Annual report of the joint-stock company


1.Reporting period: 2011.

2.Full and short name of the joint-stock company (issuer):


3.Number and date of state registration of the issuer: 1003607003198of 08.08.1995.

4.Location of the company, telephone and fax numbers:

4, Cosauti str., Soroca city; tel./fax: /230/2-0710

5.Key types of activity:extracting minerals, producing construction materials: crushed granite of different fractions.

6.List of people with decision-making powers within the issuer: Director: Matenco I.V.; Company’s Board: Andronic N.S, Gritunic A.I., Gritunic L.I., Roibu I.C., Melnic V.V.; Auditing Committee: Roibu I.I., Koseleva P.D., Scutaru V.

7.The list of insiders and affiliated parties of the issuer and their share in the issuer’s authorized capital according to form EM-1 of the issuer’s annual report:

№ / Full name of the legal entity / Last name, first name of the individual, registration number (IDNO ) / Personal code of the individual (IDNP) / Position held in the administration of the issuer
1 / People with decision-making powers
a) Members of the Company’s Board / Chair of the Company’s Board
1 / AndronicN.S. 0951204880197 / Member of the Company’s Board
2 / Gritunic A.I. 0981103225869 / Member of the Company’s Board
3 / Roibu I.C. 0971309449220. / Member of the Company’s Board
4 / Gritunic L.I. 0972401225952. / Member of the Company’s Board
5 / Melnic V.V. 0981505049054. / Member of the Company’s Board
b) Executive body
1 / Matenco I.V. 972401834183. / Director
с) Auditing Committee
1 / Roibu I.I. 2000033011556. / Chair of the Auditing Committee
2 / Koseleva P.D. 0962812042015. / Member of the Auditing Committee
3 / Scutaru V.N. 0971302874461. / Member of the Auditing Committee
d) Other people with decision-making powers, including manager of the branch or representative office
1 / AndronicN.S.0951204880197. / Manager of the representative office
Affiliated parties of the issuer that are not indicated in sections I-V
AndronicN.S.0951204880197 Gritunic A.I. 0981103225869 Roibu I.C. 0971309449220. Gritunic L.I. 0972401225952. / SRL “Ghips-Biruinta” 1002602004159 / Founders
Roibu I.C. 0971309449220. / SRL “Alero-Com” 1003607008078. / Director
Roibu I.C. 0971309449220. / SRL “Florasec” 1004607006244. / founder
Gritunic L.I. / SRL “Csiva-International” 1003602009195. / founder

8.Information on the issuer’s securities that are registered in the State Securities Registry as of the last day of the reporting period (31st of December):

Type of securities / ISIN Code / Volume of securities, units / Nominal cost of securities, lei / Term of appeal / Volume of securities
repurchased during the reporting period / purchased during the reporting period
Ordinary stocks / MD14CARE1008 / 653225 / 9.00 / X / 0 / 0
Preferred stocks / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Bonds / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

9.The authorized capital of the issuer as of the last day of the reporting period: 5879 025lei.

10.Number of stockholders as of the last day of the reporting period:1017.

11.List of stockholders who hold over 5% of voting stocks of the issuer as of the last day of the reporting period.

Full name of the legal entity / Last name, first name of the individual, registration number (IDNO ) / Personal code of the individual (IDNP) / Volume of voting stocks / Share in the overall volume of voting stocks of the issuer,%
Preferred / Ordinary / Preferred / Ordinary
AndronicN.S.0951204880197 / 0 / 137403 / 0 / 21.03
Gritunic I.B. 0991808704161 / 0 / 137404 / 0 / 21.03
Roibu I.C. 0971309449220. / 0 / 137403 / 0 / 21.03
Gritunic L.I. 0972401225952. / 0 / 137403 / 0 / 21.03

12.List of branches and representative offices of the issuer:

Representative office of SA “Cariera de Granit si Pietris din Soroca”, 84/1 Mateevici str., Chisinau

13.Information on the reorganization of the issuer and its affiliated parties: data unavailable

14.Information on the registrator and auditor of the issuer:

a) Registrator: SA “REAL-REGISTR”, 122/3 Kiev str., Blati, License no. CNPF000081, Zbanca Anatolii, 023128233, Agreement no. 15/1-92.2 of 23.03.2010

b) Auditor: II “TURCAN-AUDIT” 6/a Zavoiului str., Chisinau, Turcan A.I., tel. /22/271578

15.Information on outstanding financial obligations:

Type of obligation / Payment term / Outstanding amount of the obligation by the end of the reporting period, lei
Obligations to other founders and participants (537) / 2661962.00

16. Accounting balance of the issuer as of the end of the reporting period:

Balance items / As of the end of the current reporting period, lei / As of the end of the previous reporting period, lei
1. Long-term assets
1.1 Non-material assets / 3189 / 4109
1.2 Long-term material assets / 67747 341 / 26170301
1.3 Long-term financial assets / 3825 920 / 3825 920
1.4 Other long-term assets / 463836 / 394321
Total section 1 / 72040286 / 30394651
2. Current assets
2.1 Inventories / 8887463 / 6742545
2.2 Short-term accounts receivable / 10269028 / 5529648
2.3 Short-term investments / 6279395 / 2163840
2.4 Moneys / 5894149 / 129945
2.5 Other current assets / 989332 / 644796
Total section 2 / 32319367 / 15210774
Total assets / 104359653 / 45605425
3. Own capital
Authorized capital / 5879025 / 5879025
Supplementary capital
Unpaid capital / ( ) / ( )
Recalled capital / ( ) / ( )
Total 3.1 Authorized and supplementary capital / 5879025 / 5879025
Reserves, as laid down in the legislation
Reserves, as laid down in the Statute / 881854 / 881854
Other reserves / 3986662 / 3986662
Total 3.2 Reserves / 4868516 / 4868516
Amendments in the results of previous periods / (7211693)
Undistributed profits (uncovered loss) of previous years / (345 036)
Net profits (loss) during the reporting period / 5905 458
Capitalized profits during the reporting period / ( ) / ( )
Total 3.3 Undistributed profits (uncovered loss) / (1651271) / (345036)
Differences between the reevaluation of long-term assets / 39993 559
Total 3.4 Supplementary capital / 39993 559
Total section 3 / 49089829 / 10402505
4. Long-term obligations – total
4.1 Long-term financial obligations / 27584871 / 11965515
4.2 Long-term accrued obligations
Total section 4 / 29870373 / 11965515
5. Short-term obligations
5.1 Short-term financial obligations / 795622 / 317000
5.2 Short-term commercial obligations / 7055806 / 14108969
5.3 Short-term accrued obligations / 17548023 / 8811436
Total section 5 / 25399451 / 23237405
Total liabilities / 104359653 / 45605425

17. Information on profits and losses during the reporting period:

Indicators / Current reporting period, lei / Previous reporting period, lei
1. Incomes from sales / 42392170 / 31170272
2. Sales cost / 19590053 / 9887218
3. Gross income (gross loss) / 22802117 / 21283054
4. Other operational incomes / 426142 / 424070
5. Commercial expenses / 4790678 / 4238150
6. General and administrative expenses / 10485716 / 11243435
7. Other operational expenses / 5095883 / 3897146
8. Result of operational activity: profits (loss) / 2855982 / 2328393
9. Result of investment activity: profits (loss) / 509466 / (86160)
10. Result of financial activity: profits (loss) / 2540760 / 166626
11. Result of financial-economic activity: profits (loss) / 5906208 / 2408859
12. Extraordinary result: profits (loss)
13. Profits (loss) during the reporting period before taxation / 5906208 / 2408859
14. Expenses (savings) on the income tax / 750 / 39000
15. Net profits (net loss) / 5905458 / 2369859

18. Additional information on the profits of the company and their usage:

Indicators / Current reporting period, lei / Previous reporting period, lei
1. Areas of use of the net profits in the previous reporting year:
a) coverage of losses of the previous years / 2369859
b) reserves, as laid down in the legislation;
c) reserves, as laid down in the Statute;
d) other reserves;
e) reward for the Company’s board members and members of the Auditing Committee;
f) investing for production development purposes;
g) payment of dividends:
• for preferred stocks
• for ordinary stocks
h) other purposes
2.Net assets of the issuer
3. Net assets of the issuer in relation to:
• one bond
• onepreferredstock
• one ordinary stock / 10,59
4.Net profits on one ordinary stock of the company / 9,04
5.Obligations related to dividends for the previous years / 2661962,00
6.Announced dividends for one stock of each class of the issuer:
• intermediate,
• annual.
7.Cost of one stock of the company (indicating the source of information):
• cost on the market
• estimated cost

19.People who have signed the accounting balance: Director Matenco I.V., chief-accountant DemcicovaN.S.

  1. Auditors’ opinion: In all aspects of the financial situationas of 31.12.2011, the financial results, assets of the company, moneys reflected in the financial reports comply with the National Accounting Standards and the Fiscal Code of the Republic of Moldova.


SA “Cariera de Granit si pietris din Soroca” Matenco I.V.

Person in charge for drafting the report: Melnic V.V.