“Pharmacological screening of Grewia hirsuta”




Submitted to






Department Of Pharmacology







1. / Name of the Candidate
and Address / Ghayal Keyur Mukeshchandra
5,Jalaram row house,
NR.Gangeshwar temple,
New adajan gas road,
2. / Name of the Institution / DayanandaSagarCollege of Pharmacy,
Kumaraswamy layout,
Bangalore – 560 078
3. / Course of Study and
Subject / M. Pharmacy-Pharmacology
4. / Date of Admission / 21stJuly 2008
  1. Title of the Topic:
“Pharmacological screening of Grewia hirsuta leaves”
6.0 / Brief resume of the intended work:
6.1 – Need for the study:
Grewia hirsuta vahl.(Nagbala) Synonym:G. polygamaFamily:Tiliaceaeis a shrub bearing edible fruits occurring throughout the greater part of India Sub-Himalayan tract fromthe Indus to Nepal up to1,500m,also in hills of Bihar, Orissa andTamil Nadu1.
A shrub 30-90cm high,branches slender,leaves 5-11 by 0.7-2.5 cm,oblong or linear lanceolate,narrowed gradually to the apex,serrate,the teeth bluth,small,often irregular in size,base rounded,3-nerved,clothed with very small stellate hairs above,densely stellate-pubescent beneath, petiole 2.5-3.8mm long,stout,hairy, stipules 2.5 mm long,linearsubulate,hairyflowers white turning yellow,male and bisexual,2-4 together, peduneles axillary,solitary or sometimes paired,5-25 mm long,slender, pedicels 3.8-10 mm. long; buds ovoid,densely hairy,sepals 5 mm long,oblong,tomentose outside,petals 3 mm long,oblong,claw distinct,fruit 7.5-10 mm diameter,more or less 2-4 lobed,shining,brown with scattered hairs and a ring of hairs of the top of the androgynophore2.The leaves are of two kinds; bitter and tasteless-the bitter leaves lessen inflammation;useful in nose and eye disease; anthelmintic.the root of this variety is astringent to bowels;useful in cholera,hydrophobia,kidneypain,piles,anthelmintic, the leaves and fruit of the second variety with tasteless leaves are purgative expectorant,carminative,bortifacient,emmenogogue,vulnerary galactogogue;useful in splenic enlargement, eye troubles,piles,rheumatism,pain in the jointsand in the breasts.The fruit is employed as a medicine by the santals, in diarrhoea and dysentery. The root pounded is also prescribed for the same diseases and powdered in water is applied externally to hasten suppuration, and as a dressing for wounds. The paste dries and forms a hard coating,thus effectually excluding air from the raw surface (Campbell).
Chemical constituents: - Air dried powder of stem contains pale yellow oil,β-sitosterol, α-amyrin,β-amyrinand foradiol. Aqueous extract shows the presence of proline,serine, glutamic acid,phenylalanine,isoleucine and lysine3.
Grewia hirsuta vahlhas properties to pacify provocation of Vata and Pitta humor. It is useful as nervine tonic, brain tonic, demulcent, anti-acidic, expectorant, antipyretic, diuretic, aphrodisiac, carminative and cardiac tonic. It is alternative and restorative (promotive) and analgesic action.The drupes are given in diarrhoea and dysentry. A paste or root in water is appliedto wounds to hasten suppuration and as a dressing of wounds; it is external use of drug.The management of heart disease has use of Nagbala. The powder of Nagbala root and Arjuna (bark of tree Terminalia arjuna) are mixed and used with milk. The recipe is given to patient for a month. It eradicates heart disease, cough and dyspnoea. It is also useful as excellent Rasayana if taken for a year the man lives full life of hundred years as mentioned in medical text4,5.
6.2 – Review of the literature
Literaturesurvey through books, periodicals and internet yield the following information
  1. Mohamed et.al (1990)6 reported pharmacological activities of Grewia bicolor roots and proved that the active compound, apparently a peptide, exerted a serotonin-like effect on rat uterus, rat fundus and rabbit jejunum.
  2. Dogar IA et.al (1988)7 showed the effect of Grewia asiatica, Gossypiumherbacium and Gymnema sylvestre on blood glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides levels in normoglycaemic and alloxan diabetic rabbits.
  3. Jaspers et.al (1986)8 carried phytochemical investigation of Grewia bicolor and reported that the petroleum ether extract afforded beta-sitosterol and beta-sitosterol- and triterpene esters, and the triterpenes lupeol and betulin. The methanol extract afforded: beta-sitosterol-glucoside and three alkaloids, harman, 6-methoxyharman and 6-hydroxyharman. The latter is the main alkaloid. The methanol extract shows activity against gram-positive and gram-negative organisms and causes a strong contraction of the isolated rat uterus which can be blocked by methysergide.
  4. Khajuria RR and Singh K (1967)9reported studies on the chemical composition and digestibility of Dhaman tree (Grewia elastica) leaves.
  1. Sisodia R et.al (2008)10reported protective effect of Grewia asiatica against
radiationinduced biochemical alterations in Swiss albino mice.

6. Sisodia R et.al (2008)11reported modulation effectof radiation-induced biochemical changes in cerebrum of Swiss albino mice by Grewia Asiatica.

6.3 – Objective of the Study:
Several members of thespecies Grewia (Tiliaceae) are being used traditionallyfor the treatment of a large number of diseaseconditions. Among them Grewia villosa is reported topossess anticancer activity. Grewia tiliaefolia bark isbeing used in traditional medicine, and so far noinvestigation has been carried out for pharmacological actions and phytochemical constituent of Grewia hirsuta.
Hence, the present investigation deals with some of the pharmacological activity of Grewia hirsuta leaves
The work consist of
  1. Solvent extraction of Grewia hirsuta leaves using soxlet apparatus.
  2. Preliminary phytochemical evaluation of Grewia hirsute leaf extract.
  3. Evaluation of Grewia hirsuta leaf extract for preliminary pharmacological action like
  • Analgesic action,
  • Anti-inflammatory action,
  • Spontaneous motor activity,
  • Muscle relaxant activity,
  • Antioxidant activity,
  • Antisecretory and gastric cytoprotective activity

7.0 / Materials and Methods:
7.1 Source of Data: Textbook of Indian medicinal plants, Handbook of Ayurvedic
Medicinal plants. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, International Journal ofPharmacology, Indian Journal of Pharmacology, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Complementary and Alternative medicine, Phytotherapy Research, Fitoterapia, Indian Journal Physiology and Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy Magazine, Chemical abstract, Internet browsing & Standard books.
7.2 - Method of collection of data:
The plant material will be collected from Ooty and authenticated by botanist from
Tamilnadu agriculture university. All otherchemicals and solvents used in the study
would be procured from reputedmanufactures like Merck, BDK etc.
7.3 - Does the study require any investigations or interventions to be conducted on
patients or other humans or animals? If so, Please describe briefly.
Yes, the study requires investigation on albino rats and mice.
7.4 – Has ethical clearance been obtained from your Institution in case of 7.3?
No. The protocol is being submitted to IAEC.
8.0 / List of References:
  1. AsolkarLV,Kakkar KK andChakre OJ. Second supplement of Glossary of
Indian Medicinal Plants with Active Principles(Part 1 New Delhi: Publication
and Information Directorate, (1992).
  1. Dictionary of Indian Medicinal Plants. (Lucknow: Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Publication, 1992).
  1. Anjaneyulu B, Rao VB,Ganguly AK, Govindachari TR, Joshi BS and Kamat
VN.Chemical investigation of some plants. Indian J Chem.1965;3: 237-242.
  1. Kiritikar KR and B.D. Basu. (Indian Medicinal Plants, II edition, Vol- I,1987).
International book distributors. 9/3 Rajpur road. Dehradun-248001.
  1. Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants By Kapoor LD.CRC press,pg.no.199.
  1. Mohamed AE, Karrar MA, Salih AE, Bashir AK, Ali MB, Khalid Pharmaco- logical activities of Grewia bicolor roots.J Ethnopharmacol. 1990;28(3):285-92.
  1. Dogar IA, Ali M, Yaqub M.Effect of Grewia asiatica, Gossypium herbacium and Gymnema sylvestre on blood glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides levelsin normoglycaemic and alloxan diabetic rabbits.J Pak Med Assoc. 1988;38(11):289
  1. Jaspers MW, Bashir AK, Zwaving JH, Malingré TM. Investigationof Grewiabicolor Juss.J Ethnopharmacol. 1986;17(3):205-11.
  1. Khajuria RR, Singh K.Studies on the chemical composition and digestibility of Dhaman tree (Grewia elastica) leaves.Indian Vet J. 1967; 44(5):429-34.
  1. Sisodia R, Singh S, Sharma KV, Ahaskar M. Post treatmenteffect ofGrewiaasiatica against radiation-induced biochemical alterations in Swiss albino mice.
J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol. 2008;27(2):113-21.

11.Sisodia R, Ahaskar M, Sharma KV, Singh S. Modulation of radiation-induced biochemical changes in cerebrum of Swiss albino mice by Grewia Asiatica.Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars). 2008;68(1):32-8.

9 / Signature of the candidate / GHAYAL KEYUR MUKESHCHNDRA
10 / Remarks of the Guide: / Requested for clearance and approval
11 / Name and Designation of:
11. Guide:
11.2 Signature: / Dr. Leena Patil.
Dept of Pharmacology,
DayanandaSagarCollege of Pharmacy,
Kumaraswamy layout, Bangalore – 78
11.3 Co-Guide:
11.4 Signature / Not applicable
11.5 Head of the Department:
11.6 Signature / Dr. Leena patil
Dept of Pharmacology
DayanandaSagarCollege of Pharmacy,
Kumaraswamy layout, Bangalore-78.
12 / 12.1 Remarks of the Chairman and Principal / Recommended for research
12.2 Principal
12.3 Signature / Dr. V. Murugan
Professor and principal
Dept of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
DayanandaSagarCollege of Pharmacy,
Kumaraswamy layout, Bangalore –78.