2016Performance Plan, Midpoint Review, and End of Year Accomplishments Evaluation
Non-Supervisory Employees
Position Title:
Rating Period: 2015– 2016

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PMR Section I: Performance Plan

At the beginning of the performance cycle, critical element performance goals are established by supervisors for their respective non faculty employees. These goals align with the strategic initiatives of the work unit, Department, and Division, andmay include quantity, quality, and cost measures, learning goals, and deadlines for accomplishing tasks. Performance goals are documented in the PMR Section I: Performance Plan.Non supervisory employees will need 3 goals established for them.
  1. Employees may provide inputto be considered by the supervisor when planning performance goals.
  2. After establishing goals, supervisors will discuss them with the employee to ensure that they are clearly understood.
  3. The job description and the Performance Plan need to be signed at the beginning of each Performance Cycle by the employee, the supervisor, and the approving manager.

PMR Section 2: Midpoint Review

The Midpoint Review is a formal feedback session between the supervisor and the employee. It is based on a summary statement written by the supervisor describing the employee’s accomplishments and opportunities for improvement at the halfway point of the performance cycle. It may also include adjustments to the performance expectations listed previously in the PMR Performance Plan.
The Midpoint Review isdocumented in the PMR Section 2: Midpoint Review.
  1. Employees are encouraged to complete a self evaluation regarding their accomplishments toward meeting performance expectations, and provide it to their supervisor as input to be considered when preparing the Midpoint Review.
  2. After preparing the Midpoint Review, supervisors will discuss it with the employee to ensure that the employee understands the performance feedback and any changes to the performance expectations reflected in the employee’s PMR Performance Plan.
  3. The employee, the supervisor, and the approving manager sign the PMR acknowledging completion of the Midpoint Review.

PMR Section 3: End-of-Year Accomplishments Evaluation

The performance cycle ends on August 31 of each year. Between August 1 and August 31supervisors will summarize the accomplishments of each of their employees toward meeting theirperformance goals in the PMR Section 3: End-of-Year Accomplishments Evaluation, and will assign eachemployee an overall performance rating.
  1. Non-supervisory employees are encouraged to complete a self evaluation listing accomplishments toward meeting their performance expectations, and provide it to their supervisor as input to be considered when preparing the End of Year Accomplishments Evaluation and Performance Rating.
  2. The supervisor will meet with each of their employees to reviewhis or her performance and the ratings assigned.
  3. The employee, the supervisor, and the approving manager sign the PMR acknowledging completion of the End of Year Accomplishments Evaluation and Performance Rating.


  • Critical Elements:The performance goalswhich align with the strategic initiatives of the work unit, Department, and Division.
  • Performance Expectations: The qualitative and/or quantitative measures against which each goalwill be assessed. These statements should be brief, and should identify effectiveness measures like quality and quantity of work, timeliness, or other measures, as appropriate.
  • Exceeds Expectations: This is a level of rare, high-quality performance. The quality and quantity of the employee’s work substantially surpass the Achieved Expectations performance level and rarely leave room for improvement. The impact of the employee’s work is so significant that organizational objectives are accomplished that otherwise would not have been. The accuracy and thoroughness of the employee’s work is exceptionally reliable. Application of technical knowledge and skill goes beyond what is expected for the job. The employee significantly improves the work processes and products for which he or she is responsible.
  • Achieved Expectations: Performance at this level represents the range of accomplishments that are expected of all employees. The employee remains consistently on target to achieve. Problems are not frequent or significant enough to create serious adverse consequences and are dealt with effectively. The work product is usually accurate and delivered on time.
  • Below Expectations: Performance at this level is less than expected for the position.
  • Failed Expectations: The quality and quantity of the employee’s work under this element are not adequate for the position. The employee’s work products fall short of requirements for the critical element. Tasks are not completed with the needed degree of accuracy and thoroughness. Products arrive late or often require major revisions because they are incomplete or inaccurate in content. The employee fails to apply adequate technical knowledge to complete the work of this duty. Either the knowledge applied cannot produce the needed products or it produces technically inadequate products or results. Lack of adherence to required procedures, instructions, and formats contribute to inadequate work products.
  1. Performance Planning 2. Midpoint Review 3. End-of-Year Accomplishments Evaluation

Instructions: Use the table below to list three critical element goals,related performance expectations,and achievements.

PMR Section 1
Performance Plan
Critical Elements- Goals / PMR Section 2
Midpoint Review
Status of Goal Completion / PMR Section 3
End-of-Year Accomplishments Evaluation / End-of-Year
Performance Rating
 Exceeds Expectations = 4 points
 Achieved Expectations = 3 points
 Below Expectations = 1 point
 Failed Expectations = 0 points
 Exceeds Expectations = 4 points
 Achieved Expectations = 3 points
 Below Expectations = 1 point
 Failed Expectations = 0 points
 Exceeds Expectations = 4 points
 Achieved Expectations = 3 points
 Below Expectations = 1 point
 Failed Expectations = 0 points
OverallPerformanceRating / Total Points = ______
Average = ______
 Exceeds = Average from 3.6 to 4.0
 Achieved = Average from 3.0 to 3.59
 Below
 Failed

Note: In response to a rating of “Below Expectations” for any critical element goal, the supervisor in consultation with the Director of Employee Relations will document actions required of the employee to improve performance to the level of achieved expectations.

In response to a rating of “Failed Expectations” for any of the critical elements of the position, the supervisor shall place the employee on a performance improvement plan (PIP) in which the employee is given at least thirty (30) days to improve, prior to assigning a performance rating. Prior to being issued, the PIP must be reviewed by the Director of Employee Relations.

Should the employee disagree with the rating assigned, the employee may submit a written response within five (5) workdays to the approving official for consideration. Within five (5) workdays, the approving official shall assign a final rating.

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PMR Section 1 – Performance Plan
Acknowledgements Page / PMR Section 2 – Midpoint Review
Acknowledgements Page / PMR Section 3 – End-of-Year Accomplishments
Acknowledgements Page
Supervisor’s Signature: (Certifies that the employee has been given a current Job Description and a copy of her or his Performance Plan) / Date: / Supervisor’s Signature: Certifies that the employee has been given a copy of her/his Midpoint Review / Date: / Supervisor’s Signature: Certifies that the employee has been given a copy of her/his End of Year Accomplishments Evaluation and Performance Rating / Date:
Employee’s Signature: (Acknowledges receipt of Job Description and Performance Plan) / Date: / Employee
comments attached?
Yes No / Employee’s Signature: Acknowledges receipt of her/his Midpoint Review / Date: / Employee
comments attached?
Yes No / Employee’s Signature: Acknowledges receipt of her/his End of Year Accomplishments Evaluation and Performance Rating / Date: / Employee
comments attached?
Yes No
Approving Manager’s Signature: (Acknowledges agreement with the Job Description and Performance Plan. / Date: / Approving Manager’s Signature: Acknowledges agreement with the Midpoint Review / Approving Manager’s Signature: Acknowledges agreement with the End of Year Accomplishments Evaluation and Performance Rating

End of Year Accomplishments Evaluations and Performance Ratings must be signed by both the employee and supervisor, and are due to Human Resources by September 30, 2016. A copy of the final signed appraisal shall be provided to the employee.

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