Heavy Power Equipment Plant, Ramachandrapuram, Hyderabad - 502 032
Phones : 040- 23182169, FAX: 040- 23020154, e-mail :
Sealed tenders in two separate covers, are invited by the Dy.General Manager /Projects , from the reputed agencies / firms experienced in similar works with Govt. of India, Govt. of A.P, Railways, M E S, Public Sector Undertakings, reputed industrial / business houses for the following works to be dropped in the tender box provided at Vendor complex behind Admn. building, B H E L, Ramachandrapuram, Hyderabad 502 032 upto 11.00 Hours on the dates specified and the tenders will be opened on the same day at 13.15 Hours in vendor complex behind Admn building.
The tenders will be issued on all working days between 9.00 Hours and 14.00 Hours at the office of Dy.General Manager (Projects/Planning) on submission of proof of documents as listed below. The agencies can down load tender documents from BHEL web site till the due date of opening.The last date for receipt of tenders as per the dates mentioned below.
Sl.No. / Name of work / Approx.
Estimate Amount (Rs. in Lakhs) / Earnest Money Deposit ( Rs in Lakhs). / Period of contract
Upto / Cost of Tender Document (Rs) / Sale of Tenders (09.00 hrs to 14.00 hrs) / Last date for receipt (11.00 hrs) and opening of tenders. (13.15 hrs)
If Purchased from BHEL / If down loaded from web / From / To
Tender Notice No:PROJ-EC/ELEC/LT/2011-12/25, Dt: 19.01.2012
1 / Hiring of Cranes, Trailers for shifting and E&C of CNC HBM 160mm and CNC VTL 1.6Mtr at GT Complex ( P.O.Nos M210P00012, M210E00073 ). / 5.68 / 0.20 / 4 Months / 150/- / 150/- / 20.01.12 / 24.01.12 / 25.01.12
The tenderer must posses P.F. and ESI codes. Documentary requirements of minimum turnover, experience, labour licence, PAN No., Service Tax Reg. shall be submitted as demanded in the techno commercial bid. For full details and tender documents, please visit our web site on the above mentioned dates.All corrigenda, addenda, amendments, time extensions clarifications, etc, to the tender will be hosted on BHEL website() only.Bidders should regularly visit BHEL website to keep themselves updated. The agencies are advised to visit to the site to understand the nature of work / quantum of work in its true perspective to avoid any complications.
Projects Dept
PRE-QUALIFICATION ( Mechanical works )
- The following conditions have to be satisfied by the tenderer, with documentary proof to be enclosed with tender bid (Technical).
- Average annual financial turnover for the three Years 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 should be at least 30% of the estimated cost.
- Particulars of experience / credentials for the Mechanical works executed during last 7 years ( Completion certificate of the works to be enclosed ) ending last day of month previous to the one in which applications are invited should be either of the following:
(a)Three completed/executed Similar works** costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost OR
(b)Two completed/executed Similar works** costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the estimated cost OR
(c)One completed/executedSimilar work** costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost.
Similar works**: Mechanical works / shifting of equipments or materials by engaging cranes or
trailers/material loading or unloading activities at sites.
- (a) ESI Code.
(b)P.F.Code No.( if available ),In case not available, the agency shall submit the PF Code No.
before commencement of work.
- Labour License ( Central Government ) before commencement of work.
- It is required to furnish Service Tax registration Certificatein respect of all works.
- PAN No. ( Copy of the card to be enclosed ).
- EMD / Cost of document - RECEIPT/DD.
- Tender documents can also be had through BHEL Web site ( http:/ cost of document shall be paid in the form of Demand Draft or Bankers cheque or Pay Order and separately enclosed to the tender ( Technical ) bid.
- The requisition for Tender documents shall be given in person to Dy.General Manager/Projects BHEL, Ramachandrapuram, Hyderabad-502032 along with Demand Draft / Bankers cheque drawn in favour of “BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED, HYDERABAD” or payment of cash in BHEL Cash Office ( No other mode of payment will be accepted).Tender documents shall be collected in person by the contractor or his representative. In case of tender application & tender documents downloaded from WEB SITE, the Tenderer shall pay cost oftender documents and EMD ( if applicable ) for item of work he is tendering separately by means of two separate DDs ( in favour of BHEL, R.C.Puram, Hyderabad) one towards cost of tender documents and second towards EMD ( if applicable). Both DDs shall be enclosed along with Tender documents (Technical Bid ).
- Penalty: 0.5% of the gross value of the work will be levied for 24 Hrs delay by the agency, subject to a maximum of 10% value of the work.
- Quotation should be valid for a period of 90 days.
- Period of completion of work is 04 months.
- Tenderers not fulfilling the above conditions, the offer is liable for rejection. The semi filled, incomplete Tender Documents will be rejected.
TELEPHONE No.:040-23182169, FAX No.:040 – 23020154, e mail:
TENDER NOTICE No.: PROJ-EC/ELEC/LT/2011-12/25 dtd 19.01.2012 ( Item No . 1 ).
1. Name of work :Hiring of Cranes, Trailers for shifting and E&C of CNC
HBM 160mm and CNC VTL 1.6Mtr at GT Complex
( P.O.Nos M210P00012, M210E00073 ).
- Earnest Money Deposit: Rs 20,000/-
- Time of Completion: Four Months from the date of commencement.
- Maintenance period: NIL.
- Sale of Tenders from :20.01.2012.
- Last date of receipt of Tenders : 25.01.2012 upto 11.00 Hrs.Tender Box is available
at Vendor Complex, Behind Admn.Bldg.
- Date and time of opening of Tenders: 25.01.2012, after 13.15 Hrs.
- Estimated Amount : Rs 5,68,000/-
- Cost of Tender documents: Rs. 150.00
( Non Refundable ) Rs 150/- if downloaded from Web site and
Full Name & Address:
E- Mail id: ______
Contractor Code No:
( BHEL issued No. )______
- Tender box is kept / available at VENDOR COMPLEX , BEHIND ADMN.BUILDING for dropping / submitting the Tenders and Tender box will be closed at 11.00 Hrs on due date.
- Tender documents are issued in two bid system.
1. Technical bid
2. Price bid
- Tender opening
On the day of tender opening i.e.,25/01/2012, after 13.15 Hrs.,only TECHNICAL BIDS will be opened and evaluated. After scrutiny and acceptance of the technical bids, price bids of qualified / accepted parties only will be opened at a later date and date of opening of price bids will be intimated separately.
- The technical bid consists of technical schedule & General Conditions requiring documentary proof. In case the agency has not satisfied all the conditions along with documentary proof, the submitted offer will be rejected.
- Technical and price bids must be in separate covers and superscribed as "Technical bid" and "Price Bid" separately with Tender Notice No.,Item No. ,Name of the work and address of the agencyshall be clearly written on both the covers. Tenders received mixed (with price and technical bids)will be rejected. Every page of the Technical Bid and price bid document shall be signed and stamped by the Tenderer at the bottom of the page.
- In case of tender application and tender documents downloaded from web site, the Tenderer shall pay cost of tender documents and EMD(if applicable) for item of work he is tendering separately by means of two separate DDs/Bankers Cheques (in favour of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, R.C.Puram,Hyderabad) one towards cost of tender documents and second towards EMD(if applicable). Both DD's shall be enclosed along with the Technical bid.DD’s/Bankers Cheques may be drawn for cost of tender documents upto last date of receipt of tenders.
:: 2 ::
To be filled up by the bidder /Contractor
Name of work :Hiring of Cranes, Trailers for shifting and E&C of CNC HBM 160mm
and CNC VTL 1.6Mtr at GT Complex ( P.O.Nos M210P00012, M210E00073 ).
Tender Notice No & : PROJ-EC/ELEC/LT/2011-12/25 dtd 19.01.2012 ( Item No . 1 ).
Date, Item No.
S.No / Description / Data to be filled by Bidder/Contractor1 / Name of the Contractor
Full Address
Contractor’s code No
( BHEL issued code No.)
Contact person
Mobile Nos.
E-mail ID
Agency shall provide Fax No, e-mail id for communication. BHEL will communicate through e-mail for required data/ intimation of dates. / :
2 / Details of DD/Cash receipt
a) D.D or Cash receipt Nos for EMD
DDDate and Bank Details
b) DD/Cash receipt Nosfor Cost Of Tender Documents.
DD Date and Bank Details
(DD/Bankers Cheques/C.Rs has to be enclosed along with Technical bid). / Amount : Rs.
C.R No & Date :
DD No & Date :
Bank :
Branch :
DD Valid up to date:
Date of validity of One
Time EMD ( If submitted):
Amount : Rs
C.R No & Date :
DD No. & Date :
Bank :
Branch :
DD Valid up to date:
3 / Particulars of experience/credentials
as detailed in notice.( certificates of works to be enclosed ) / :
4 / ESI No. (Copy to be enclosed) / :
5 / PF CODE No. ( if available ),In case not available, the agency shall submit the PF Code No. before commencement of work / :
6 / PAN No. (Copy to be enclosed) / :
: 3 :
S.No / Description / Data to be filled by Bidder/Contractor7 / Service Tax No
(Copy to be enclosed) / :
8 / LABOUR LICENCE (Copy to be enclosed if available ) Valid up to :
In case not available, party shall submit the Licence before commencement of the work . / :
9 / Annual turnover during 3 years period - Year 09,-10, 08-09 and Year 07-08. (Audited/CA Certified)
( supporting documents with Saral , Audited/CA Certified P&L Account and Balance Sheets are to be enclosed ) / Fin.Year 10-11 :
Fin.Year 09-10 :
Fin. Year 08-09 :
1. Without PAN ,VAT TIN No., and Service Tax Registration Nos contractors bills cannot be
processed and payments will be held up.
- Technical bids will be scrutinised by the Dept and Incase the agency has not satisfied all the above conditions with documentary proof the bid will be rejected and their price bid will not be opened.
- Incase of a firm, the documents shall be in the name of the firm. However in case of sole proprietor or individuals these documents shall be on the name of the sole proprietor or individual.
- Though some of above documents are available with BHEL for those agencies who are presently working with BHEL, they also should submit one copy of the same. Otherwise the offer will be rejected.
- All the relevant columns shall be filled with proper information. The unfinished/wrongly filled/ incomplete Tender Documents ( Technical Bids /Price Bids ) will be rejected.
- BHEL reserves the right to reject any or all tenders in part or in full without assigning any reason. The Tender will be finalized on the lowest cost to BHEL.
- Any other works not mentioned but required for completion of the project are to be carried out by the contractor with mutually agreed rates and vetted by Finance.
- BHEL reserves the right to reduce/increase the items, quantities mentioned in the schedule.
- Party shall comply all legal, statutory requirements applicable to execute the work
before commencement of work.
10.The agencies are advised to visit the work site to understand the nature of work /
quantum of work in its true perspective to avoid any complications in future .
11. Tenders submitted without EMD(if applicable ) /Cost of documents will be rejected.
Signature of Contractor(s).
1The Tenderers are required to quote their tender value in percentage ( % ) basis at excess or less or on par with estimated value.( The agency shall quote (+) or (- ) or on par with estimated value). The quoted value in percentage ( % ) shall be written in Figures and words over the BHEL estimate value given in the Price bid. In case of any difference in words and figures the percentage given in words will be considered for comparison and for awarding the work.
If the the agency quotes for any two variants ( + or - or on par )at a time, the lowest value will be considered for evaluation of Tender.
In case more than one agency becomes L1 by quoting same value, further sealed quotations will be called for, from those L1 agencies only to decide final agency with further lowest value. No agency shall quote more than his original tender rates, while re-quoting.
2The tenderer should quote the value inclusive of all taxes & duties ( except VAT & Service Tax ) levied by State and other Government organizations as well as all local authorities as applicable.The VAT and Service tax are extra which will be paid by BHEL to the agency after submission of necessary documents.Interest and penalties paid/payable by the Contractor will not be reimbursed by BHEL and entire implication is only to be borne by the agency. The Tenderer shall indicate the rate of applicable taxes and duties for the work executed. Tenderer shall indicate all exemptions on account of threshold limit or special notifications under any stature.
3If the due date of tenders opening extended because of poor response the agencies who have already submitted tender bids earlier need not submit revised tender. The original tender only will be considered for evaluation.If the Tender is not opened on due date due to any reasons/unavoidable circumstances/the date of opening happens to be a declared holiday at a later date, the same will be opened on next working dayat the stipulated time.
4Bills /material proof of entry inside factory area shall be shown to the Engineer
- incharge for the bought out items.
5The tenderer shall accept all the terms and conditions of the techno commercial bid of the tender document. In case same is not confirmed by the tenderer , the offer will be liable for rejection.
6The tenderer shall not include any additional conditions / alter conditions either in the techno commercial bid or price bid.
7All materials of BHEL free issue shall be lifted by the bidder from BHEL stores and transported to worksite . Also the agency shall return the leftover materials to stores. The rates shall include transportation costs also.
8Rates quoted shall be firm throughout the period of the contract and no price escalation is payable under this contract on any account.
9Sub contracting is not permitted under any circumstances without written consent of BHEL.
10Contract to be closed in all respects including final measurement recording in M book and submitting the bill within two months from the completion time as mentioned in the tender or Approved date of completion whichever is later.
12 BHEL shall have the right to reject any tender based on past unsatisfactory performance.
Special Instructions: -
- All BHEL General Conditions of the Contract shall be applicable. A copy of which is available in the office of Sr.DGM/Planning ( Civil ) for perusal.
- Any statutory increase in the labour wages during the period of execution shall be borne by the agency. The agency shall quote the firm rates considering the possible labour escalation also.
- The rates quoted shall be finished items of work including all lifts, leads and other incidental charges mentioned in the General Conditions of the Contract, unless otherwise specified.
- The department reserves the right to split and award the work to more than one agency.
- The contractor should follow all the safety precautions, special conditions of safety attached while executing the work.
- The contractor should engage labours whose age is above 18 years.
- All the bills of contractors will be cleared by Finance Department subject to production of “Clearance Certificate” by the contractors in respect of compliance of all statutory requirement, issued by I R section of Human Resource Department.
- The tenderer shall comply with all statutory requirement pertaining to the state or any government agencies or authorities Example, PF, ESIC, workman’s compensation & personnel accidents insurance . The company will not be responsible for any claim made by the workers or government agencies / authorities.
- Time is the essence of the contract . If agency fail to complete the work with in stipulated time , agency is liable to pay penality as mentioned below.
0.50% of the gross value of work will be levied for every weeks delay by the agency subject to a maximum of 10% value of the work.
- BHEL is an ISO 14001 & OHASAS 18001 certificate company and always strives for excellence in HSE management and the agency shall comply all the standards from time to time.
- Agency will also ensure that qualified and experienced site staffs are available at all times during working hours in order to ensure proper supervision and to maintain the quality . You should take precaution regarding the safety of labour during the execution of the work. company shall not accept responsibility for the safe keeping of your tools, tackles and materials etc., you will therefore provide and maintain at your own cost locking , watch and ward when and where necessary .
- Safety shoes, masks and gloves etc:
Safety shoes, gum boots, gloves, masks, helmets/summer caps etc shall be provided by the agency for each worker.
- Directions to Parties for Tendering
- Tender for the work
- Tenderer’s and Contractor’s Certificate
- General terms and conditions
5.Special conditions (Safety) & Tidiness at Site, NEFT Authorisation Letter etc.
6. Schedule – A :Schedule of rates and approximate quantities - PRICE BID.
1. Subsidiary items such as water for work, clearing and marking out site, hire of tools and plants should be separately entered. If such items are not so entered, it will be assumed that the rates quoted, in the schedule include provision for them also.
- Each tenderer must also send a certificate of Current Income Tax Clearance from the appropriate Income Tax Authority in the form prescribed therefore. In the case of proprietary firm, it will be necessary to produce the certificate aforementioned for the proprietor or proprietors and for each of the partners as the case may be.
- Every tenderer is expected, before quoting his rates to inspect the site of the proposed work. The best class of materials shall be used on the work. In every case, the materials as comply with the relevant standards specifications
- Time shall be considered as the essence of the contract. The rate of progress as mutually agreed to is required to be maintained. Date of commencement of this programme will be the date on which the site (or premises) is handed to the contractor.
- The tenderer should quote specific rates for items in the schedule in percentage ( % ) basis as given in the Price bid and the rates should be in rupees and paise. . The schedule accompanying the tender shall be written legibly and free from erasures, over writings or corrections of figures. Corrections where unavoidable should be made by crossing out, initialing, dating and rewriting. No alterations which is made by the tenderer in the agreement form, the conditions of agreement, the drawings or specifications accompanying the same will be recognized and if any such alterations are made, the tender will be void.