Team Leader Agenda


Time / Topic / Notes/Comments
7:30-10:00 / On Your Own
10:00 / Updates:
  • Specials
  • Class Size
  • New Hires
  • Reading (Ms. Escobar/Ortiz)
  • ESE (Ms. Proffitt)
/ *New teacher for 4th grade, Mr. Adam Rosati
*Grillo will be on a cart by end of this week. (6 carts)
*Ms. Arguelles will be moving to Grillo’s room.
*Only 7 toners ordered. Only team leaders will get toners from Ms. Pena. If you can’t print, Ms. Pena will begin training on how to use the large printer Konica. Several grade levels at a time. Ms. Pena will update when she knows more.
*Proffitt will be calling overdue IEP parents to waive the 10 days notice.
*At the end of the day, Proffitt is able to help you write the IEP for those teachers that can’t access the site.
*Attendance summaries will be given to teachers by tomorrow by Mrs. Lee, Page of 6 of agenda, have ready for those students that are in danger of getting BTIP
*Interims go home next week.
*Bus riders do NOT get marked tardy. Teachers need to check that on attendance summary.
*September 28, new Specials schedule for K-2
*Content areas should be taught through integrated curriculum. We must integrate labs in the classroom.
*Science night is out!
*Intermediate teachers should consider taking the BAS training when available.
*4-5th Grade: September 26th, FAIR Test and Beginning of year Reading test are what we are using as criteria. ELR conference should be on desktop in all of our laptops. PMP will not be inputted until the end of the quarter. Even ESOL kids and all classes except for DellaPietra, will test in classroom on D5.
11:00 / Expectations:
  • Schedules
  • Work Hours
  • Small Groups/Planning
  • Learning Goals and Scales
/ *Mrs. Saban has high expectations on class schedules. Instruction starts at 8:05. She will be questioning areas. If we get them back, we need to revise it and email it back to her in the format that Diana sent. If she says: “Please stop by”, its not that we are in trouble. She’s not angry. She’s not that person. She’s just reminding
us to come see her.
*She uses the schedule for observation purposes.
*90 minute uninterrupted Reading block is non-negotiable.
*Changes in lunch/Specials schedule will happen because we need to accommodate for the new classes being added.
*Off standards students do not have to be on the 90 minute uninterrupted Reading block.
*Everybody at our school works from 7:30-3:00, that’s the expectation.
*Calling and saying you’re going to be late, consistently will cause less marks on Marzano Domain 4.
*Everybody needs to sign in everyday.
It can get Mrs. Saban in trouble if we don’t.
*Planning Days off campus is reciprocal. She will continue that established policy.
*On Fridays, not until Mrs. Saban makes the announcement are we to leave before 3:00pm
*If you need to leave before 2:15-2:45, you need to fill out the paperwork to do so. Go to Medina’s office to sign out.
*Small groups for Reading/Math need to be going on. Daily 5, Center Rotation…
*Small group reading is non-negotiable.
*Team planning minutes, are great!
*Tech stuff gets done over the Summer, but Ms Pena is a teacher, that’s why Tech issues are delayed.
*October 13th, next team leader release day.
*Learning Goals/Scales District Training on what it should look like needs to happen. If we get the email to go, we go. We must likely be on October 13, which means that day’s team leader will be rescheduled.
*Primary grades-3rd, need to get a count by room # how many computers are not working. The goal is to have computer carts.
*Remind new teachers, Early Release day lunch schedule, trash outside of classroom and empty milk cartons in the sink.
*This procedure works best on a PC
*PLC’s will be in-house activity not a fieldtrip anymore.
12:00 / Lunch
1:00 / Enforcement of tutoring policy / *Tutoring on campus is unethical. If you tutor on campus, you’re double dipping and its grounds for termination. It is prohibited. There will be discipline action taken if caught. If you have any questions, come speak to her because it is illegal!
1:15 / Field Trips/On-Line Database (Ms. Deatherage) / *See packet of directions. Our school has the Pilot to use system.
*Principals just got access to it today.
*Once we are in the system go to fildtrip, new fieldtrip, enter in the fields, do not leave any blank, just put in NA if it doesn’t pertain to us. For JABiz Town we need to do this. Mrs. Saban will let us know when system is ready for the person in charge of fieldtrips in the grade level to complete the form. Email Mrs. Saban who is in charge of fieldtrips in our grade level.
*If you only have 10 students, 2 chaperones including teacher.
In the chaperone section, we need to input the names of the chaperones including our names.
*When finished entering all info, save it and it will stay. Once we click on initial approval, Mrs. Saban will look at the info before it all goes through.
*Can be accessed from home as well.
*We have to advise cafeteria manager when we our fieldtrip is (3 weeks in advance). We have until the day of the trip to tell her how many bagged lunches we need.
*Indicate on class roster whois getting cafeteria lunch.
1:45 / Questions / *Interims: Struggling students only.
*No lower than a 50% on pinnacle for any student.
*Actively looking for someone to support Insignares/Jones
*Make sure to check off attendance box on interims.
*Check Pinnacle, complete attendance discrepancy log, turn in to team leader to later give to Mrs. Lee. Make sure no bus riders are marked tardy.
*Inclusion classes, support person swaps with sub for dismissal duty. Subs go out with students for dismissal.
*Keep Sub folder on your desk, by your plan book.
*Turn in your interims to Cristina by this Thursday, inside your red folder.
*Textbooks have been ordered.