- The purpose of this nutrient grading scale is to those who lose are working out at an intense level and require different loads of nutrients because of this.
- Those who will be studied and aided in this plan will be male college level soccer players. It will be taken for the activity done throughout the week, be it practice or a game.
- A daily account of what each individual player is eating will be used to determine their improvement in getting the proper amounts of nutrients. I would use this daily account so I can get a better understanding what the players are eating and fix any unhealthy habits. Since the daily records will show the food they ate, their diets will be categorized as unhealthy, moderate, and healthy. So if someone was going low there will be more help for them than ones who are in the healthy category already.
- The different components this scale will help improve the performance level, recovery, physical shape, mental health, and sleep quality. The performance level is the most important aspect for sports players because it gives you the edge on other athletes. The recovery for players is important because during this period the body is either using itself to rebuild or gaining more strength. Next, physical shape is how fit they are and what their fat percentage is along with how much muscle mass they have. The mental sharpness improves productivity and thinking ahead of where you should be and how to best aid your team. Last but not least the quality of sleep is important for younger athletes because this controls many aspects of life and also how they will be while playing the sport.
- The scale that they will be graded on is excellent-good-needs work. To determine which category someone falls under is determined by their overall nutrition status. This means if all of the requirements are met the person will receive an excellent. If a player meets all but 1-5 areas they will receive a good but if the player is missing more than 5 nutrition requirements they will need work.
- The test administrator would only need to check over the data the student has put in from what they ate and see if it meets the dietary guidelines. If it an area has not been successfully met a note should be made.
- The grading of these tests will be used to determine how the athlete is eating and how it affects performance. If someone received the “needs work” grade it will mean they are not fit for practice and will have to control their diet before coming to the field again. This test is formative because it constantly follows along with the player alerting him what he needs to be working on so that he’ll be able to get to the excellent grade.
Nutrition Rubric
Nutrients / Excellent (3) / Good (2) / Needs Work (1)Grains / >9-7 servings / 7-5 servings / <5 servings
Lipids / <70 grams / 80-70 grams / >80 grams
Vegetables / >9-7 servings / 7-5 servings / <5 servings
Fruits / >5-4 servings / 4-3 servings / <3 servings
Dairy / >1,000mg-800mg / 799mg-600mg / <599mg
Protein / >6oz-5oz / 5oz-4oz / <4oz
Name: ______
Date: ___/___/____
Group: ______
Directions: Evaluate each athlete’s diet and check their intake of each category and circle which applies to them. Consult players have areas that need work and file accordingly.
Work Cited: MSJC. Diet Diary Grading Rubric. Retrieved March 28, 2016, from