LSU College Readiness and Dual Enrollment Programs
Information Sheet for Mathematics
College Readiness is a hot topic. According to a 2007 ACT report*, of those students graduating from high school having completed a core (college prep) curriculum, only one in four were ready to be successful in entry-level college courses. In an effort to improve that statistic in Louisiana, LSU is offering a College Readiness Program for teachers of high school mathematics. When implemented appropriately, the College Readiness Program model has been shown to improve student learning in both entry-level college math and high school math courses.
LSU College Readiness Program Overview
Entry into the LSU College Readiness Program for mathematics requires that high school math teachers become “certified” by first participating in an eight-day summer workshop at LSU and commit to at least an additional 20 hours of independent work. Teachers will need to attend all 8 days of the workshop and meet all of the workshop requirements in order to be “certified.”
When registering for the workshop, teachers will select a specific course to specialize in at the workshop - Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Advanced Math, or Calculus. At the workshop teachers will …
· learn to appropriately use web-based technology to redesign course delivery and improve student learning outcomes
· be taught how to effectively use the online learning system MyMathLab at an advanced level
· be given access to courses in MyMathLab developed by Louisiana teachers correlated to the LCC GLEs and the new CCSS
· become intimately familiar with the content of the specific course
· attend sessions devoted specifically to the CCSS and the PARCC assessments
· have an opportunity to observe LSU math classes, work with students in the LSU Math Lab, and network with other teachers from around the area working in the College Readiness Program
After successfully completing the workshop requirements, teachers will become “certified” in the LSU College Readiness Program for a specific high school course and will have access to that specific course content online to use with their students throughout the academic year.
There is no charge to teachers or districts for participation in the workshop (other than on-campus parking), but space is limited. No stipends and no travel, food, or lodging expenses will be paid by LSU. Individual schools or school districts may choose to offer support to their teachers who participate.
Individual schools and districts will be responsible for providing hardware for their students to access the web and for purchasing online access codes for their students. A one-year account for the online MyMathLab learning system used to deliver the content can be purchased through the LSU College Readiness Program at the discounted rate of $35 per student per year.
LSU Dual Enrollment Program Overview
Teachers who are “certified” in the LSU College Readiness Program for Advanced Math have the option to participate in the LSU Dual Enrollment Program for Math 1021 College Algebra and Math 1022 Trigonometry. Teachers who are “certified” in the LSU College Readiness Program for Calculus have the option to participate in the LSU Dual Enrollment Program for Math 1431 Business Calculus. Teachers who are “certified” in the LSU College Readiness Program for Contemporary Mathematics have the option to participate in the LSU Dual Enrollment Program for Math 1029 Contemporary Mathematics. In addition to the 8-day College Readiness Program workshop needed for College Readiness Program certification, Dual Enrollment Program teachers must attend an additional one-day workshop in late July and an additional half-day workshop in early January.
The LSU Teacher-of-Record will do the following:
· provide a detailed syllabus, a semester pacing guide, and all assessments through the MyMathLab online learning system
· calculate final course grades of A, B, C, D, F, W, or I according to the grading scale set by the LSU Department of Mathematics
· submit grades at the appropriates times with authority over LSU grades and authorizing of credit
High Schools participating in the LSU Dual Enrollment Program will do the following:
· provide a College Readiness Program certified math teacher in the classroom who has completed the required LSU Dual Enrollment Program training to teach dually enrolled students
· insure that teachers submit all enrollment information for eligible students to LSU by deadlines set by LSU, adhere to all LSU Department of Mathematics rules and policies regarding these courses, teach all topics listed on the LSU course syllabus for the particular course, and submit data to LSU as requested
· provide classroom space with required technology and access codes for course learning system
· administer assessments provided by LSU in a secure, proctored environment without any changes, inclusions, or omissions of assessment items or student responses either before or after administering the assessment
High School teachers participating in the LSU Dual Enrollment Program will do the following:
· follow the principles of redesign by teaching to the entire class 25-40% of the contact time and working with students one-on-one the remainder of the contact time while they work assignments within MML.
· not discuss or share the content of these dual enrollment courses or any of their assignments with anyone outside of the dual enrollment program.
· use the content “as is” without altering exercises in any assignments.
· not divulge any information about the contents of tests to any students prior to the administration of the test.
· administer the proctored, password protected tests under carefully controlled conditions where students receive no communication during the test regarding test content.
· not change any grades on MyMathLab assignments or give any partial credit without written approval of the LSU Dual Enrollment Teacher-of-Record
· complete each course by the Friday of the LSU Final Exam Week
All students participating in the LSU Dual Enrollment Program must meet the following requirements to enroll:
· be at least 15 years old
· be a junior or senior in a Louisiana high school
· be in good standing as defined by the high school
· be on track for completing the Louisiana Core 4 Curriculum
· have permission from the high school and his or her parent or guardian to participate
· have a minimum high school GPA of 2.0
· have either a PLAN or ACT (or SAT) score on file at the high school
· have a minimum ACT composite score of 18
· pay the reduced tuition of $300 per course either personally or through a state-funded program such as the BOR Early Start Program for public school students
Students participating in the LSU Dual Enrollment Program for Math 1021 or Math 1029 must have a minimum Math ACT score of 19.
Students participating in the LSU Dual Enrollment Program for Math 1022 or Math 1431 must have a minimum Math ACT score of 25 or credit in Math 1021.
Students who choose to withdraw from a course must follow university policy and deadlines, but students who earn a grade of “W” will not have that grade count as part of the students’ cumulative number of allowed “W” grades should that student enroll full-time at LSU.
For additional information about the LSU College Readiness and Dual Enrollment Programs, contact Phoebe Rouse, LSU Precalculus Mathematics Director, LSU Department of Mathematics, 225 578 2659, or Gerry Fitch, Dual Enrollment Teacher-of-Record, LSU Department of Mathematics, 225 578 1583, .
*Rigor at Risk: Reaffirming Quality in the High School Core Curriculum (ACT, Inc., 2007), p. 1. Students were considered college-ready if their ACT scores indicated a 50 percent chance of scoring a B or better or a 70 percent likelihood of scoring a C or better grade in introductory college courses.