Syllabus: English II – Introduction to World Literature

Fall 2013

Mrs. Shaffer – room 215

********per WSPA policy – electronic devices are ONLY allowed in the cafeteria********

Necessary materials:

3 ring binder (1” okay)

Notebook paper

Highlighers (at least two colors would be handy)

Blue or black pens and sharpened pencils

Flash drive

Bound composition notebook (not a spiral notebook). This is not on the standard supply list, so I will have some plain bound composition books to distribute. If you would like a notebook with a fancier cover, please purchase one to bring to class. This will be your Writer’s Journal, and you will carry it around with you.

Course Description:

In English II, we will explore literature from different parts of the world. With each new work we will briefly study its context (time and place in history), and then focus on the text itself (language and structure). We will spend a time exploring character, plot development, and point of view in these works, and then explore similarities and differences between them. We will take one work and write a research based scholarly paper on it, and also spend time analyzing some important historical and literary documents from the United States.

To facilitate this study, we will focus also on building vocabulary, understanding literary terms, reading for comprehension, and of course, on writing responses to what we read.

The texts we will study include:

The Epic: The Epic of Gilgamesh

Novels: Things Fall Apart, Siddhartha, Night

Drama: The Tempest

We will also read various short stories, poems, and historical documents this semester that enhance our understanding of the literary terms we study.

Most of our reading will come from the following textbook: Prentice Hall Literature: World Masterpieces

Other texts will be available for checkout from the library as needed

Your final grade will be cumulative and based on the following:

Unit Quizzes and tests: 20%

Writer’s Journal:10%

Portfolio papers (a Narrative Essay, a Persuasive Essay, and/or Research Paper)15%

Class participation and disposition10%

World Literature project10%

Midterm assessment10%

End of Course Final25%

1)Weekly vocabulary and grammar quizzes will help prepare students for future testing including SATs

2)Homework assignments must be turned in at beginning of class on the day they are due

3)Students will journal to promote fluency and creative writing skills. The Writer’s Journal will be turned in and checked each Friday.

4)The three Portfolio Papers will be uploaded to to check for plagiarism. They will also be uploaded to the student’s portfolio in Evernote.

5)The World Literature project will be a presentation on an approved work of world art or literature. Students will present the project by electronic media, or through music, art, or other performance.

What does class participation and disposition mean? Class participation means you are here, on time, have read the text, and you must participate positively. By disposition, I mean your attitude in class and how well you follow the behavior contract. I expect you to be prepared for class (pens, pencils, paper, notebook, and the text of the day with the assignments already complete) and respectful to your peers. In order to get full credit in this category, DO NOT use electronic devices in class. Visible devices may be confiscated and will not be returned until after class.

I will try to offer alternate forms of texts for any students that need them, and I am always willing to offer help if you need it. Feel free to email me for extra help, but do not use me not getting back to you the same night as an excuse for late work. I will post daily homework and project information on my class website: and choose the English II link.

I use the standard grading scale:

A – 100-93

B – 92-85

C – 84-77

D – 76-70

F – 69 and below