ADC new programme proposal form: 2017-18


SECTION A1 - To be completed by the Proposer(s)
Proposed launch year:
Anticipated PSSC submission date if approved:
(contact the Quality office for dates)
Lead/administrative department:
Type of programme: [e.g. BA/BSc, MA/MSc, MRes, Diploma, short course]
Standard duration for full-time students:
Anticipated JACS 3.0 detailed subject code:
Whoare the target market?[e.g. UG, PG, practitioners, any special groups]
Is this a modification, extension, or pathway to an existing programme? / YES / NOIf yes, please specify below
Would it replace any existing programme(s)? / YES / NOIf yes, please specify below
What entry cohort size do you envisage by its third year?(please circle, or delete all that do not apply) / 5-10 / 10-15 / 15-20 / 20-25 / 25-35 / 35-45
If 45+, approximately how many? ____
Does it involve formal collaboration with, or input from, any other institutions or organisations? / YES / NOIf yes, please specify below
Departmental endorsement: Proposals should not normally be submitted to ADC until they have been considered and endorsed by the departmental Learning & Teaching Committee, Department Board, or other formal forum. Where there is urgency, ADC may exceptionally consider a proposal in advance of such internal endorsement but in such cases strategic approval cannot be more than provisional.
Has the proposal been discussed and endorsed within the department? / YES / NOT YET
If yes, by which group/committee:
  • L&T Committee / Department Board / Other (specify) ______
  • Are there any significant reservations or concerns:
If not, please indicate when such consideration will take place:
A2. Proposer name(s)/department(s): List below, noting that the first proposer will be the point of contact for future communications, along with the Heads of the other academic departments involved
Name / Department
Please confirm that this proposal has been discussed with the Head(s) of the lead and any other participating departments, and that they have received a copy of the narrative outline.
NB: ADC will contact the HoD(s) for statementsof support and include them in formal communications
Name of HoD / Confirmed?
1. / YES / NO
2. / YES / NO
3. / YES / NO
  1. Outline the key themes and content of the programme(at sufficient length to make clear to members of the Committee, most of whom do not have specific knowledge of your field, why this is an interesting programme which builds on staff expertise; normal minimum 500 words, max 1000 words)

  1. Strategic rationale (e.g. how will it complement other programmes offered by your department? Does it relate to an area of study or skill set for which there is a known demand? Maximum 300 words)
(Note: if rationale has derived from discussions with Head of School and the Strategic Planning Team and is based on existing market insight please state this and quote evidence)
A4. Programme synopsis (for marketing)
Please provide a200 word web page/prospectus introduction which is written to be accessible and attractive to prospective students.
Specify three key features / selling points of the programme:
  1. ..
  2. ..
  3. ..

A5. Module Structure
Give a brief description of the proposed module structure across each year of the programme.
*For optional modules: You do not need to give a comprehensive list, but please indicate how many must be taken in total and from what existing programmes/departments they come.
YEAR 1 - Please list, indicating credit values and whether it is a newly created or existing module in each case / Credits / New [N] or existing [E]
Core/compulsory modules (specify):
Optional (see note above*):
YEAR 2 (if applicable)
Core/compulsory modules (specify):
Optional (see note above*):
YEAR 3 (if applicable)
Core/compulsory modules (specify):
Optional (see note above*):
Module sharing and interdisciplinarity: To what extent
(a) will students will be able to take modules run by other departments?
(b)will modules created for this programme be open to other students (outline if those students will come from within department, school or across the whole institution)?
Please indicate whether/how the programme will address Goldsmiths’ academic development priorities.
A6.i)Engagement with research
Will students have the opportunity to conduct research/practice-based research under staff supervision? / YES / NO
If YES, please provide brief details:

Will they be invited to attend research talks or speaker series run by the department or relevant Units and Centres? (please specify)
 / YES / NO
Briefly describe any other ways in which students will beexposed to, or directly involved in, the research activities of the department(s).

A6.ii)Career/professional relevanceand employability: NB You are expected to consult with the Careers service for advice and support on how the programme’s employment relevance can be maximised, as this may be a key consideration in relation to investment decisions.
Academic trajectories: Is the programme a prerequisite or foundation for higher level academic study and/or careers within research or academia? If so, please give a brief explanation.

Non-academic careers: Identify any specific and concrete ways in which the programme will enhance graduates’ ability to pursue relevant career/professional paths.
Please provide specific examples of employment roles which would be available after graduation:
A6.iii) Professional Accreditation NB The European Standards and Guidance for Quality Assurance encourage institutions to make use of external expertise and reference points such as professional accrediting bodies in the development of programmes. In those programmes for which professional accreditation is not a requirement for subsequent employment it can still improve graduate employability and the attractiveness of the programme to potential applicants.
Does the programme give a recognised professional qualification oraccreditationwhich is required for the graduate to work in a particular field of employment? / YES / NO
If YES, please specify:
If NO, please outline why this is the case

Will there be opportunities during the programme for students to undertake work placements or have other forms of exposure to relevant professional practices? / YES / NO
If yes, please provide further details.
If no, please explain why not, and indicate whether these might be developed in future:

Please specify any other ways in which the programme has been designed to enhance students’ employability and career prospects (e.g. guest lectures by practitioners, specific curriculum content, co-curricular activities)

Where appropriate we want our programmes to give home students an awareness of global and cross-cultural issues relevant to their field, and to be interesting, attractive, and relevant to overseas students.
Does the curriculum include either core or optional elements with cross-cultural or international perspectives? If yes, please describe briefly. / YES / NO

Are any specific characteristics of this programme likely either to make it attractive to international students or to limit its value to them?

Do you plan to take any specific steps to facilitate engagement and sharing of perspectives / experiences between students from different countries? If so, please give brief details.

If applicable, please indicate any other specific ways in which you have constructed the curriculum or the way in which it is delivered to enhance its interest to overseas students and/or to expand home students’ understanding of international and cross-cultural issues.

Are there specific programme-related opportunities for students to spend time in other countries during the course of their study, e.g. via organised field trips, Erasmus+ or other mobility schemes? / YES / NO
If yes, please provide further details.

Which if any of the new modules would be potentially of interest to and suitable for Study Abroad students? Please give brief details below.

A6.v)Curriculum - perspectives
We seek to ensure that where programmes focus on particular theoretical or philosophical approaches to their subject matter, students are aware of and have the opportunity to explore – either as part of the curriculum or for themselves, with guidance - how these relate to approaches emanating from different traditions and cultures. Please indicate below, by ticking all items that apply, whether and how you propose to orient students to diverse perspectives.
Tick any that apply
  • The programme is explicitly designed to consider and/or compare a range of approaches and material emanating from different cultures or theoretical traditions. Diversity of approach is thus embedded throughout the curriculum.
/ __
  • The programme focuses predominantly and in depth on one particular canon of work or on a particular theoretical/conceptual framework, and this is made explicit in the title and description of the curriculum.
/ __
  • Contextual information concerning contrasting approaches or different cultural perspectives will be discussed briefly at the start of, or at relevant points throughout, the programme.
/ __
  • Seminars, tutorials or other interactive activities will provide opportunities for students to explore and discuss different cultural approaches and perspectives.
/ __
  • Reading lists will include core material pertaining to perspectives other than those which are the primary focus of the curriculum.
/ __
  • Reading lists will include optional material pertaining to perspectives other than those which are the primary focus of the curriculum.
/ __
  • The programme convenor will orient individual students to additional reading/literature which relates to approaches not directly addressed within the curriculum, on request.
/ __
Any additional comments: If this is not an issue which is straightforwardly applicable to this programme, or if you would like to amplify your response to this question, please do so here. approaches
You are strongly encouraged to consider innovative approaches to delivery of the programme, for example use of blended learning techniques, and to liaise with TaLIC for advice and support from the early planning stages. Please outline any specific ideas below.

A6.vii)Potential for distance learning and/or short courses
Would you be interested in exploring whether the whole programme or some modules might be made available via distance learning or as a short course? / YES / POSSIBLY / NO
A6.viii)Equality and Diversity/Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy
Where possible proposers should consider matters of equality and diversity and our Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy’s four strategic aims in relation to programme developments to ensure that our student body consists of a diverse a range of individuals as possible and avoids inadvertently drifting into a particular demographic.
Does this program link up with the aims of the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy? Areas of the strategy include – “liberate our degrees”, “research-teaching synergies”, “access, inclusion and learning support” and “extending our reach”. / YES / NO

What would the impact of the programme have on attracting or excluding specific student demographic groups? How and where will the programme be marketed with this in mind?

Is there any alignment with the programme and its potential audience with Goldsmiths Access Agreement? If so how?…
  • ….

Consideration for how programme leads can support different types of students on a programme (e.g. disabled, international, student groups under-represented in the Department).

Please summarise your current perceptionof the potential market for the programme. Note that in the following section the Market Intelligence Team will also give a view based on their experience and an analysis of sectoral data. You are strongly advised to liaise with MI (Ben Fowler: ) to discuss the programme and target groups, and to explore whether possible adjustments to the title and/or content might increase its recruitment potential.
a)How many students do you envisage recruiting in each of the first three years? / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3
F/T / P/T / F/T / P/T / F/T / P/T
What is the basis for the above estimates? Do you have any data to support them?
  • Home/EU students:

  • Overseas students:

Please specify any entry requirements (e.g. prior qualifications)
What level of prior attainment (e.g. A’ level grades) would you expect students to have?
For international/EU students:
a)Specify any Pre-Masters or International Foundation pathways which would serve as pathways to this programme:
b)What IELTS level would you normally require for entry to the programme? If higher than 6.5, please explain.
Is there potential for internal competition with any existing programmes? / YES / POSSIBLY / NO
If so, please indicate which programmes and the basis for your view that they will or will not compete with one another:
Have you discussed the possible overlap with the convenor(s) of any such programmes? YES / NO
If yes, please indicate with whom you discussed them and how they responded:

Assuming recruitment at the levels indicated on the previous page, please set out below what (if any) additional academic, administrative, or technical staffing would need to be appointed.
NB: Please assume that for every 20 additional fte students this programme recruits to the department (including those progressing to consecutive years of the programme) there should normally be a minimum of 1.0 fte additional staff. This is in order to maintain appropriate Staff:Student ratios. Please explain if this is unnecessary – e.g. if you will be reducing student numbers on other programmes or are currently relatively overstaffed and able to absorb additional numbers.
Use a separate row for each individual, inserting new rows as necessary, and in each case indicate when they would need to be appointed (i.e. ahead of programme launch; Year 1, Year 2, Year 3; or when student numbers reach a particular level).
If the FTE of a given staff member would need to increase from one year to another as numbers grow, please add the incremental FTE in separate rows and put a note in the final column/
NB: If this section is blank it is assumed that the programme can be run from within existing workloads.
(pre-launch, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 etc) / Type of staff (academic, admin, technical etc.) / Grade / FTE or hours / Role/duties and any explanatory comment
(add rows if needed)
Additional commentary on staffing needs: Please explain or clarify anything which may not be self-evident from the above table.

Please itemise any other significant resources that cannot be provided from within existing departmental budget (e.g. equipment, software, materials, books, journals)
(pre-launch, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 etc) / Type of resource / Estimated cost / Comments
e.g. whether this is an annually recurrent cost
Will any specialist space (e.g. labs) or any additional teaching / office space be required? YES / NO
If yes, please specify below.

Are there likely to be any timetabling complexities, e.g. if modules from several different existing programmes / departments need to be taken or for any other reason?

SECTION B - To be completed by the Head of the lead/administrative academic department
Please answer the questions below, identifying any reservations / caveats.
NB: Proposals should not normally be submitted to ADC until they have been considered and endorsed by the departmental Learning & Teaching Committee, Department Board, or other formal forum. Where there is significant time pressure, ADC may exceptionally consider a proposal in advance of such internal endorsement but in such cases strategic approval cannot be more than provisional.
a)Has the proposal been discussed and endorsed within the department? / YES / NOT YET
If yes, by which group/committee:
  • L&T Committee / Department Board / Other (specify) ______
  • Are there any significant reservations or concerns not noted in the above minutes? If so, please outline them here:
  • How are any concerns being further explored/addressed:
If not, please indicate why not, and when this will take place:
b)How does the proposed programme fit into the Department and/or School’s overall strategy?
c)Do you envisage that the addition of this programme to your portfolio will increase your overall student numbers, or will it be offset by reductions elsewhere?
d)Are the additional staffing requirements set out by the proposerlikely to be accurate? / YES / NO
If NO, please expand:
e)Are the other resource requirements set out by the proposer likely to be accurate? / YES / NO
If NO, please expand:
f)Bearing in mind fee levels for other programmes offered by your department, what would you recommend as fees for this programme?
Home/EU:£Overseas: £
g)Any other comments or observations:
SECTION C - To be completed by Professional Services (as relevant)
Name and role of respondent:
Does the qualification type and programme structure fit with UoL regulations and other programmes offered at Goldsmiths? / YES / NO
If NO, or if you have any concerns, please expand:

Name and role of respondent:
Does the programme appear to involve any formal collaboration which requires regulatory checks/oversight? / YES / POSSIBLY / NO
If YES or POSSIBLY, or if you have any concerns, please expand:

Name and role of respondent:
Any general comments or observations:

Name and role of respondent:
Any general comments or observations:

Name and role of respondent:
Any general comments or observations:
Name and role of respondent:
Any general comments or observations:

Name and role of respondent:
Any general comments or observations:

Completed by:
Is there potential internal competition with other Goldsmiths’ programmes? / YES / POSSIBLY / NO
If so, please indicate which programmes and provide comments.
Would you suggest any changes to the proposed title and/or content to increase potential demand?
Overall estimates: Please indicate in the table below the probability of the home/EU cohorts reaching each of the sizes shown: A = probable; B = Possible (with additional Marketing) C = Unlikely
HOME/EU / 0-5 / 5-10 / 10-15 / 15 - 20 / 20-25 / 25-35 / 35-45 / If 45+, indicate approx. how many
Year 1:
By Year 3:
What HEU fee level would in your view be appropriate? £
Does this correspond with the proposer’s recommendation [section B(f)]? YES / NO
Narrative analysis (if no market intelligence appendix provided):
Overall estimates: Please indicate in the table below the probability of the overseas cohorts reaching each of the sizes shown: A = probable; B = Possible (with additional Marketing) C = Unlikely
OVERSEAS / 0-5 / 5-10 / 10-15 / 15- 20 / 20-25 / 25-35 / 35-45 / If 45+, indicate approx. how many
Year 1:
By Year 3:
What O/S fee level would in your view be appropriate? £
Does this correspond with the proposer’s recommendation [section B(f)]? YES / NO
Narrative analysis (if no market intelligence appendix provided):