Of Mice and Men Study Guide

John Steinbeck wrote the story as a play/novelette. In other words, the book follows the structural conventions of a play, but is written in prose rather than as a script.

In order to better understand the underlying complexities of this seemingly simple tale, we have to understand it as a tragedy. With that understanding in hand, the story reveals its truths to us.

I. Define the terms: This website may be a good source for you.



tragic flaw

tragic hero

tragic resolution

II. Keeping the idea of a play in mind, break the book down into its acts and scenes by identifying the setting.

Act I

Scene i.- ______

Scene ii. - ______

Act II

Scene i. - ______

Scene ii. - ______


Scene i. - ______

Scene ii. - ______

III. Give three examples of irony (either verbal, situational, or dramatic) that you find in the novel. Be sure your example is complete and give the page number in parentheses at the end.




Give three examples of symbolism that you find in the novel. Name the idea or thing and what it stands for. Give the page number in parentheses at the end.




IV. Vocabulary:

The following words include the slang of the time. They are defined for you. Review this list BEFORE you jump into the novel.

1. bindle: a bed roll and/or pack or personal belongings.

2. jack: money

3. graybacks: lice

4. tick: mattress

5. buck: man

6. buckler: those who move or load heavy objects (sacks of grain, for example)

7. skinner: a driver of a draft (team of animals such as horses or mules)

8. tart: prostitute

9. mules: shoes or slippers

10. found: free food and lodgings in addition to wages

11. hoosegow: jail

12. hame: part of the collar for a draft animal

13. booby hatch: insane asylum

14. floozy: cheap, immoral woman

15. snooker: a variation of pool played with 15 red balls and 6 balls of assorted colors

V. Also, what we learn about the characters comes primarily through______, just like in a play. There is a ______person ______narrator who sets the scene and paints the backdrop for us. It is the characters themselves who reveal the story. Their ______and ______are the basic substance of the story.

VI. Parallels and Contrasts:

Parallels are things that are similar or alike and their similarity provides emphasis. Contrasts are things that are different, but they also provide emphasis. Give examples of each from the novel. The first one in each case is given as an example for you. Give the page number in parentheses at the end.


1. George and Lennie’s dream and Curley’s wife’s dream: both are never realized.





1. George is small and smart; Lennie is big and dumb




VII. Characters:

Fill in the table for the following characters.

Chara Character / Physi Physical description, age,
personality / What do they do or what is their relationship to others?
Lennie Small
Geor George Milton
Curley’s Wife

VIII. Responding to the novel.

Choose two of the following prompts to write a full paragraph (one for each) in response. Your paragraph should follow the PIE structure and be between 150 – 200 words in length. Make reference to the novel in support of your ideas (the “I” in PIE). Submit these paragraphs to turnitin.com.

1. Why do we have friends? What makes friends?

2. How important is it for human beings to have a place where they belong, where there are people who know them and love them?

3. Why do dreams sometimes fail?

4. Define euthanasia. Then defend of condemn the practice. Justify your belief.

5. Who is your favorite character in this book? Give your reason for choosing him or her.

6. Identify George’s tragic flaw. What are the consequences of this flaw? Give examples from the story to support your claim.

7. What character in the novel has power and then abuses it? Identify the character and give examples of how they abuse their power. Why do you think they abuse their power?

IX. Plot summary: Fill in the blanks to complete the summary.

1. George and Lennie leave Weed because ______

2. Lennie likes to per______

3. They are going to work______

4. George and Lennie want to buy______

5. On the farm, Lennie will tend______

6. George and Lennie clash with______

7. Curley jealously guards______

8. Slim gives Lennie______

9. Carlson shoots______

10. Candy offers to help pay for______

11. Lennie crushes______

12. Curley’s wife threatens______

13. Curley’s wife discovers______

14. Curley’s wife invites Lennie to______

15. Lennie breaks______

16. Lennie hides______

17. Lennie is tormented by______

18. George steals Carlson’s______

19. For the last time, George tells Lennie about______

20. George kills______

adapted from http://mshogue.com/English_11/mm_guide.htm