March 12, 2012
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Warren, 7:00 P.M.
Chief Cooper
PWD MartinClerk Storey
City Attorney Grow
Councilmember Provost announced he has a conflict in meeting times and will resign from Valley Vision.
MOTION BY BEADLES/NASHto approve the minutes of theFebruary 27, 2012 regular meeting. Motion carried.
- From the Public
- From the Mayor
Mayor Warren reminded the public that March 16 is the deadline to submit applications for the vacant council position.
Mayor Warren reported that a petition for an initiative was filed with city by Scott Broyles, an attorney representing Connie Morrow. The initiative would cause all the optional .3% sales tax to go to the county for the support of Aquatic Center. Consultation with Municipal Research indicates that the use of the sales tax is not subject to the initiative process. A letter was sent to Mr. Broyles to inform him of the city’s position.
- From Staff
. Finance Committee:
Councilmember Provostreported that all bills have been audited and approved. MOTION BY PROVOST/MANCHESTERto authorize payment of the bills, total expenditures for February 29, 2012 of $290.39 and for March 12, 2012 of $503,293.13. Motion carried.
Public Safety:
Councilmember Beadles gave kudos to the police and fire departments for supporting the Clarkston High School basketball teams as they left for state tournaments.
Fire department employees will be constructing a training structure.
Police department employees have helped with the installation of lockers and desks to complete the remodel of the building.
Public Works Committee:
Councilmember Nash reported that there was no meeting.
Admin Committee:
No meeting.
Community Development:
Councilmember Beadles reported that minutes have been distributed. The one item for action is on the agenda.
Ordinance No. 1501, Council/Mayor Compensation – 2nd Reading for Action
Ordinance No. 1501 was read by title. MOTION BY BEADLES/PROVOST to adopt Ordinance No. 1501. Beadles said he is in favor the pay increase as the council does a lot of work on their own time. Mayor Warren announced that she will forgo the increase for 2012 and 2013. Motion carried; 5-1, Smith opposed.
A. Keller Engineering – Update on WWTP Upgrade Project
PWD Martin introduced Larry Rupp with Keller Engineering. Martin said that DOE had very few comments in their review of the plans. We expect final plan approval from DOE to come any time. Rupp gave an update of the project to date and an overview of the plans to move forward. Rupp said that the WWTP staff has been involved in the entire planning and design process. Bid advertisements should go out the end of March with a response period of about five weeks. Bids would be reviewed in May, contracts awarded and construction could begin in June. The project is expected to take about 18 - 20 months for construction. Rupp explained the funding package which includes a $10 million loan from Public Works Trust Fund, a $700,000 loan from DOE and $2 million bond issue. The city has also contributed over $400,000 in pre planning and design bringing total project funding to just over $13 million.
The PWTF loan requires a match of $2.5 million which is provided by the bond issue, DOE loan and city contributions. If the project is completed within four years, the interest rate on the PWTF loan will be dropped to .25%.
Engineers’estimate for the base bid is $10.8 million. There are several additive items that will be included if bids allow within the budget. If bids come in as anticipated there should be about $800,000 of flexibility to use for the additive items.
Councilmember Provost asked where the bids will be advertised. Rupp said it will be in the local newspaper, on the city’s website and in several plan centers around the area. Councilmember Baumberger asked if contractors are showing interest. Rupp said he has had three inquiries already as to when the bids will go out. Rupp said the general will probably come from larger cities, but local subs should get a piece of the job.
Councilmember Beadles asked about the budget. Rupp said the total amount of available revenue is $13.1 million. After engineering is subtracted about $12.3 million is left for construction.
PWD Martin told the council that projects of this size normally include a plaque on the building that identifies the responsible parties. Martin said there is also a proposal to include a sign on the concrete wall that will be installedalong the 13th Street entry that would identify the facility. The cost of the sign is about $8,000 and is included in the base bid at this time. Beadles said he would like to see it included but if there are cost issues, it could be removed. Beadles asked the anticipated life of the project. Rupp said the general life of the plant would be 20 years, with some things needing replacing before that and some components lasting much longer.
Martin asked for council authorization to move forward with bidding. MOTION BY NASH/MANCHESTER to authorize moving forward with the bid process. Motion carried.
- Agreement with PTBA for bus Shelter at Tri State
PWD Martin explained that Tri State Hospital would like to install a bus shelter on city right of way just west of their main parking area on Highland. MOTION BY BEADLES/NASH to approve the installation of the bus shelter near Tri State Hospital on Highland Avenue. Motion carried.
- Authorize Support Letter for Pautler Center Grant Application
Councilmember Beadles explained that the Pautler Center would like a letter of support for a grant application to the Moneysaver. MOTION BY BEADLES/NASH to authorize the mayor to send a letter of support. Motion carried.
- Representative to Valley Vision
There was no council volunteer to represent the council on the Valley Vision board at this time.
Councilmember Nash reported that he attended a stormwater management meeting. The O & M plan is under review and will come to the council for approval at a later date.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Union Negotiations and Litigation
Council went into executive session at 7:33 p.m. to discuss union negotiations and potential litigation. Anticipated length of session is 15 minutes. Action may be taken as a result of the session.
Council returned to open session at 7:52 p.m.
MOTION BY BEADLES/NASH to contract with Hadeen & Caditz PLLC for legal representation on a construction and contract issue. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m.
Vickie Storey, City ClerkKathleen A. Warren, Mayor
Total Fund Expenditures, 2/29/12 / CK#50350, JV #201201,07,09 / $290.39Total Fund Expenditures, 3/12/12 / CK #50415-50497 / $251,973.72
Total Payroll, 2/29/12 / CK #50351-50414 / $251,319.41
March 12, 2012, Regular Meeting