What is PIIC?

·  The Pennsylvania Institute for Instructional Coaching (PIIC) is an instructional coaching/teacher leadership model focused on secondary literacy across content areas.

·  This program is being provided to districts across the state at no cost. The IU provides mentoring services and professional development for the identified Instructional Coaches in member districts.

·  Mentors will offer professional development opportunities designed to help instructional coaches improve their skills and effectiveness.

What is PIIC’s focus?

·  The PIIC Program is focused on secondary literacy and student engagement.

·  Instructional Coaching supports both the professional growth component of the new Educator Effectiveness model and the transition to the PA Common Core Standards, which focus on language arts in both science and social studies.

·  The focus strategies covered by the professional development (e.g., formative assessment, vocabulary development, data analysis, 21st Century Skills, etc.) help to integrate literacy into all subject areas.

What are the benefits for participating schools and districts?

·  Provides job-embedded and continuous professional development at no cost

·  Provides a no cost IU mentor for supporting instructional coaching and improving instruction

·  Builds capacity within the school and district by developing instructional coaches

·  Improves literacy skills across the content areas increasing student engagement and learning

What are the guidelines for participating schools and districts?

·  We are looking for coaches and specialists in your school or district that meet the following guidelines:

o  Have daily release time during the school day to work with colleagues

o  Can have release time to attend statewide and countywide Professional Learning Conferences and mentor meetings

o  Have the ability to work one-on-one and in small groups to support teachers

o  Participate in school-based meetings with DCIU PIIC mentor

What are the expectations for Instructional Coaches participating in PIIC?

·  Professional Development Expectations

o  Attend the two PIIC statewide Professional Development (multi-day conferences) upon request by IU mentor (not every instructional coach will attend, but we would like to send 1 or 2 instructional coaches per participating district.)

§  January 11 – 13, 2016 (Penn State)

§  May 2 – May 4, 2016 (Penn State)

o  Attend monthly mentor-coach meetings planned by the IU mentor (held at the DCIU)

§  First meeting is November 4th from 9:00-2:30

§  Please have your coaches contact Lisa Kelly if they are interested in attending. Contact information is listed below.

o  Provide and facilitate onsite PD for teachers around PIIC, the B, D, A cycle of consultation, and model of instructional coaching:

§  Implementing one-on-one and small group support to teachers

§  Using evidence-based literacy practices

§  Supporting reflective and non-evaluative practices

§  Focusing on collecting, analyzing, and using classroom/school data

What are the school district’s responsibilities?

·  Districts are responsible for payment of:

o  Substitute coverage where necessary

o  Applicable district/school reimbursements for travel

Who should I contact?

·  Contact Lisa Kelly with any questions or to discuss the PIIC program further:

o  Phone: 610-938-9000 x2280

o  Email:

o  Wiki page: dciu-coaches.wikispaces.com

§  On the left hand side there is a registration form for your coaches to complete.