/ Friday 19th November 2010
Time / 10am – 12.30pm
Location / Carers Together, Romsey
Present / Patience Sambrook / Chair / Chair ESPOPF (Eastleigh Southern Parishes Older People’s Forum)
Graham Finlayson / Vice-Chair / Chair Basingstoke and Deane Over 55s Forum
Alex Burn / Head of Older People’s Well-Being Team, HCC
Jean Buckle / Havant 55+ Forum
Judith Cam / ESPOPF (Eastleigh Southern Parishes Older People’s Forum)
Margaret Niblett / STOIC (Southern Test Older Independent Campaigners)
Derek Smithers / Chair, Winchester District Over 55s Forum/ Hampshire Independent Equalities Forum
Andree North / Sec., STOIC (Southern Test Older Independent Campaigners)
Cllr. Felicity Hindson / Executive Member for Adult Services, HCC
Richard Strong / Chair, Gosport Forum
Frank Rust / Aldershot Senior Citizen’s Forum, Rushmoor
Apologies / Bill Drake / Meon Valley Active Retirement Association
Mollie Androbus / Andover Older People’s forum
Gerald Merritt / Sec., Basingstoke and Deane Over 55s Forum
Gilda Newsham / New Forest District Council Focus Group
Phil Homer / Regional Advisor (Partners) - South East, Age UK



1. / Open and welcome
Patience welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted apologies (as above). / -
2. / Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Notes of last meeting 17/9/10 agreed as accurate, with no amendments. / -
3. / Matters Arising
·  John Hurcom has resigned as chair of the Winchester forum and Derek Smithers has taken on this role
·  The Basingstoke & Deane Save Our Cheques campaign has received a good response with over 3,000 signatures and received letters from the Payments Council explaining that they will not be withdrawn until there is something to take their place. The local MP Maria Miller was trying to arrange a meeting with the payments council . ESPOPF also have some signatures to contribute.
·  Richard explained he was part of the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors web conference specifically looking at the needs of older people.
·  Frank suggested waiting to the new year before trying to get an NHS speaker for the forum as everything is changing so fast.
·  Chair questionnaires had only been received form Gosport and Eastleigh . So these would be resent electronically
·  Amendment to the constitution on point 14 re working groups was agreed / -
4. / Feedback on the launch on 8th October held at United Church Winchester 1-4pm including tea
·  Over 80 people attended and there were 14 information stands from a wide variety of local and national groups.
·  It was a good venue with speakers from Age UK, SE Region and the question and answer session with Age Concern Hampshire and Brendoncare club Hampshire.
·  Alex thanked those who had helped on the day and in advertising the event .
·  Patience was disappointed in the low numbers from the HAOPF and the problem of “speaking to the engaged “
·  However was positive feedback from those who attended / -
5. / Discussion on the future organisation of HAOPF
·  A meeting had been held between Alex, Patience and Frank ( with Graham sending his apologises) to discuss ideas to bring to the forum.
·  The available funding does not have to be spent by April 2011 as it is held by Age Concern Hampshire on behalf of HAOPF.
·  A plan of future expenditure was required against future plans to ensure most effective use of available funds
·  Alex explained she could support the administration only in the short term and a more regular solution needed to be found by the forum.
·  Agreed to pursue buying –in administration support on a sessional basis over the year and so keep money for specific projects .
·  It was agreed the Bulletin was excellent and discussed how it could be kept going –no solution was found
Discussed changing future venue to Hampshire County Council offices and Alex asked to book room for Friday’s 10.30 -1.00
25th March
20th May
22nd July
23rd September
25th November / -
Chair/vice chair
Alex to follow up with Carers Together
6. / Plans for the AGM
It was suggested to vote in a 2nd vice chair to provide 3 people for planning in the absence of Jane.
Frank Rust agree to have his name put forward for chair ,but only for one year
Graham Finlayson was prepared to stand again as vice chair and to take on the role of treasurer ,if there was a 2nd vice chair.
At the meeting – Frank -nominated by Jean – Havant
Seconded by Andree - STOIC
Graham – nominated by Richard – Gosport
Seconded by Margaret .- STOIC
AGM open to all local forum members and Patience will send an open invitation
Any motions to be tabled from local forums to be sent to Patience in advance and to have a proposer and seconder from another forum. ( this could be provided at the AGM itself.
Only the delegates and vice delegates from the local forums can vote.
The agenda was discussed and Richard agreed to be the teller for votes for the committee.
Alex would provide a presentation on the results of the older people’s well –being consultation
Delegates from local forums
Havant / Jean Buckle / Chris Davies
STOIC / Andree North / Margaret Niblett
Basingstoke and Deane / Graham Finlayson / Gerald Merritt
Gosport / Richard Strong
Meon Valley / Bill Drake
New Forest / Gilda Newsham
ESPOPF / Patience Sambrook / Susan Moody
Rushmoor – Aldershot / Frank Rust
Rushmoor - Farnborough / ?
Andover / Rosemary Hamilton / Haydn Watkins
Winchester / Derek Smithers / Margaret Fowkes
7. / Consultations
Consultation guide lines were circulated at the meeting but would also be emailed out with the minutes
A brief summary of the concessionary bus fares position was provided by Cllr Hindson as there had been a press release the day before the meeting. A sub group of the HAOPF had been formed to respond officially to this consultation.
HCC Supporting People team will be undergoing a strategic review of older people’s services and Tez Cook from the team would like to come and speak to the local forums to obtain feedback.
Details of the mobile library consultation were circulated by Alex as the closing date was 6th December.
Consultation on the HCC Adult Services Contributions .
No further action required on the Project Adapt at present.
The consultation sub groups will be convened as required. / Alex
8. / Local forum updates
ESPOPF – had a meeting to discuss how the new white paper will effect older people. Interesting talk on how parliament works. Contact via or Commons Information office 0207 219 4272
Explained how Judith is their forum member who is responsible for précising and responding to consultations and how time consuming it is.
Gosport – Identified a champion in their borough council . Will officially launch in March 2011 and has successfully bid for funding to ocver the costs.
Basingstoke – over 170 attended their variety show to celebrate International day of Older People .Continuing with their cheque campaign. There champion is Cathy Ossleton
STOIC – 180 people attended their celebration event with many information stalls ,and all this despite terrible weather. Decided to carry out every other year and they pay for someone to do the organising of the event.
Meon Valley – ( Bill emailed his report ) Active Retirement Association of Older Persons Partnership was launched on 20th October. Aim to provide activities for pre retired and retired people.
AOB – Cllr Hindson explained that she and Richard Ellis will be meeting McCarthy Stone’s Public Affairs representative to discuss private housing needs in the county.

Jane Mielniczek (Older People's Well-Being Development Worker)
Hampshire Association Older People's Forums
Mob: 07540 238 287