Stanford Academy
Eighth Grade
Language Arts

Mrs. Bean

Phone - Spring View (916-624-3381) ext. 4002

E-mail - or

Calendar - See Spring View’s Website



Extra help is available most days (unless I have a before/after school duty or a meeting). **************************************************************************************

Course Information

Grading: Grading: 60% for tests, major writing assignments and projects (ESC’s); 40% for

class/homework and all other non-ESC tests, quizzes and writing assignments

Late work is accepted, but points will be deducted for unexcused absences. Late work must be turned in with a “Late Slip” signed by a parent to receive credit.

Texts and Novels: Prentice Hall: Literature; Writing and Grammar

The following novels will be read:

Of Mice and Men

Nothing But the Truth


Expository Text: Students will read various articles and primary source documents throughout the year.


Writing Applications: Bill of Rights research essay, response to literature essays/paragraphs– both process and timed-write; compare and contrast essay, and an argumentative essay

Literary Response and Analysis: structural and narrative analysis; literary criticism, and elements of literature/poetry

through novels, short stories and poetry

Vocabulary Development: figurative language, analogies, roots,

affixes, definitions, synonyms, antonyms

contextual meaning, related words, SAT words,

and academic vocabulary

Conventions/Mechanics: varied sentence structures, grammar rules, and

application to speaking and writing

Oral Language: informal presentations/informal discussions, debates, court case presentation; Socratic Seminars and a formal end-of-the-year speech

Organization: daily planner, binder, portfolio

Expository Reading

Strategies: reading and analyzing various expository

materials/Close reading techniques

Study Skills: Cornell Note taking, summarizing and flash cards

Spelling: rules, spelling lists, editing skills

Research Skills: use of primary and secondary sources,

synthesizing information, MLA format,

out-lining and parenthetical citations


It would be helpful to have the following items to ensure a successful year:

·  One inch, three ring binder for all classes (It will mostly be used in Language Arts.)

·  Subject Dividers

·  Binder Paper

·  Pencils and pens (blue or black for writing), red, green, et cetera (for correcting and editing)

·  Highlighters

·  Post-It Notes

·  Small, manual pencil sharpener

·  Glue sticks

·  Index Cards (4 x 6, white or colored)

·  Binder hole punch

Place this in the language arts section of your binder - it should be the very first page.