressing, or brasso into the classrooms provided as your staging areas. Classrooms are to be kept orderly and clean. Items in the classrooms are not to be handled, please respect the property of others. Cadets are to change in the rest-rooms, not the classrooms. Security is the responsibility of all individuals. Do not leave valuables, weapons and gear unguarded. Each coach and team member is responsible for their own security! All common areas with the exception of the rest rooms are under video surveillance. Please inform all cadets of this! Report any accidental damage to classrooms or common areas, to any Ozark High School Junior ROTC Instructor ASAP!

9.  The Main Gym, designated floor #1 will be used for all unarmed events and the Individual Drill Down. Floor dimensions: regulation gym floor. Spectator seating will be available.

10.  The Auxiliary Gym, designated as floor #2, will be used for all armed events. Floor dimensions: regulation gym floor. Spectator seating will be available.

11. The auditorium will be used for Platoon Inspection.

12.  All rifle butts must be padded to protect the gym floors. BAYONETS ARE NOT AUTHROIZED.

13.  Platoon Leaders will carry the weapon that their team carries, but at sling arms.

14.  Teams will compete in two divisions, Armed and Un-Armed and there will be a Platoon In-Ranks Inspection. There are three events in each division. Platoon Drill, Exhibition Drill and Color Guard. There will be an overall meet champion. The overall champion placement will be determined by the team’s total points accumulated in each division. In case of a tie the highest Inspection points accumulated will be used to break the tie. New cadet squad drill will also be offered but will not count towards overall championship.

15.  To qualify for the meet overall champion each school must enter a team in each event within both divisions and participate in the In-Ranks Inspection. The events are:

16.  Platoon Inspection. This is an unarmed platoon event. The platoon will consist of three squads, four members in each squad and a commander. (Total 13 cadets).

17.  Armed Division

a.  Armed Platoon Drill (twelve platoon members + commander, in three ranks).

b.  Armed Platoon Exhibition Drill (minimum 9, no max)

c.  Color Guard (two guards and two color bearers. The National Color Bearer will be commander). Members of this Color Guard can not participate in the Unarmed Division.

18.  Unarmed Division

a.  Unarmed Platoon Drill (twelve platoon members + commander, in three ranks).

b.  Unarmed Platoon Exhibition (minimum 9, no max)

c.  Color Guard (two guards and two color bearers. The National Color Bearer will be the commander). Members of this Color Guard can not participate in the Armed Division.

19.  New Cadet Squad Drill (eight squad members + commander)

20.  Trophies will be awarded as follows.

a.  Overall Meet Championship: 1st through 3rd Place

b.  Platoon Inspection: 1st through 5th place

c.  Armed Division.

·  Armed Platoon: 1st through 5th place.

·  Armed Exhibition: 1st through 5th place.

·  Color Guard: 1st through 5th place.

d.  Un-Armed Division

·  Unarmed Platoon: 1st through 5th place.

·  Unarmed Exhibition: 1st through 5th place.

·  Color Guard: 1st through 5th place.

e.  New Cadet: 1st through 5th place.

21.  An Individual Drill Down (IDD) will be conducted in complete uniform just prior to the award ceremony. There will be only ONE IDD. Schools may enter as many cadets as they wish. Tickets may be purchased for $1.00 at the concession stand. Trophies will be awarded to the top five finalists.

22.  POC for the Drill Meet is MSG White, 417-582-5901 ext 3131 or email .

23.  POC for the Rifle Meet is 1SG Thompson, 417-582-5901 ext 3132 or email

24.  SAI LTC William McConnell, 417-582-5901 ext 3133 or email


1.  The uniform will be Class “A” Branch of Service Uniform. Military bib scarf, dress gloves, leggings, spats, or helmet liners will not be worn. Each cadet will wear their service cover (nobody uncovered). Military schools may wear the dress uniform required by their school's administration.

2.  The U.S. Army now issues high gloss or poromeric shoes. Leather shoes may be worn, but should be highly polished. All platoon members should be uniform in their footwear, either poromeric or leather.

3.  A platoon will consist of thirteen cadets, twelve platoon members and a unit leader. The inspection will be conducted with cadets in three ranks, at open ranks and normal interval. The unit leader will be 3 paces in front of and centered on the formation. Inspections will take place in the auditorium.

4.  The cadet leader, upon approval from the Head Judge, will file the unit into the inspection area and form the platoon into three ranks centered on the head judge. Once the platoon is formed and facing the head judge the unit leader will command Open Ranks (use appropriate service command). No other command will be given. Cadets will be expected to maintain dress while opening ranks. Once the unit is at open ranks, the unit leader will execute an about face, salute and report “Name of School, Platoon Prepared for Inspection”. Once the head judge acknowledges the unit leader, the inspection will commence. After the unit leader has been inspected, the unit leader should execute an about face and observe the inspection from his/her position. The unit leader will not follow or lead the inspectors through. Squad leaders will not follow or lead inspectors through. As the Head Judge returns to the front of the formation the unit leader will execute an about face.

5.  During the inspection cadets will remain at the position of attention.

6.  At the conclusion of the inspection, and when directed by the Head Judge, the cadet leader will salute, order arms, about face, close ranks, and dismiss the unit from that location. The unit will be expected to file out of the inspection area.

7.  Cadets will be asked questions during the inspection. Questions will be limited to the cadet's name, rank, school, instructor information, badges or ribbons on the uniform, and other questions relating to their membership in JROTC. The correct procedure to answer questions is to use "Drill Sergeant/Sir / Ma'am" to start each response, and then give the answer. If a cadet does not know the answer, then reply, "Drill Sergeant/Sir / Ma'am, the cadet does not know."

8.  Because the JROTC program is designed to teach leadership to high school students, the Instructors at certain schools may decide to rotate leadership assignments between or among cadets. Therefore, rank inversions may occur in some units with a junior cadet commanding the inspection unit and a more senior cadet standing the inspection as part of the unit. It is not a function of the inspection to determine the unit's correct chain of command. Cadets will be inspected in the formation presented by the school and rank inversions will not be a matter of point deductions.

12.  Military bearing will be required.

Unarmed Personnel Inspection Rating Sheet

Unit: ______

1 Point to be deducted for each discrepancy

1 Point to be deducted for each question not answered properly

Does unit have 13 cadets? Head judge to deduct 15 points for each cadet less than 13.

Total Possible Points = 100

Category Possible

Uniform cleanliness, fit, press, lint free

Uniformity of appearance of all members

Shoes (consideration given to hand-polished)

Haircut male/Hairstyle female

(clean over neck/collar/ears)

Clean shaved males/makeup females (men are

permitted a neatly trimmed mustache, no

other facial hair, no long sideburns)

Clean and neat personally

(hands, fingernails, hair, etc.)

Accessories (socks, belts, brass

clean and neat, appropriately polished, etc.)

Ability to answer questions properly

Form for Inspection, Report In, Dismissal

Posture and correct military bearing of cadets

during inspection

TOTAL ______



Judge’s Printed Name & Rank:______

Judge’s Signature:______


1.  This is not a list of commands. It is a list of required movements. Commands will be given in accordance with respective service drill manuals. The commander must clearly inform the Judge during the REPORT IN portion of the drill card what drill manual the team will be using. Regardless of the manual each team chooses to use for this meet, the Platoon Leader will be three paces in front of and centered on the platoon when in a line formation, and when in column formation, three paces on the left flank and centered on the platoon.

2.  The platoon leader must coordinate with the Head Judge before starting the drill routine.

3.  Report Example: Drill Sergeant/Sir/Ma’am Name of school High School drill team requests permission to occupy your drill area and perform the Armed Regulation Platoon Drill Card in accordance with the appropriate service drill manual.

4.  Every member of the platoon, including the platoon leader, will be armed with a rifle. Platoons will contain 13 cadets; the platoon leader counts in this number. Neither guide nor guidon bearers are allowed. The leader will be at sling arms.

5.  The platoon will assemble in three ranks on the drill floor on the command of Fall In.

6.  The platoon leader must memorize all commands. If command cards/crib sheets are used, the Head Judge will assess a FIFTY point penalty. No member of the unit may count cadence at any time. A FIVE point penalty will be assessed by the Head Judge for every occurrence of counting cadence.

7.  The required movements must be followed without deviation. A FIVE point penalty will be assessed by the Head Judge for each omission or addition (this includes adding commands to provide additional drill area). No wavers or alibis will be granted.

8.  Please note there are two commands (“File from the Left, March” and “Column of Three’s to the Right, March”) that require the squad leaders to issue supplementary commands for the proper execution of these movements.

9.  The boundaries for this event are the Red Base Line where the head judge will be reported to and the gym walls. FIVE penalty points will be assessed each time any team member steps on or over a boundary line EXCEPT at the start of the routine; cadets may fall in forward of the boundary.

10.  There is no timing in this event as the completion of the movements, in cadence, is satisfactory. However, teams are reminded that they should not prolong the routine. Should the Head Judge feel that teams are belaboring these movements, it will be reflected in the overall evaluation.

11.  The Drill Floor for the Armed Regulation Platoon Drill will be the Auxiliary gym.

Armed Regulation Platoon Drill

This is NOT a list of Commands. It is a List of required movements.

Commands will be given as required by respective service drill manuals.


1.  Fall In

2.  Dress Right Dress

3.  Ready Front

4.  Inspection Arms

5.  Port Arms

6.  Order Arms

7.  Right Face

8.  Port Arms

9.  Forward March

10. Platoon Halt

11. Order Arms

12. Left Face

13. Present Arms

14. Report

15. Order Arms

16. Port Arms

17. Right Shoulder Arms

18. Left Shoulder Arms

19. Port Arms

20. Present Arms

21. Order Arms

22. Parade Rest

23. Attention

24. Manual of Arms (Order Arms to Right Shoulder Arms to Left Shoulder Arms to Present Arms to Order Arms.)

25. Count Off

26. Open Ranks

27. Dress Right

28. Ready Front

29. Close Ranks

30. Right Step

31. Platoon Halt

32. Left Step

33. Platoon Halt

34. About Face

35. Left Face

36. Right Face

37. About Face

38. Right Face

39. Right Shoulder Arms

40. Forward March

41. Column Right

42. Column Right

43. Left Shoulder Arms

44. Half Step

45. Forward March

46. Rear March

47. Change Step

48. Rear March

49. Platoon Halt

50. Order Arms