
From: Ryan Little

To: Ms. D

Date: 1-25-15

Subject: Contrast Memo

Lexus and Scion are two branches of the Toyota car company but each of them both target a different kind of consumer and both use completely different approaches to entice their audiences.

Lexus is a branch that is designed to target the consumers looking for luxury and class, generally pulling in people that have more money and don’t mind spending that extra buck. Scion is a branch that more looks to target the younger generation, the cars are designed to look sporty but cut costs for example they usually don’t offer leather seats, navigation systems etc. these cars are also geared towards better gas mileage then the Lexus branch. They do this because the audience they are targeting are usually just starting out and don’t have that extra money to spend on a vehicle, but at the same time still want something that looks stylish and meets their current personality traits.

Website approaches to these two branches are also very different from each other. Lexus try’s to influence you by showing you how much class you will have by focusing more on each of the features offered or titles like “Fasten Your Everything” and “Go Beyond Utility.” They even give you a list of benefits that you will receive just for owning a Lexus including “extraordinary benefits” from “exclusive hotels” to “premier events” and restaurants, they even list high end vineyards and wineries. While Scion tries to influence you by using titles like “Incredible Rates” and “Stress-Free Leasing”. They also have a list of different “Low” prices and “Bonus Cash” that comes with each car that you buy. They focus more on the deals you will get for your money and the reliably that will come with it.

Another key point each website uses are the colors used to demonstrate just what kind of vehicle they are trying to sell you. Lexus tends to use darker colors to bring out the elegance in both the interior and exterior of each of their different vehicles. They use darker color vehicles as well with lighting to bring out the sporty looks and curves and the luxurious interior leather and dash. Scion tries to stay more with the brighter, energetic and lively colors such as orange, red, blue and white. To give their cars more of a fun and exciting appeal that give off a persona that they are fun to drive and give you the idea that they offer the right car for everyone you just find the one that matches perfectly with you.

The biggest difference of all between these two branches though are the price. Not surprising Lexus has a much bigger price tag, with their cheapest vehicle starting around $32,000 to a supercar that starts out at $375,000. Lexus offers quite the range of luxury vehicles to choose from. Scion on the other hand starts their cheapest vehicle around $16,000 with their most expensive vehicle getting up to only $26,000 and even if you add every option you can think of, it would still only get up to about $35,000.

Companies everywhere use these kind of techniques to target their specific customer and they work very well in almost every industry you can think of. There are always different target audiences that with any given product, speech even law, that a company or group are looking to appease or relate to in some way or another. This is because everyone has different lifestyles, opinions and views and it is the best way to attract the consumer.