Coggin College of Business


Executive Committee Meeting

August 4, 2016 (9:30-11:00 am)

Members Present: Dawkins, Doster, Eltantawy, Fadil (via conference call), Frankel, Italia, Johnson C., Johnson R., Loh, Nichols, and Watts

Members Absent: Jaeger (attending conference)

The meeting was called to order at 9:33 a.m. by Mark Dawkins.

1.Approval of Minutes – EC minutes from 7/7/16 meeting were approved after a friendly revision from Teresa.

Announcements: Robert Frankel was welcomed back from his semester in Italy.

Old Business:

2.Ken Lewis and the Greater Impact Foundation (Andres Gallo) – Andres sent Ken a copy of the working budget for this project and Ken will work with Santa Clara and then circle back to Andres so he can give the EC an update at a later meeting.

3. CCB Marketing Update (Shannon Italia) – Shannon mentioned that her department is starting to populate the Speakers Bureau. She has reached out to the department chairs and Flagship directors to follow-up with faculty in their area to identify candidates for the Speakers Bureau. Megan will explain theprocess for requesting guest speakers at the next ECmeeting.

Shannon reminded everyone that we have the UNFOpen House on Saturday, September17. She asked each unit to arrange coverage and let her know who will be participating on behalf of each unit (due 8/22). Shannon also mentioned that the Graduate ProgramsMixer will be held in the Talon Room on August 18 and requested EC members to encourage faculty participation. The fall Welcome Back Cookout is scheduled for August 31 and faculty should plan to attend.

The Student Leadership Board (SLAB) is going to be disbanded this year. Shannon will research practices at other business schools to find a more effective and efficient means for the Advisory Board to interact with the College in the future.

Isabelle Pease from the Office of Marketing and Publication is looking to promote the college in ways that will resonate with students such as stories of students who have struggled or come from difficult backgrounds but have excelled and achieved great accomplishments here at UNF. Please contact Shannon if you want to recommend a student.

Advertisements for the MSM will be placed inside the campus buses and bus stops to generate undergraduate student interest. The Coggin graduate programs (MBA, MSM, and MAcc) are featured in this season’s Jaguar program on the page by the team schedule.

4. Fall class schedule update/2-yr schedule project – Mark, Chris and Albert met with AlbertColom to discuss the new 2-yr scheduling project. Mark has volunteered the College to lead the new 2-yr scheduling project. The project aims to create 2-yr course schedules to increasegraduation rates as make it easier for students to graduate on time (in four years or less). If it succeeds, the 2-yr program will be adopted by other UNF colleges.

Chris reiterated the email sent by the Provost suggesting that to increase student enrollment the College needs to monitor the wait-list and work with faculty to accommodate more students into classes.

There is a schedule conflict of schedule regarding the use of computer labs this fall. In the future, it is pertinent that scheduling for the labs be done carefully and that any questions be brought to Chris so he and the chairs can meet before finalizing class schedules. September 25 is the deadline for submitting the Spring2017 class schedules.

Mark mentioned that at USF it is normal for a student to take 15 hours per semester, while at UNF 12 hours is the average. To facilitate faster graduation rates, it is important to have advisors encourage students to take 15 credit hours a semester if they want to graduate in 4 years.

5.GA Funding & Allocations for 2017 Fiscal Year – Chris presented the Graduate Assistantship funding and allocations for FY 2017 and explained that Coggin received $110,000.00 this year vs. $140,000 last year. CCB has $101,280 remains after the support provided during Summer B. Chris anticipates that there will be a very small amount of money left at the end of the 2017 Fiscal Year that can be used to hire new GA’s.

6.Faculty Request for Research Support – The GA’s for research will be utilized and allocated based on need, and 110 hours per week are allotted for research GA’s. Chris also distributed the request form for research support this fall and explained the process faculty must follow to receive GA support.

7. Development Office Update (Teresa Nichols) –Teresa gave an update on recently closed and proposed gifts. Mark and Teresa will be traveling to New York next week and they will be meet with six or seven Coggin alumni.

Department Advisory Councils – Teresa and Megan continue working to identify candidates for the following Departmental Advisory Councils: Accounting, IB, Finance, and T&L. Advisory Councilsare a great way to get prospects involved in curriculum and committed to financially supporting the department, thus providing immediate funds for departmental needs. Oliver Schnusenberg worked with Teresa and Megan to identify 14-15 candidates who have agreed to serve on the Financial Services Advisory Council, and the first meeting is at 10 am on 8/30.

Teresa and Megan completed the current Giving Opportunities for two more departments: Economics & Geography and IB. Giving opportunities for the Career Management Center will be developed next.

Teresa provided a BAC membership update. One new BAC member has been added:Erik Hoag, CFO of Banking and Payments at FIS. She also identified new representatives on the BAC for existing seats: Brian Fay, COO of Operations and Technology at Deutsche Bank, Amy Rice, AVP of Commercial Finance at CSX, and Dan Mahoney, Senior Vice President of Sales and Strategy at CIT.

Entrepreneurship Task Force – Teresa asked EC members to let her know if they know anyone interested in potentially serving on the Entrepreneurship Task Force.

8. MSM/MBA/MAcc enrollment update – Mark mentioned that enrollment for the Coggin graduate programs continues to be strong: MSM - 64, MBA - 62, and MAcc- 26. The results are good and are likely to increase before the fall semester starts.

9. WSJ renewal (75,950/yr to 42,950/yr and Excel Certification) – The College signed a contractto renew the WSJ for 1,000 digital licenses for $42,950 a year.

10. HB 7019 email from Provost – Textbook requests should already have been turned in.

11. Academic Advising will move to Building 10 on 8/15/16 – The office will be moving to Building 10 on 8/15, and the college will sponsor an office Open House on 9/7. Once Advising Services relocates, the CMC will convert 3 of the previous advising rooms into much needed interview rooms.

12. CSBP, CIBS, & Graduate Programs Director positions – Parvez Ahmed will be the newGraduate Programs Director, and he recommended that Mark reached out to Chris Baynard for the CSBP director position.

New Business:

1. FERPA training in CCB – FERPA training for faculty and staff will be scheduled in the fall.

2. Determining maximum class size for online class – Tabled until a later meeting.

3. CCB Budget overview & update – 2017 Fiscal Budget: 65% of the funds will be allocated to the Dean’s Office, and 35% will be allocated to the departments. A permanent budget transfer will be made to each department’s index number.

4. Federal Work-study students/student workers/IT support –In the month of July, $3,278.36 was spent on student workers and $4,536.18 for IT support. This is a large amount and will be reduced by Coggin hiring federal work-study students to assist in the offices during the semester. Rabena will provide instructions for requesting federal work-study students to all departments and units.

5. Faculty hiring for Fall 2017– Mark will follow-up with department heads to develop a priority list for faculty hiring for Fall 2017, and the list will be presented and discussed at the 9/1/16 EC meeting.

6.Copiers in Coggin – Chrisand Susan will email departmental codes that will be added to the copiers upstairs soeach department will have a unique code to use when making copies. This will allow the college to appropriately charge each department for copies.

7. Entrepreneurship Task Force – Tabled for next meeting.

8. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 11:10 am.