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COM 15 – LS 228 – E

STUDY PERIOD 2005-2008
English only
Original: English
Question(s): / 9/15
Source: / ITU-T SG15
Title: / G.8032 – Ethernet Ring Protection
To: / IEEE 802.1, 802.17
Approval: / ITU-T SG15 (Geneva, 11-22 February 2008)
For: / Information
Deadline: / None
Contact: / Stephen J. Trowbridge
Lucent Technologies
USA / Tel: +1 303 920 6545
Fax: +1 303 920 6553
Contact: / Ghani Abbas
UK / Email:

Further to our previous liaisons, ITU-T SG15 is pleased to inform you that at our February 2008 plenary, Recommendation G.8032 – Ethernet Ring Protection Switching, was consented.

The scope of the ITU-T G.8032 work includes the following key features:

·  Rapid protection switching, as a result of ring node and/or link failure(s), can be achieved within 50ms.

·  Ring interconnections via link(s), common node, and “shared link”, can also support rapid protection switching within 50ms.

·  Efficient bandwidth utilization of ring traffic (e.g., via spatial reuse).

·  Automatic and manual reversion mechanisms, upon fault recovery.

·  Loop prevention mechanism over the ring.

·  Operator command support (e.g., lockout of protection, force/manual switch, do not revert, etc.).

·  Frame duplication and reorder prevention mechanisms.

The scope of the inaugural Rec. G.8032 is to define an automatic protection switching (APS) protocol and protection switching mechanisms for ETH layer topologies forming a closed loop.

The key features of Recommendation G.8032 includes:

·  Rapid protection switching, as a result of ring node and/or link failure(s), can be achieved within 50ms.

·  Efficient bandwidth utilization of ring traffic, via spatial reuse.

·  Automatic reversion mechanism upon fault recovery.

·  Frame duplication and reorder prevention mechanisms.

·  Loop prevention mechanisms.

Q9 plans to continue its work on G.8032 to add additional features and will inform you of our progress.

Q9 will be preparing a presentation summarizing G.8032 for IEEE 802 as we believe this work is of interest. We would request to present this at your upcoming March 2008 plenary meeting.

The text of the consented G.8032 is attached.

TSB Note: Attach TD498R1/P
