The National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia announces the holding of the 10th Jubilee Conference on Payments and Market Infrastructures, titled as: "Drivers of European Payment Integration - Innovations and Cooperation". The Conference will be organized in cooperation with De Nederlandsche Bank and Banco de Portugal and it will be held at the InexGorica Hotel in Ohrid, from 5 until 7 July 2017.

This conference has an international character, expecting participation of representatives of the central banks of the countries of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and North Africa, as well as representatives from the financial sector and regulators in this area in Republic Macedonia.

At this jubilee conference, addresses by central banks’ high representatives will be of special importance, in cooperation with whom we have implemented this project for ten years. Therefore, to our greatest pleasure, the Governor of De Nederlandsche Bank, Mr. Klaas Knot, and the non-executive member of the Board of Banko de Portugal, Mr. HélderRosalino, will also give their address. The executive member of the Board of the European Central BankMr. Yves Mersch, will also have the honor to address this conference. Furthermore, the governors of the central banks of Macedonia, Croatia and Bulgaria, and a member of the Board of the National Bank of Belgiumwill take part in the high-level policy panel. The Governor's session shall be dedicated to the cooperation and innovations in the payment area in Europe, with a special accent on the challenges the consumers, companies and governments will face in the following decade, and with regard to the preference of digital banking and digital technologies over the utilization of cash payments.

Following is the Program of the Conference

Wednesday, 5 July 2017
9.30-9.45 / Opening speech,
VicegovernorMs.Maja KadievskaVojnovic, National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
9.45-10.00 / Introduction to the Jubilee Conference,
Mr. Michiel van Doeveren, De Nederlandische Bank (DNB)
10.00-11.00 / Digital innovation, fast payments, global cross-border payments and cyber security,
Mr. Morten LinnemannBech, Bank for International Settlement (BIS)
11.00-11.30 / Coffee / tea break
11.30-12.15 / The implementation of Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2), evaluation of the SEPA-regulation and the follow-up of the Action plan on retail financial services,
Mr. Ralf Jacob, European Commission (EC)
12.15-14.00 / Group photo and lunch break
14.00-15.00 / Panel session on the digital banking and payment products development in the Republic of Macedonia,
NBRM, payment service providers and payment systems in Macedonia
15.00-15.30 / Coffee / tea break
15.30-16.15 / Eurosystem's vision 2020 and TARGET 2 and TARGET2-Securities consolidation,
Mr. Richard Derksen, DNB
16.15-17.00 / Security aspects resulting from PSD2,
Mr. Rui Pimentel, Banco de Portugal (BdP)
Thursday, 6 July 2017
9.30-10.00 / Towards a new strategy for financial inclusion,
Mr. Michiel van Doeveren, DNB
10.00-10.30 / Preparations for instant payments,
Mr. Richard Derksen, DNB
10.30-11.30 / Further integration in SEPA,
Ms. Marion Kleiss, Commerzbank
11.30-12.00 / Coffee / tea break
12.00-12.45 / Standards for oversight and business continuity management,
Representatives from the NBRM
12.45-14.00 / Lunch break
14.00-15.00 / Who will survive in the payments world with new entrants from fintech and bigtech?
Mr. Rui Pimentel,BdP and Mr. Michiel van Doeveren,DNB
15.00-15.30 / Coffee / tea break
15.30-16.30 / Continuity and robustness of a Central Securities Depository,
Mr. Edwin de Pauw, Euroclear
Friday, 7 July 2017
9.00-9.15 / Welcome speech about 10 years Ohrid PMI,
Mr. Dimitar Bogov, governor, NBRM
9.15-9.35 / Drivers of European Payment Integration - Innovation and cooperation,
Mr. Klaas Knot, governor, DNB
9.35-9.55 / Challenges for central banks in the context of digital banking and digital transformations,
MrHélderRosalino, Board member, BdP
9.55-10.15 / Instant payments, P2P payments and other innovations in Europe,
Mr. Yves Mersch, Executive Board member, European Central Bank
10.15-11.15 / Networking break
11.15-12.45 / Panel session on how consumers, firms and government users will pay in 2025 - cash or digital:
- Mr. Dimitar Bogov, governor, NBRM
- Mr. Boris Vujčić, governor ofthe Croatian National Bank
- Mr. Dimitar Radev, governor, Bulgarian National Bank
- Ms. Marcia De Wachter, member of the Board of the National Bank of Belgium
12.45-13.00 / Conclusion and closing session
13.00- / Lunch