Pro-Grad 2015

General Meeting Minutes



1. The March Board Meeting for ProGrad 2015 was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Sandra Amburg. She said if you have not done so, please be sure to complete your criminal history check so you can volunteer at Event Night.


1. Nancy Caminiti moved to approve the minutes with the change “Senior Serve exceeded our budget of $24,000” to “$32,000” and Kelly Winkley seconded the motion. The minutes were approved with changes.


1. Donna Witmer reported that our balance is $66,726.56. This does not include Spring Flowers or Event Night ticket sales. We budgeted $75,000 and we are now at $84,000 in revenue.

D. Tiger Bucks:

Jodi Yurcak said to email if you want to know how many Tiger Bucks you have.


1. Sandra reported that Rosie’s Painted Glasses would be at our meeting tonight. Please support our vendors.

2. Poster makers for April is baseball.

3. Laura Bibb reported that this is the last month she will be collecting recycling.

4. Donna Witmer reported that the garage sale brought in about $1800.

5. Lori Dittler said that we sold 120 plants. Top sellers were (in order) Josh Wade, Courtney Kutach. There was a three-way tie for third: Bryce Dittler, Romerien Phillips, and Jamie Yurcak.

6. Kelly Winkley reported that the Vintage Pearl would send our check to our PO Box.

7. Sandra said to please rent your prom tuxedo from Men’s Wearhouse as we get $5 per tux rental.

8. Marilyn Rios said you can sign up to volunteer for Event Night on Sign Up Genius. You will earn 50 Tiger Bucks for each hour you work.
9. Michele Gill reported that we have now sold 113 tickets to Event Night. Tonight is the last night to purchase them for $25. They go up to $35 at midnight. Students, not their parents must purchase. A parent needs to sign the medical release. Michele sells the tickers on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

10. Techonia Griffin said that Canes and Popeye’s would donate food. Chick Fil A will donate drinks. Kroger will donate water. We will get pizza from Il Primo.

11. Kelly Winkley said we have three coupons left to purchase for Visage Senior photos.

12. Sandra said we have 2 Carl’s coupon books left. She is selling them for $5 each.


1. Sandra reported that Men’s Wearhouse would donate a tuxedo rental. All seniors present were put into a drawing and Kaylynn Ardoin won the free tuxedo rental.

2. We will have a car wash 5/2 and 5/23 at the Valero store in front of Pecan Grove. 50 Tiger Bucks for each hour worked will be given to volunteers.

3. Coupons were left at the THS front desk. You can get $40 off and $5 per tuxedo rental goes back to Travis ProGrad.

4. We received a $500 grant that a THS teacher nominated us for.

5. Tiger Bucks drawing: Caroline Ritter, Jared Schulze, and Grayson Peterson.

G. Announcements:

1. The next General meeting will be 5/11/15 at 7:00 p.m.