Report for FY17 Out-of-School Time Funding Priorities Survey

FY17 Out-of-School Time Funding Priorities Survey

Response Statistics

Count / Percent
Complete / 179 / 99.4
Partial / 1 / 0.6
Disqualified / 0 / 0
Total / 180

Which of the following best describes your role in the OST program?

Value / Percent / Count
Program Staff (working directly with children) / 7.0% / 12
Program Administrator/Coordinator / 67.8% / 116
Other - Please Describe / 25.1% / 43
Total / 171
Other - Please Describe / Count
Executive Director / 2
Grants Coordinator / 2
I am doing both program staff and administrator/coordinator / 2
Program Director / 2
grant writer / 2
Association Leadership / 1
Central level admiistrative supports / 1
Chief Executive Officer/Program Administrator / 1
Community Supporter / 1
Consultant / 1
Development Department / 1
Development Manager / 1
Development Staff / 1
Development/Fundraising / 1
Director and Direct care 50/50 / 1
District Administrator / 1
District Finance Officer / 1
District administrator / 1
Education and Literacy Consultant / 1
Executive Director of larger org that includes an OST program / 1
Executive director / 1
G / 1
Grant Program Manager / 1
Grant Support / 1
Grant Writer/Manager / 1
Grant manager / 1
Grants Management / 1
Grantwriter / 1
Headquarters Admin / 1
I am the program administrator with a hands on roll working directly with the children / 1
Organization Sponsoring 21st CCLC program / 1
Organizational Leadership / 1
Oversee the after school directors as part of child care department which has center based ECE and family child care component / 1
Resource Development Associate/Grant Writer / 1
School Supporter / 1
Senior Leadership - Organizational / 1
Superintendent / 1
Supervisor of multiple OST and early learning programs. / 1
Total / 43

In school year 2016-2017, how likely are you to use or participate in/use the following offerings from ESE and/or EEC:

Very likely to use / Will possibly use / Unlikely to use
Accept EEC subsidies / 52.7% / 88 / 15% / 25 / 32.3% / 54
Training and/or professional development / 70.8% / 119 / 24.4% / 41 / 4.8% / 8
Regional and/or Statewide Networking Opportunities / 44% / 74 / 46.4% / 78 / 9.5% / 16

How interested are you in attending future training/PD offerings on each of the following topics?Please add any additional topics of interest in the Comments section provided below.

Very Interested / Somewhat Interested / A Little Interested / Not Interested
Behavior Management / Conflict Resolution / 60% / 99 / 27.3% / 45 / 7.3% / 12 / 5.5% / 9
Developing Curriculum (Aligned to ESE and/or EEC Frameworks/Guidelines) / 46% / 75 / 33.1% / 54 / 14.1% / 23 / 6.7% / 11
Developing Curriculum/Programming for which students can earn school credit / 31% / 49 / 25.9% / 41 / 20.3% / 32 / 22.8% / 36
Digital Learning / Using Technology / 36.3% / 57 / 33.1% / 52 / 17.8% / 28 / 12.7% / 20
Family Engagement and Involvement / 57.1% / 93 / 28.2% / 46 / 9.8% / 16 / 4.9% / 8
FitMath / 18.9% / 30 / 30.8% / 49 / 26.4% / 42 / 23.9% / 38
Networking Opportunities (with other OST providers) / 26.1% / 41 / 30.6% / 48 / 32.5% / 51 / 10.8% / 17
Literacy Strategies / 35% / 56 / 37.5% / 60 / 18.1% / 29 / 9.4% / 15
Project-Based Learning / 48.8% / 80 / 29.9% / 49 / 13.4% / 22 / 7.9% / 13
Program Evaluation (Using measurement tools: APT, SACERS, YPQA, etc.) / 33.5% / 54 / 36% / 58 / 21.7% / 35 / 8.7% / 14
Service-Learning / 26.9% / 43 / 35% / 56 / 26.9% / 43 / 11.3% / 18
Social-Emotional Learning / 61.8% / 102 / 23.6% / 39 / 7.9% / 13 / 6.7% / 11
STEM / 46% / 75 / 33.1% / 54 / 12.9% / 21 / 8% / 13
New Science, Technology, Engineering Frameworks (aligned to Next Gen Science Standards) / 41.9% / 67 / 28.8% / 46 / 18.1% / 29 / 11.3% / 18
Student Assessment / 29% / 45 / 32.9% / 51 / 25.2% / 39 / 12.9% / 20
Student Leadership/Voice / 39.1% / 63 / 34.8% / 56 / 18% / 29 / 8.1% / 13
Supervising Staff / 41.7% / 65 / 34% / 53 / 14.7% / 23 / 9.6% / 15
Supporting English Language Learners / 41.7% / 68 / 36.8% / 60 / 12.9% / 21 / 8.6% / 14
Supporting Students with Disabilities / 41.8% / 66 / 36.1% / 57 / 15.8% / 25 / 6.3% / 10

How interested are you in future training/PD offerings on each of the following topics for your program staff? Please add any additional topics of interest in the Comments section provided below.

Very Interested / Somewhat Interested / A Little Interested / Not Interested
Behavior Management / Conflict Resolution / 80.5% / 91 / 17.7% / 20 / 0% / 0 / 1.8% / 2
Developing Curriculum (Aligned to ESE and/or EEC Frameworks/Guidelines) / 51.9% / 56 / 21.3% / 23 / 17.6% / 19 / 9.3% / 10
Developing Curriculum/Programming for which students can earn credit / 34% / 36 / 19.8% / 21 / 21.7% / 23 / 24.5% / 26
Digital Learning / Using Technology / 43.9% / 47 / 31.8% / 34 / 14% / 15 / 10.3% / 11
Family Engagement and Involvement / 51.9% / 56 / 34.3% / 37 / 12% / 13 / 1.9% / 2
FitMath / 32.4% / 35 / 32.4% / 35 / 13% / 14 / 22.2% / 24
Literacy Strategies / 51.4% / 57 / 28.8% / 32 / 13.5% / 15 / 6.3% / 7
Project-Based Learning / 57.8% / 63 / 25.7% / 28 / 10.1% / 11 / 6.4% / 7
Program Evaluation (Using measurement tools: APT, SACERS, YPQA, etc.) / 27.9% / 29 / 28.8% / 30 / 27.9% / 29 / 15.4% / 16
Service-Learning / 40.7% / 44 / 26.9% / 29 / 24.1% / 26 / 8.3% / 9
Social-Emotional Learning / 74.5% / 82 / 19.1% / 21 / 4.5% / 5 / 1.8% / 2
STEM / 57.4% / 62 / 24.1% / 26 / 10.2% / 11 / 8.3% / 9
New Science, Technology, Engineering Frameworks (aligned to Next Gen Science Standards) / 46.2% / 49 / 30.2% / 32 / 15.1% / 16 / 8.5% / 9
Student Assessment / 46.2% / 48 / 25% / 26 / 20.2% / 21 / 8.7% / 9
Student Leadership/Voice / 49.1% / 53 / 29.6% / 32 / 16.7% / 18 / 4.6% / 5
Supervising Staff / 34% / 35 / 31.1% / 32 / 17.5% / 18 / 17.5% / 18
Supporting English Language Learners / 45.9% / 51 / 35.1% / 39 / 17.1% / 19 / 1.8% / 2
Supporting Students with Disabilities / 57% / 61 / 29.9% / 32 / 13.1% / 14 / 0% / 0

Please indicate which of the following is a priority outcome for students in your program: (check all that apply)

Value / Percent / Count
Academic Achievement/Improvement / 76.6% / 128
Credit Recovery / Acceleration (providing opportunities for students to earn school credit) / 9.6% / 16
Social and Emotional Learning/Development / 89.8% / 150
College and Career Readiness / 44.3% / 74
Civic Engagement / 44.3% / 74
Health/Fitness / 55.1% / 92
Safety / 51.5% / 86
Other (please describe) / 9.0% / 15
Other (please describe) / Count
Artistic Development / 1
Arts / 1
Enrichment achievement / 1
Environmental awareness / 1
Environmental awareness and knowledge and science inquiry skills / 1
Fun / 1
Leadership / 1
Leadership and Life Skills / 1
MCAS Support / 1
Project-based learning activities / 1
STEM and Literacy achievement / 1
Strong sense of Self / 1
We place a stress on English language development and literacy. Many of our students are English Language Learners / 1
engaging the creative mind / 1
Total / 14

Please indicate which of the following best describes the type of OST programming you will offer in 2016-2017:If you offer more than one type of programming, please select the one that best describes the majority of your programming, and indicate others offered in the Comments box.

Value / Percent / Count
Comprehensive Program for which students enroll for a set number of days for the semester or the year. These programs provide a structured, formal program that includes a variety of activities for both academics and enrichment. / 68.9% / 115
Specialized Program for which students enroll for a set number of days for the semester or the year. These programs’ services are limited to a specialized activity. (For example, an arts organization offering a drama club two days/week.) / 18.0% / 30
Drop-in Program for which students enroll, but are not necessarily expected to be in attendance every day or for a set number of days each week. / 8.4% / 14
Other - Please describe / 4.8% / 8
Total / 167
Other - Please describe / Count
Drop in Program / 1
New program / 1
None - funding cut / 1
Service learning stem summer program / 1
We are a formal, comprehensive program that marries intensive arts instruction, performance, and social justice education that fosters communication skills across differences and children\'s capacities for empathy and courage to speak out regarding injustice. / 1
Year-round subsidized child care.Befor and after/full week days / 1
out of school time care with support for homework completion, club activities for the children to join, serve a nutritious dinner program and offer family engagement activities.. / 1
summer program / 1
Total / 8

Please indicate which of the following best describes your organization:

Value / Percent / Count
Public School or District / 33.7% / 57
Community Based Organization / 50.3% / 85
For-Profit Agency / 4.7% / 8
Other - Please describe / 11.2% / 19
Total / 169
Other - Please describe / Count
non profit / 2
non-profit / 2
Boys & Girls Club / 1
College offering youth development program / 1
Educational collaborative / 1
Institute within Higher Education / 1
Non Profit / 1
Non Profit organization / 1
Non-Profit Agency / 1
Non-profit / 1
Our program is a for-profit, community based organization / 1
Statewide non-profit / 1
University based program / 1
YMCA / 1
charter school / 1
municipal recreation dept / 1
non-profit / 1
Total / 19