RESUME-December 2013


423 Agricultural Hall 4721 W. Skeleton Road

Oklahoma State University Waukomis, OK 73773

Stillwater, Oklahoma Telephone: (580) 478 - 6222

Telephone: (405) 744-6173Email:


Ph.D. Virginia Tech, 1995

M.S. Kansas State University, 1991

B.S. Kansas State University, 1989


2007National Extension Leadership Development Program (NELD)

(1 year Extension Leadership and Educational Experience)

2006Simulation and Econometric Models for Probabilistic Forecasting

And Risk Analysis Workshop, College Station TX, January 2006

2003 -2005Kansas Agricultural Rural Leadership (KARL), Class VII

(2 year rural leadership training and educational experience)



Dept. of Ag. Economics / Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service

Oklahoma Farm Credit Professor of Agricultural Finance

Associate Professor (.75 teaching - .25 extension)

Primary responsibility is teaching in the areas of agricultural finance, management, and basic economics. I also advise undergraduate students and serve on graduate committees. Extension education responsibilities focus on agricultural finance, and other aspects of farm and agribusiness management. Applied research interests focus on applied agricultural finance and management issues.

1983 - PresentSELF EMPLOYED

Part Time Owner Manager

Maintain interest in farming operation in South Central Kansas, and an active involvement in a diversified crop and livestock farm in Garfield County Oklahoma. My wife and I jointly manage several thousand acres of diversified crops and assist with the family cattle operation. We supervise 2-4 employees during the busy seasons.


NW Area Cooperative Extension Service

Area Extension Agricultural Economics Specialist

Extension education responsibilities focused on all aspects of farm and agribusiness management. Major programs included the evolving economics and risk of various production practices, crop and livestock marketing, agricultural policy, and family business succession planning. Applied research interests focused on production economics, farm management, marketing and finance in support of Extension program areas.


Dept. of Ag. Econ / Cooperative Extension Service

Assistant Professor (95-01), Associate Professor (01-08), Full Professor (08)

Developed and implemented a successful nationally recognized Extension, Research, and Teaching program in the area of livestock production economics, general farm management, and agricultural finance.Extension programming focused on livestock production economics, farm management, and farm business and transition planning with an emphasis on innovative distance delivery. Research interests included livestock economics, farm management, and marketing. Teaching responsibilities included senior level Farm Management Strategies, Agricultural Finance, and Introductory Agricultural Economics, as well as supervising graduate students.

Extensive work experience prior to 2005 (request “OLD RESUME” for details).


My instructional responsibilities include Agricultural Finance at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, a senior-level Farm and Ranch Management class, and an introductory Agricultural Economics class. Previously, I instructed similar classes at Kansas State University. My primary objective is to mesh basic economic theory with applied management and finance concepts. Evaluation scores and other measures indicate that instruction has been effective and enthusiastic resulting in student learning. In addition to my assigned classes, I have frequently guest lectured for other classes, often including other departments and other universities. While at KSU I supervised several Master’s students through thesis completion, and I am currently serving on several graduate committees at OSU. I am currently a member of the graduate faculty at both OSU and KSU. I received the KSU College of Agriculture “Faculty of the Semester” award twice in 3 years for my teaching contributions.


From January, 1995 to December, 2013, I developed and delivered over 1,050 extension presentations at the county, area, state, and multi-state level. Topics include enterprise analysis and record keeping for agricultural producers, whole farm financial management, business planning and succession planning, understanding economic risks in agricultural production, farm policy decision making, economically implementing grazing land water quality protection plans, and agricultural marketing. Specific emphasis is on the development and delivery of intensive farm management information via a combination of face-to-face and electronic delivery methods, as well as on web-based delivery of information and decision tools. Both historically, and in my current position much of my extension program is multi-disciplinary, working with specialists and professionals from a variety to subject matter disciplines. I have co-instructed a national-level training session for new FSA farm loan staff, and have served on the AAEA Extension section board, as well as numerous other boards and committees.


American Agricultural Economics Association

Southern Agricultural Economics Association

International Farm Transition Network


Refereed Journal Articles:

Smith, Rebecca L., Michael W. Sanderson, Rodney Jones, Yapo N’Guessan, David Renter, Robert Larson, and Brad J. White. “Economic Risk Analysis Model for Bovine Diarrhea Virus Biosecurity in Cow-Calf Herds.” Preventative Veterinary Medicine. (Forthcoming).

Ferrell, Shannon L., Derrell Peel, Derrick Davies, and Rodney Jones. “The Future of Agricultural Law: A Generational Shift.” Drake Journal of Agricultural Law. 18(2013):107-136.

Gunter, Stacey, Eric Thacker, Robert Gillen, Tim Springer, and Rodney Jones. “Effects of Sand Sagebrush Control in Southern Mixed-Grass Prairie Rangeland on Cattle Performance and Economic Return.” The Professional Animal Scientist. 28(2012):204–212.

Campiche, Jody, Mike Dicks, Larry Sanders, Rodney Jones, Daniel Skipper, and Eric A. DeVuyst. “2008 Farm Bill Decision Tools.” Journal of Extension. 48-4 (August, 2010), Article no. 4TOT5.

Crespi, John M., Tian Xia, and Rodney Jones. “Market Power and the Cattle Cycle.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 92-3(April, 2010)685-697.

Jones, R., and M. Langemeier. “A Review of Population Data Utilization in Beef Cattle Research.” Journal of Animal Science. Published online (Nov. 6, 2009) doi:10.2527/jas.2009-2345.

Olsen, Charlotte Shoup, Rodney Jones, Jerry Jost, and Charles L. Griffin. “Integrating Economics, Management, and Human Relationship Issues into Training for Successful Farm Family Businesses.” Journal of Extension ( 47-5(October, 2009) article no 51AW6.

Johnson, Sandra K. and Rodney D. Jones. “A Stochastic Model to Compare Breeding System Costs for Synchronization of Estrus and Artificial Insemination to Natural Service.” The Professional Animal Scientist. 24-6 (2008) 588-595.

Jones, Rodney, Kevin Dhuyvetter, Thomas Marsh, and Tyler Turner. “Estimating The Economic Value of Specific Characteristics Associated With Angus Bulls Sold At Auction.” Journal of Agricultural And Applied Economics. 40-1(April 2008)315-333.

Jones, Rodney, Alicia Goheen, Kevin Dhuyvetter, Terry Kastens, and Vincent Amanor-Boadu. “Using Distance Education In Extension Programming.” Journal of Agricultural And Applied Economics. 39-2(August 2007) 265-274.

Perry, William R., Thomas Marsh, Rodney Jones, M.W. Sanderson, J.M. Sargeant, D.D. Griffin, and R.A. Smith. “Joint Product Management Strategies For E. Coli 0157 And Feedlot Profits.” Food Policy 32 (2007) 544-565. (available online at

Jones Rodney, “BOOK REVIEW: Czech Conroy. Participatory Livestock Research: A Guide. Warwickshire, UK: ITDG, 2005, xvi+304pp., $29.95 paperback. ISBN 1-85339-577-3.” Journal of Agribusiness. 24(2006):115-117.

Williams, Jeffery, Morgan Powell, and Rodney Jones. “A Survey and Analysis of the Costs of Individual Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems.” Small Flows Quarterly. 6(2005):38-47.

May, Gary J., Rodney D. Jones, Michael R. Langemeier, and Kevin C. Dhuyvetter. “Influence of Grazing Lease Terms on Economic Optimal Stocking Rates.” Journal of Range Management. 55(2002) 461-468.

Langemeier, Michael R., and Rodney D. Jones. “Factors Impacting Downside Risk.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. (2001):115-120.

Schroeder, Ted C., Rod J. Jerrick, Rodney Jones, and Clifford Spaeth. “U.S. Lamb Demand.” Sheep and Goat Research Journal. 17(2001):14-19.

Michael R. Langemeier, Rodney D. Jones, and Gerry L. Kuhl. “Measuring Improvements in Performance of Steer and Heifer Finishing.” The Professional Animal Scientist. 17(2001):45-50.

Mark, Darrell R. Ted C. Schroeder, and Rodney Jones. “Identifying Economic Risk in Cattle Feeding.” Journal of Agribusiness. 18(2000):331-344.

Langemeier, Michael R., and Rodney D. Jones. "Measuring The Rate of Technological Change For Cattle Finishing." Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. (2000):97-103.

Langemeier, Michael R., and Rodney D. Jones. “Measuring the Impact of Specialization on Financial Performance.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. (2000):90-96.

Kastens, Terry L., Rodney Jones, and Ted C. Schroeder. "Futures-Based Price Forecasts for Agricultural Producers and Businesses." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 23(1998):294-307.

Jones, Rodney and Ted C. Schroeder. "Production Responses To Economic And Other Signals." SID Sheep and Goat Research Journal. 14(1998):43-52.

Jones, Rodney, Paul D. Ohlenbusch, and Jeffery Tranel. "Proposed CRP Policy: On Track Or A Source Of Concern." Rangelands. 19(1997):13-15.

Kasari, Tom, Steven Wikse, and Rodney Jones. "Use of Yearling Bulls in Beef Cattle Operations." Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian. 18(1996): 1244-1254.

Peterson, Everett B. and Rodney Jones. "Implications of U.S. - Mexico Tariff Reductions under NAFTA for the U.S. Sheep Industry." SID Sheep and Goat Research Journal. 11(1995):4-13

Schroeder, Ted, Rodney Jones, James Mintert, and Andrew Barkley. "The Impact of Forward Contracting on Fed Cattle Transaction Prices." Review of Agricultural Economics, 15(1993):325-337.

Jones, Rodney and Wayne D. Purcell. "Weekly Price Dynamics in the U.S. Lamb Marketing System." SID Sheep Research Journal, 9(1993):38-44.

Jones, Rodney, Ted Schroeder, James Mintert, and Frank Brazle. "The Impacts of Quality on Cash Fed Cattle

Prices."Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, 24(1992):149-162.

Book Chapters:

Shiflett, Julie, and Rodney Jones “Sheep and Wool Marketing.” In SID Sheep Production Handbook, 2002 edition, Volume 7. Paul Rogers, editor. American Sheep Industry Association,Denver, Colorado, 2003 pp. 601-622.

Schroeder, Ted., James Mintert, Andrew Barkley, and Rodney Jones. "Implications of Captive Supplies in the Fed Cattle Industry." In Pricing and Coordination in Consolidated Livestock Markets: Captive Supplies, Market Power, IRS Hedging Policy. Wayne Purcell, editor. Research Institute on Livestock Pricing: Blacksburg, Virginia, April 1992 pp. 19-44.

Invited Papers and Presentations to Professional Meetings:

Ferrell, Shannon L. and Rodney Jones. “Legal Issues Affecting Farm Transition.” Presentation to the Transitions in Agriculture: Implications for Research, Data Development and Policy Analysis Conference. Washington, D.C., March 20-21, 2013.

Jones, Rodney and M. Langemeier. “Population Data Analysis to Evaluate Trends in Animal Production Systems.” Presentation to the joint annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association, Canadian Society of Animal Science, and American Society of Animal Science, Montreal, Canada. July 12-16, 2009.

Doye, Damona, L Sanders, M. Langemeier, and R. Jones. “Responding to Farm and Family Business Planning and Transition Needs in Oklahoma and Kansas.”Presentation to the joint meeting of the National Association of Farm Business Analysts and the North Central Farm Management Extension Tri-Annual Conference, Rochester Minnesota, June 12-14, 2007.

Jones, Rodney, A. Goheen, K. Dhuyvetter, T. Kastens, V. Amanor-Boadu, and M. Langemeier. “Distance Delivery of Intensive Farm Management Education.” Presentation to the joint meeting of the National Association of Farm Business Analysts and the North Central Farm Management Extension Tri-Annual Conference, Rochester Minnesota, June 12-14, 2007.

Jones, Rodney, A. Goheen, K. Dhuyvetter, T. Kastens, and V. Amanor-Boadu. “Using Distance Education In Extension Programming.” Invited presentation to the 2007 Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Mobile Alabama, February 4-7, 2007.

Jones, Rodney. “Building a Business Plan for Your Farm: Important First Steps: Farm Business Planning for the 21st Century.” Invited presentation for the 2006 American Bankers Association National Agricultural Bankers Conference, Las Vegas NV, November 12-15, 2006

Jones, Rodney. “Research and Extension Responses to Farm and Rural Business Transition/Succession Planning Needs.” Symposia Organized for the 2006 American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Long Beach CA, July 22-26, 2006.

Jones, Rodney. “Integrating Economics, Management, and Human Relationship Issues to Facilitate Successful Family Business Transitions.” Invited presentation at the 2006 American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Long Beach CA, July 22-26, 2006.

6 invited papers prior to 2005 (request “OLD RESUME” for details).

Published Proceedings of Presented Papers:

Ferrell, Shannon L., and Rodney Jones. “Business Entities as Farm Transition Tools: To Just Be, or to LLC.” Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of the State Bar of Texas Agricultural Law Course, Lubbock TX, May 2012.

Ferrell, Shannon L. and Rodney Jones. “Employment Law for Farmers and Ranchers.” Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of the State Bar of Texas Agricultural Law Course, Lubbock TX, May 2011.

Ferrell, Shannon L. and Rodney Jones. “Estate Planning For Farmers and Ranchers: Overview of Legal Issues and Concepts.” Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of the 4th annual John Huffaker Agricultural Law Course, Lubbock, TX, May, 2010.

Jones, Rodney, Tian Xia, and John M. Crespi. “Now You See It, Now You Don’t; Why Packer Market Power Is So Elusive.” Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of the Risk and Profit Management Conference, Manhattan, KS, August, 2009.

Jones, Rodney. “Economics, Management, and Human Relationships: The Keys to Successful Family Business Transitions.” Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of the Family Farm Succession Planning Workshop, Midwest Dairy Institute, Milbank SD, July 2007.

Johnson, S. K., and R. Jones. “Economics of Estrus Synchronization and AI.” Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of the Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Symposium , Rapid City SD, October, 2006.

Johnson, S. K., and R. Jones. “Economics of Estrus Synchronization and AI.” Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of the Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Symposium , St. Joseph MO, August, 2006.

Jones, Rodney. “Economics, Management, and Human Relationships: The Keys to Successful Family Business Transitions.” Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of the Risk and Profit Management Conference, Manhattan, KS, August, 2006.

34 Published proceedings prior to 2005 (request “OLD RESUME” for details).

Fact Sheets, Bulletins, Research Reports, and Other Articles:

Klinefelter, Danny and R. Jones. “Ag Finance Outlook.” Southwest Farm Press, January 9, 2014.

Ferrell, Shannon L., M. D. Boehlje, and R. Jones. “The Policy and Legal Environment for Farm Transitions.” Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm, and Resource Issues, 2nd Quarter 2013 – 28(2).

Schurle, Bryan, R. Jones, and D. Hund. “12 Stepes to Keep the Family Farming”. Angus Beef Bulletin, January 2013.

Jones, Rodney, D. Doye, and J. Jones. “Cow Herd Decisions: Keep and Feed versus Sell and Buy Back.” In Master Cattleman Quarterly. Volume 12, September, 2011.

Jones, Rodney, and A. Cooper. “Resource Stewardship and Grazing Lease Terms.” Kansas Grazingland Water Quality Staff Paper, June, 2008

Blocksome, Carolyn E., R. Jones, K.L. Herbel, and W.H. Fick. “Decision Considerations for Expiring CRP Contracts.” KSU Agr. Exp. Stat. and Cooperative Extension Service Bulletin No. MF-2827, March, 2008

Herbel, K., and R. Jones. “Economic Analysis Provides Important Information for Making Management Decisions.” In The Grassland Watershed. Volume 9-3, October, 2006

Babcock, A., R. Jones, and M. Langemeier. “Examining Cost of Gain in Kansas Feedlots.” In Beef Cattle Research 2006. Agr. Exp. Stat. Report of Progress, No. 959, March 2006.

Babcock, A., R. Jones, and M. Langemeier. “Examining Death Loss in Kansas Feedlots.” In Beef Cattle Research 2006. Agr. Exp. Stat. Report of Progress, No. 959, March 2006.

Langemeier, M.R., and R. D. Jones. “Measuring Scope Efficiency for Crop and Beef Farms.” In Beef Cattle Research 2006. Agr. Exp. Stat. Report of Progress, No 959, March 2006.

Jones, R. “Do Terms of Grazing Leases Matter.” In The Grassland Watershed. Volume 8-4, January, 2006.

49 Fact Sheets, Bulletins, and Other Articles prior to 2005 (request “OLD RESUME” for details).

Published Abstracts and Presented Papers:

O’Brien, Daniel M., Troy J. Dumler, and Rodney D. Jones. “The Economics of Selling Crop Residue Biomass for Cellulosic Ethanol Production at the Farm Level.” Presented at the 2010 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Denver Co. July, 2010.

30 published abstracts of presented papers prior to 2005 (request “OLD RESUME” for details).

Poster Presentations:

Campiche, Jody and R. Jones. “An Overview of Farm Bill Supplemental Crop Insurance Proposals.” Poster presented at the AAEA meeting, Washington D.C., August 2013.

Campiche Jody, E. DeVuyst, D. Doye, J.C. Hobbs, J.J. Jones, R. Jones, D. Peel, R. Sahs, and D. Shideler. “Oklahoma State Drought Management Response Team.” Poster presented at the SAEA meeting, Orlando Florida, February 2013.

Johnson, Sandra K., and R.D. Jones. “A Stochastic Model to Compare Breeding System Costs for Synchronization of Estrus and AI to Natural Service.” Poster presented at the ASAS meeting, San Antonio Texas, July 2007.

Blocksome, Carol, L. Huber, K. Herbel, W. Fick, and R. Jones. “Kansas Grassland Water Quality Stewardship Program.” Poster presented at the 2006 K-State Research and Extension Annual Conference, Manhattan Kansas , October, 2006.

12 poster presentations prior to 2005 (request “OLD RESUME” for details).

Current Extension Publications:

Doye, D., R. Sahs, and R. Jones. “Stocker Lease Agreements.” Oklahoma Cooperative Extensions Service Bulletin No. AGEC-572, 2013.

Schurle, B., R. Jones, and D. Hund. “Transition Planning: 12 Stepes to Keep the Family Farming”. K-State Research and Extension, Dept. of Agricultural Economics Bulletin No MF3074, November, 2012.

Ferrell, S., and R. Jones. “Oklahoma Farm and Ranch Employment Handbook”. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Bulletin No. E-1028, 2012.

Jones, R., Editor “Keeping The Family Farming Workshop Notebook” Kansas Farm Succession Planning Workshop Series Notebook, November, 2007.

Jones, R. and S.L. Fogleman. “Farm and Ranch Strategic Planning (Visioning and Goal Setting).” KSU Farm Management Guide No. MF-2695, October 2006.

Jones, R. and M.R. Langemeier. “Important Farm Business Terms Defined - Business Structures.” KSU Farm Management Guide No. MF-2696, October 2006.

Langemeier, M.R. and R. Jones. “Important Farm Business Terms Defined - Finance.” KSU Farm Management Guide No. MF-477, October 2006.

Extension Publications No Longer Current:

Authored 84 previous extension publications that have been updated (revision listed in previous section), have been replaced, or are considered no longer current (Request “Old Resume” for details).

Research and Extension Grant Proposals:

“Comparison of Grain Sorghum and Corn Productivity under Limited Irrigation with Subsurface Drip.” Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute. 2013, with J.G. Warren, R. Kochenower, J. Campiche, and A. Stoecker. (Requested $25,000.00, Funded, Matched with and Additional $50,000.00 from OSU DASNR)