Ottawa Hybrid 2017

Packet by Aaron, Erik, Paul, and Rein

1. This team began the season 35-5 en route to winning its most recent championship with a team that included Dan Petry and Chet Lemon. A left-handed pitcher on this team won two MVP awards during World War II, and Denny McLain won 31 games for this team in its 1968 World Championship season. This team made the World Series thanks to Magglio Ordoñez’s A.L.C.S.-winning home run just three years after coming within one loss of the 1962 Mets’ record in their 43-119 2003 season, when they were managed by their former shortstop Alan Trammell. This team of Nick Castellanos and Jordan Zimmermann was the only team of Al Kaline and for 22 years was the team of Ty Cobb. Playing at Comerica Park, for ten points, name this team of Justin Verlander and Miguel Cabrera.

ANSWER: DetroitTigers [Accept either underlined part]

2. A Marxist critique of this film notes that the depiction of inequality in this movie reveals structural violence and human insecurity in the capitalist system. After a conversation with the President of the United States, the protagonist of this film tells Gertrude that the only clan worth being part of is the one into which you're born. A character in this film proudly declares she is the protagonist's girlfriend shortly before being discovered as a hologram; that character, [*] Demetra, had earlier been killed by the extremely strong Arnold. Valentino humiliates two characters known as 'The Programmers' who threaten to kick the main characters back to Level 1. The primary antagonist of this film, the Toymaker, played by Sylvester Stallone, plans to capture all players in the game, and is later defeated by the Cortez family. Elijah Wood has a cameo as "The Guy" in this film, only to be electrocuted before Juni and Carmen enter Level 5. For 10 points, identify this third film in a series about a special espionage force composed of children.

ANSWER: Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (prompt Spy Kids)

3. After his wife dies, this character is trapped in a tomb where he kills everyone who enters to accumulate food and gold until he is guided out by an animal. In one episode, this character escapes slavery by shooting elephants with a bow until he is able to gather enough ivory to impress his slavers. In another episode, this character throws chunks of meat to avoid snakes who live in a [*] valley carpeted with diamonds. The myth of Triton may have inspired a story where this character is grappled by the legs of an old man who lives in the sea. The story of this character’s travels to an island inhabited by giant birds called rocs is told on the 549th night by Scheherazade. For 10 points, name this character from The Arabian Nights, a sailor who embarked on seven voyages.

ANSWER: Sinbad

4. An important result about these structures holds that the quotients of elements of their composition series are unique up to isomorphism; that result is the Jordan-Hölder theorem. Every prime factor of the order of one of these structures corresponds to a special sub-structure named for Sylow. If these structures have a compatible differentiable (*) manifold structure, then they are named for Lie. Every one of these structures is a sub-structure of a symmetric one according to Cayley’s theorem. One named for Klein is the smallest which fails to be cyclic, and a ring is one of these structures with two operations instead of one. For 10 points, name these structures from abstract algebra, which possess an associative operation, an identity element, and inverses for every element.

ANSWER: groups

5. This author wrote that "All service ranks the same with God.... There is no last nor first." A character describes his wife having "perfect brow / And perfect eyes, and more than perfect mouth" in a work by this writer, which begins, "But do not let us quarrel anymore." The rain "tore the elm-tops down for spite" in a poem by this author which ends with the line, (*) "And yet God has not said a word." This poet of "Andrea Del Sarto" wrote a monologue emphasizing the value of a "nine-hundred-years-old name" and criticizing an unwelcome "spot of joy" -- that poem tells how “Fra Pandolf’s hands worked busily for a day” in painting a woman with a “a heart...too soon made glad.” For 10 points, name this Victorian poet who wrote about wife-murdering in “Porphyria’s Lover” and “My Last Duchess.”

ANSWER: Robert Browning

6. The sultanates of Ternate and Tidore were at one point the world’s largest producers of one kind of this commodity. Portuguese soldiers led by Afonso de Albuquerque conquered the city of [*] Malacca in 1511, a center of the trade in this kind of commodity. The Manila Galleons were boats that brought a kind of this commodity to Seville. The Banda Islands were colonized with slaves by the Netherlands for the production of this kind of commodity. The Dutch government gave the VOC a monopoly over the trade of this commodity in 1602, which led to the Dutch colonization of Indonesia. For ten points, identify this kind of commodity for which Christopher Columbus sought new trade routes to Spain.

ANSWER: Spices (anti-prompt on cloves)

7. It’s not Morocco, but residents of the remote Tangier Island in this country speak an unusual dialect of the dominant language of the country; that dialect is similar to the Hoi Toider dialect spoken in the Outer Banks and Pamlico Sound in this country. The (*) Delmarva peninsula, home to towns like Rehoboth Beach and Dover, is split between three states in this country. The Anacostia river flows through the capital of this country, which annexed the town of Georgetown from a neighbouring state. That capital of this country was designed by French architect Pierre Charles L’Enfant, which included diagonal avenues and the National Mall in a new city on the Potomac river. For ten points, identify this country home to the District of Columbia.

ANSWER: the United States of America

8. The Battle of Redgrass Field prevented the capture of this city during a civil war started after an ancestral sword was not granted to the next in line to the throne. An impoverished area of this city where large vats of (*) brown stew are cooked and served over years is called Flea Bottom. A castle in this city is home to many secret passageways, one of which is used before committing a dramatic crossbow murder; that is the Red Keep. The Mud Gate in this city took heavy damage during the Battle of Blackwater. That battle prevented Stannis Baratheon from conquering this city and dethroning his nephew Joffrey. For 10 points, identify this city founded by Aegon the Conqueror, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.

ANSWER: King’s Landing

9. The only performance of the Dirty Mac appeared on this band’s circus tent concert. A song by this band tells of “some Puerto Rican girls who are just dyyying to meet you” and in another song mention a woman who ““combs her hair, like an angel”. A backup singer famously cracked her voice while singing (*)“rape, murder” on a song by this band. The title subject of a song by this band was “born in crossfire hurricane” and the subject of another of this band’s songs describes himself as a “man of wealth and taste”. For ten points, name this English rock band fronted by Mick Jagger behind songs like Jumpin Jack Flash and Sympathy for the Devil.

ANSWER: The Rolling Stones

10. In New Essays Concerning Human Understanding, this thinker offered a criticism of the philosophy of John Locke with dialogues between Theophilus and Philalethes. He denied that finite substances could interact, and therefore believed causation was the result of divinely pre-established harmony. (*) After demonstrating his calculating machine, he was admitted to the Royal Society, but they later viciously attacked him over the priority to a certain discovery. In his most famous work, he states the principle of sufficient reason, and argues everything is made up of simple substances with no parts, called monads. For 10 points, name this philosopher whose claim that this is the best of all possible worlds was mocked in Voltaire’s Candide, who discovered calculus independently of Newton.

ANSWER: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

11. One of these people is able to get a ticket to watch Means to the End despite it being sold out. One of these people has her TV guide stolen and goes home early after being offended while playing poker. A reconnection with one of these people occurred in order to find out what happened to a copy of (*) Tropic of Capricorn. After the main character is saved from getting hit by a car by one of these people they go and order bowls of cereal at a diner. Before storming outside of an apartment one of these people played by Teri Hatcher says “they’re real and they’re spectacular”. For ten points name this group of women that dated a New York comedian, the most famous one being Elaine Benes.

ANSWER: Ex girlfriends of JerrySeinfeld (Accept either name, accept equivalents like people Jerry dated before mentioned)

12. The plasma beta is a ratio of two forms of this quantity. The theorem of corresponding states holds that the compressibility is the same for two fluids when the reduced temperature and reduced form of this quantity are the same. The square root of the partial derivative of this quantity (*) with respect to density is the speed of sound. The heat capacity for constant values of this quantity is higher than for constant volume. Bernoulli’s principle holds that increasing a fluid’s velocity decreases this quantity. According to the ideal gas law, this quantity is proportional to temperature and inversely proportional to volume. For 10 points, name this quantity measured in pascals.

ANSWER: pressure

13. A character played by this actor confesses his ostensible homosexuality to his daughter Olive on her deathbed. In that film, this actor hires Sammy Barnathan to act as his character in a play set in the title city. A character played by this actor introduces himself as “a writer, a doctor, a nuclear physicist and a theoretical philosopher, but most importantly a man...just like you” That character is [*] Lancaster Dodd. This actor plays Dean Trumbell, a mattress salesman, who notably tells someone to shut up multiple times over the phone in a film that stars Adam Sandler. This actor played the villain Owen Davian who kidnaps Ethan’s fiancée in the third Mission: Impossible movie and played Truman Capote in a 2005 biopic. For ten points, identify this renowned actor who passed away in 2014 from a heroin overdose.

ANSWER: Phillip Seymour Hoffman

14. A technique developed by Taki et al. for the analysis of lipids uses one version of this process prior to transfer to a PVDF plate, and is called Far-Eastern blotting. A quantity known as HETP for this technique can be calculated using the van Deemter equation, and characterizes the ability to resolve different substances.One popular version of this technique is referred to as (*) “high-performance” when external pressure is applied by pumps. One form of this process calculates the retardation factor by dividing the migration distance of the substance under investigation by the migration distance of the solvent. For 10 points, name this general process for separation, where a mobile phase passes through a stationary phase.

ANSWER: chromatography [accept more specific answers like “high-performance liquid chromatography”, “thin-film chromatography”, etc. Prompt on any acronym with a “C”]

15. A hallucination at one of these places sees a man singing and dancing to The Best Things in Life Are Free. At one of these locations a group of people throw water balloons at (*) black protestors. One person walks into one of these places holding The Dream of a Fisherman’s Wife. One man leaves his job at one of these places to produce his comic strip Scout’s Honor in Japan, a hobby he had previously been made fun of for. One of these businesses attempts a production based on by Bye Bye Birdie’s opening scene. A secretary at one of these places was given a promotion for her work with Belle Jollies. For ten points, identify these businesses that employ Roger Sterling and Don Draper in Mad Men.

ANSWER: Advertising agencies (Prompt on Sterling Cooper before mentioned)

16. En route to his first major win, one golfer from this country birdied the 16th hole at the British Open after hitting his tee shot into a parking lot. A 19 year-old golfer from this country sprinted onto the fairway and leapt into the air to see his approach from behind a tree land on the green while dueling Tiger Woods at the 1999 PGA Championship. This home country of the 2008 Players champion was also home to the career record-holder with 50 European Tour victories. One golfer from this country finished second to Padraig Harrington at both the 2008 PGA and the 2007 British Open, and another golfer from this country was the first European ever to win the Masters. For ten points, name this country of Seve Ballesteros and Sergio García.

ANSWER: [Kingdom of] Spain

17. Rulers of this city used a coat of arms of a blue dragon eating a child called the biscione, and later added a black eagle on a yellow background. At the Battle of Desio the Della Torre family lost a battle to the Visconti family. aided by nearby towns of Como and Pavia. After the last member of the Visconti dynasty died, a republic in this city named after its patron saint [*] Ambrose elected 24 Captains and Defenders of Liberty. In this city’s notable “Five Days”, Joseph Radetzky was purged from this city which began the Italian War of Independence in 1848. For ten points, identify this large Italian city in Lombardy that was once ruled by the Sforza family.


18. One song sees both of these artists singing “last night I lost my patience, last night I got high as your expectations”. One of these artist raps the line “don’t you see” which the other artist responds with “right next to me” in the song (*) Hype. A song by these artists asks the question “the square root of 69 is eight something, right?” and feature the lyrics “hey boy, I really wanna see if you can go downtown with a girl like me”. A song by these two artists heavily samples a Jamie xx dance remix and features the lyrics “I know you’ve been hurt by someone else, I can tell by the way you carry yourself”. A verse features the lyrics “you need to get done done done done at work and come over”. For ten points, name these two artists that collaborated on songs like What’s My Name, Take Care, and Work.
ANSWER: Rihanna and Drake

19. In the opening of a symphony by this composer, an oboe and bassoon ostinato alternates with an E minor triad with a doubled G; that voicing of an E minor triad is named after the symphony. This composer used the theme from Bach’s third Brandenburg Concerto in an E-flat major concerto conducted by Nadia Boulanger at the estate of (*) Mildred and Robert Bliss. This composer represented a character pursued by the Moor by combining C and F sharp major triads into a dissonant chord named for that character. An uncharacteristically high bassoon solo opens a work by this composer in which two rival tribes perform a frenzied “Dance Of The Earth.” For 10 points, name this composer of the Symphony Of Psalms, the Dumbarton Oaks concerto, and the ballets Petrushka and The Rite Of Spring.

ANSWER: Igor Stravinsky

20. According to legend, this region was the first settled by human migrants from Atmora, who founded the city of Saarthal. One incredibly smug denizen of a city in this region asks “do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don’t”. That city is also home to the [*] Skyforge and a castle that serves as a cage for a dragon. The monastery of High Hrothgar sits at the top of the tallest mountain in this region, the Throat of the World. Other towns in this region include Riverwood and Helgen, an imperial fort at this region’s border. Guards in this region frequently relate stories of knee injuries to the player character as reasons why they are no longer adventurers. For ten points, identify this Scandinavia-inspired title region of the fifth entry in the Elder Scrolls series.

ANSWER: Skyrim (prompt Tamriel)

21. This person argued that two countries “will have to be somewhat mixed up together in some of their affairs” due to a recent agreement, and another statement by this person recalled a time when he had allowed all regular troops to be sent out of the country and argued that “we are far more capable” of meeting invasion than at that previous time. This person warned that (*) “we must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations” in describing the Miracle of Dunkirk. Upon assuming his highest office, this person declared “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat”. For ten points, identify this British Prime Minister who, speaking of the Royal Air Force, said that “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few”.