API 19G Task and Work Group MeetingsFeb. 11, 2011Page 1

API RP 19G Task Group Meeting

Date, Time:

  • Feb. 11, 2011
  • 8:00 am – 12:00 pm


-Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore


-Wayne Mabry, Task Group Chair


-Firdaus AbdullahBrunei Shell




-Cleon DunhamOilfield Automation

-Jim HallQatar

-Sies HussainExxonMobil

-Mike JohnsonExxonMobil


-John MartinezProduction

-Juan Carlos ManteconSPT

-Tom NorlandPetroleum Technology

-Olu OwoyemiShell





-Adline TaibBrunei Shell


-Jun XuShell International

Meeting Agenda:

-Open meeting – Wayne Mabry

  • Welcome
  • Safety Briefing
  • Meeting Schedule
  • WayneMabry welcomed everyone and everyone introduced themselves.
  • The e-mail addresses of everyone were collected so the minutes can be sent to everyone.
  • These addresses are shown above.
  • Wayne gave a safety briefing.
  • The meeting schedule is shown below.

-Previous Meeting – Wayne Mabry

  • Review and accept minutes from previous meeting on Nov. 9, 2010
  • The minutes of the Nov. 9, 2010 meeting were approved.

-Report on API Subcommittee 19 Meeting– Wayne Mabry

  • Review the actions of SC-19 relating to API 19G Task Group
  • The meeting was in Fort Worth, Texas.
  • David McCalvin represented our Task Group.
  • There were two meetings: 19G and CSOEM.
  • 19G6. A new work item for 19G6 (update of 11V6) was approved by the CSOEM. Gas-lift valve performance will be included. There will be no other major additions to the document.
  • 19G8. A new work item was approved. This will be an update to 11V8 to address “new” issues that we face in the industry today.
  • 19G11.This document, in draft form, can be downloaded from ALRDC. It will be“edited” before it is published. We need to generate a new work item to edit the document. This was moved and approved. Cleon Dunham will send a form to Juan CarlosManteconwho will prepare the new work item proposal.
  • 19G14.This will be a new Recommended Practice for gas-lift for gas well deliquification. It was approved.
  • We foresee potential additional API Gas-Lift work in the future. Wayne Mabry will communicate these items to John Yonker.
  • One item will be a document to clarify the nomenclature we use in the various API Gas-Lift documents. Or, this may be an addendum to our other documents. We should be consistent with other organizations like the SPE definitions.
  • We have talked about preparing a document for PPO (production pressure operated) gas-lift valves. These are covered in 19G9 (Dual Gas-Lift), but they may need more coverage. There are also “proportional response valves” and “balanced valves” used by some people. Should these be covered? The consensus is that we don’t need to do this.
  • Surface controlled valves are included in 19G2 (ISO 17078-2) so a new RP is not needed at this time.
  • We may consider a document or addendum to an existing document to cover pack-off (straddle, or retro-fit) devices.
  • We may consider a document or an addendum to cover gas-lift below the packer. This will be addressed in the new RP 19G14 discussed above.
  • We may consider a document or an addendum to cover “auto” gas-lift (using gas from a gas zone to lift an oil zone in the same well).
  • We may need a new Recommended Practice on well integrity issues.
  • We need a new work item to address barrier or “high reliability” issues. Discussions on this have been centered the back check. We need to also consider “barriers” in the mandrels. See more discussion on this later in this meeting.
  • We may need a new work item to upgrade the text in 19G2 that refers to dynamic valve testing, based on the work of Ali Hernandez on Thornhill-Craver.
  • Question from API: should all gas-lift RP’s be published in one document? Our answer is “no.” It would be too expensive.
  • It would be nice to have a very brief document to summarize all of our standards and RP’s. If this were prepared, would API publish it?
  • As Gas-Lift Task Group members, we can receive copies of our RP’s from Roland Goodman.

-Updates of Existing Documents

-11V2 – Ken Decker

  • Gas-Lift Valve Testing and Modeling
  • Status of proposed update of text of 11V2 that is now part of 19G2 and 19G4.
  • API 11V2 will stay in print until the ability to monogram valves via 11V1 is replaced by the ability to monogram valves via19G2.
  • See a possible new work item for 19G2 that is mentioned above.

-19G6– Ken Decker

  • Design of Continuous Gas-Lift Wells
  • Status of update of Existing 11V6.
  • A new work item to update 11V6 to become 19G6has been approved and will be reported at future meetings.
  • The Task Group asksKen Decker and JoeClegg to prepare a timeline for this work.

-19G8 – John Martinez

  • Gas-Lift Systems
  • Status of update of Existing 11V8.
  • A new work item to update 11V8 to become 19G8has been approved.
  • The target to complete this work is 2012.
  • The Work Group members have been identified.
  • JohnMartinez will obtain copies of the API 11V8 document from Roland Goodman to give to the Work Group members. John’s e-mail is .

-19G9 – Cleon Dunham

  • Dual Gas-Lift
  • This document has been published and may be acquired from API.
  • Status of re-edit and re-publish of 19G9.
  • The document has been re-edited, re-approved, and is back in the hands of API to be re-published.
  • The date of publication of the revised document is not yet known.

-11V10 – Steve Gossell

  • There are electronic annexes to this RP that include calculations of all of the equations in the RP and conversion of all variables between SI and Standard Oilfield Units.
  • At some point it will be worthwhile to re-edit this document.

-19G11– Juan Carlos Mantecon

  • Dynamic Modeling of Gas-Lift Systems and Wells
  • Status of Issue of New document 19G11.
  • The draft document can be downloaded from ALRDC.com, Technical Committees, Gas-Lift. The User Name is api_gaslift and the password is moreoil.
  • Thedraft document has been reviewed by the Work Group and the Task Group.
  • It now needs to be edited under a new work item to be prepared by Juan Carlos Mantecon.
  • Cleon Dunham will send the necessary form to JuanCarlosMantecon for seeking the new work item.
  • It is estimated that it will take a year or so for the document to be re-edited.
  • Once it has been edited, it will be re-reviewed by the Task Group.
  • Then it will be placed in the hands of the API to be finalized, final edited, and published.

-Work Group Meetings

-19G12 – Cleon Dunham

  • Gas-Lift Automation
  • JuanCarlosManteconvolunteers to work on sections of the document that deal with Optimization and Dynamic Solutions
  • Peter Oyewolevolunteers to review the draft of the document and comment.
  • The next API 19G12 meeting will be during the week of March28 at Shell Bellaire Technology Center in Houston, Texas. The precise date will be determined later.

-19G13 – Wayne Mabry

  • Challenging Gas-Lift Operations
  • The next API 19G13 meeting will be on TuesdayMarch29 at Shell Bellaire Technology Center in Houston, Texas.
  • Jim Bennett, John Martinez, and Wim derKinderen have reviewed Version 5 of the document.
  • Wayne Mabry and Cleon Dunham will address their comments.
  • Wayne Mabry and CleonDunhamhave completed a first draft on Chapter1 of the document. This is Version 7 of the document.
  • Wayne Mabry has sent the current Version 7 of Chapter 1 to the Work Group members.
  • Comments need to be returned to Wayne Mabry and Cleon Dunham by March9.
  • Wayne Mabry and CleonDunham will review comments on Chapter 1, update it by March21, and send it to the Work Group members before the next meeting.

-New Work Items

-19G14 – Cleon Dunham

  • Gas-Lift of Gas Wells
  • This new work item has been approved.
  • Cleon Dunham is the chair of this Work Group.
  • Peter Oyewoleof BP will be part of the group.
  • Joe Allanwith PTC will be involved.
  • Kees Veeken will be a Shell person on this Work Group.
  • Olu OwoyemiofShell Aberdeenwill also be involved. .
  • An initial meeting of this Work Group will be convened in the near future.

-19G2– Wayne Mabry

  • This will be a new work item to review the design verification/validation and functional testing levels in API 19G2to focus on adding a barrier design qualification level.
  • This will be a standard that Governmental bodies can use.
  • The Work Group will add a level or levels for product functional testing and design verification/validation to address barrier designs.
  • Level “V-0” will address more stringent barrier testing.
  • We will follow the Statoil “de facto” standard.
  • We need to continue to allow erosion testing with fresh water.
  • We may need a more aggressive erosion test using brine water.
  • Level “V-00” will address more stringent erosion testing if it is needed.
  • We may need to consider the use of elastomers for packing.
  • WayneMabry will develop a list of participants for this and see if there are conflicts with other gas-lift 19G efforts.
  • WayneMabry will prepare a new work item request.
  • The Task Group considers this as a high priority item.
  • It may be necessary to slow down work on other items to speed up work on this one.

-New/Other Business

-New Business – Wayne Mabry

  • In some cases, appropriate repetition of information in a document is OK.
  • It can help the reader find useful information without having to look in too many locations, either in the same document or in other documents.
  • This issue needs to be balanced between making the documents easy to use while making themas succinct as practical.

-Any Other Business – Wayne Mabry

  • Next meeting date and place.
  • The next meeting will be in Houston on Thursday, Nov. 3.

Adjourn meeting

-The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 pm, Singapore time.

Minutes captured by;

Cleon Dunham

Secretary, Task Group 19G