WG3-6-7-12-05-001 Branson, MO, 5/21/12

SPDC Working Group 3.6.7

Low Voltage Data, Communications and Signaling Circuit SPD

Summary of the May 21, 2012 meeting in Branson, MO.

Chairman: Al Martin, TE Connectivity

ViceChairman: Ernie Gallo, Telcordia

Table of Contents

1 Attendance 1

2 Administration 2

3 Review and approval of agenda (-002) 2

4 IP statement 2

5 Review and approval of the notes from the last meeting 3

6 Receipt of contributions 3

7 Review of homework assignments from last meeting 3

8 Chair’s Remarks 4

8.1 Committee membership 4

8.2 WG Scope 4

8.3 Contribution cover page 5

8.4 Comments on the teleconference 5

9 Liaison 5

10 Old business: Continue work on PC62.36 5

10.1 PAR as approved 2/5/2010 5

10.2 Relevant contributions [in order of discussion] 6

10.3 C62.36 status 6

10.4 Review of clauses 7

10.5 New tests 8

11 New Business 10

12 Action Items for next meeting 10

13 Next Meeting 10

1  Attendance

The following members and interested parties attended:

Members present (9)

Ashton, Robert ON Semiconductor

Bush, William Consultant

Chaudhry, Nisar TII Network Technologies, Inc.

Drewes, Leonard World Products

Gallo, Ernie Telcordia Technologies

Martin, Albert Tyco Electronics

Maytum, Mick. MJMaytum

Oertel, Wolfgang Bourns, Inc

Travis, Bill Littelfuse

Members absent (2)

Hopkins, Michael Consultant

Klobassa, Bogey Times Microwave

Interested Parties (2)

Ko, Edwin CSA Group

Kobsa, Peter TII Network Technologies, Inc.

2  Administration

WG 3.6.7 met on Monday, May 21, 2012, for 4 hours.

Attendance: 9 members, 2 interested parties, 11 total

As 9 of the 11 WG members were present, there was a quorum.

3  Review and approval of agenda (-002)

The agenda was reviewed and approved.

4  IP statement

Slides #1 through #4 of the IEEE Patent Slides updated March 29, 2011 were shown. The WG attendees were advised that:

·  The IEEE’s patent policy is consistent with the ANSI patent policy and is described in Clause 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws;

·  Early identification of patent claims which may be essential for the use of standards under development is encouraged;

·  There may be Essential Patent Claims of which the IEEE is not aware. Additionally, neither the IEEE, the WG, nor the WG chair can ensure the accuracy or completeness of any assurance or whether any such assurance is, in fact, of a Patent Claim that is essential for the use of the standard under development.

The WG Secretary was instructed to record in the minutes of the relevant WG meeting:

·  That the foregoing information was provided and the five slides were shown;

·  That the chair or designee provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard;

·  Any responses that were given, specifically the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that were identified (if any) and by whom

5  Review and approval of the notes from the last meeting

The unapproved minutes of the April 3, 2012 teleconference were posted April 3, 2012 on the SPDC Forum. An E-mail was sent to members asking them to review the minutes, and forward any comments to the Chairman. The minutes were approved as posted

6  Receipt of contributions

WG3.6.7-11-12-005 [Al Martin – Surge series resistance]

WG3.6.7-12-01-004 [Mick Maytum – Annex E full text

(cf. WG3.6.7-11-08-006)]

WG3.6.7-12-04-004 [Mick Maytum – PC62.36 draft 12]

WG3.6.7-12-04-006 [Mick Maytum – In-line Surge Protector Grounding lead voltage spike.

WG3.6.7-12-05-001 [Al Martin – Unapproved minutes from the 4/2/12 telecon]

WG3.6.7-12-05-002 [Al Martin – Agenda]

WG3.6.7-12-05-003 [Al Martin – Table of clause actions]

WG3.6.7-12-05-005R2 [Wolfgang Oertel/Mick Maytum - Environmental cycling with impulse surge]

WG3.6.7-12-05-006R2 [Wolfgang Oertel/Mick Maytum - Environmental cycling with ac discharge]

WG3-6-7-12-05-007 [Robert Ashton - AC Life (Durability) Test]

WG3-6-7-12-05-008 [Robert Ashton – Impulse Reset Test]

7  Review of homework assignments from last meeting

Clauses 8.12, 8.13 [Done]

Wolfgang to review 8.12 and 8.13 to see if they need updating, and then to rewrite the tests in the format we’re using for the C62.36 revision.

10.4.3 Impulse reset test, clause 8.5 [Done]

Mick to send Robert guidance on how to do the new figures.

Robert to redraw Figure 8.3-1 as 2 figures: One for longitudinal tests [configurations with a common terminal] and one for transverse tests [configurations with no common terminal].

·  Configuration 2A should be eliminated from the new figures.

·  In the new figures remove one bias circuit from configurations 3B and 4A.

·  Add a note to the new figures that a series combination of a capacitor in the range 0.083 – 0.1 mfd and a resistor in the range 135 – 150 ohms may be added across the DUT.

·  In the new figures remove the bias circuit from configuration 2B, and one bias circuit from configurations 3B and 4A.

10.4.4 AC life test, clause 8.7 [Done]

Robert to rename this as “AC life (durability) test”

Robert to redraw Figure 1 to eliminate RL, and show the Y1 and Y2 terminals as being open circuit.

Robert to remove all references to RL in the text.

Robert to add a note that this test is to exercise the voltage limiter in the SPD

Robert to add a column to Table 1 to show where the values came from.

·  Eliminate the rows in the Table labeled “continuously”.

8  Chair’s Remarks

8.1  Committee membership

8.1.1 Requirements

Prospective new members must attend two consecutive meetings [either in person or via teleconference], and make a written contribution [text, drawings or both]. Upon request, an application for membership approval will be sent to A&S.

Membership status is maintained through consistent participation at meetings and through working group votes. If a working group member misses two consecutive meetings, or two consecutive working group votes, his or her membership status may be revoked. Meetings include both regularly-scheduled and face-face meetings, and interim teleconferences. The primary reason for insisting upon active participation is that a quorum is needed to conduct business.

8.2  WG Scope

1. Develop and recommend standard methods for testing and rating surge protective devices. [C62.36 – revision in progress]

2. Prepare sections defining the characteristics and recommended application criteria for these devices for incorporation into the Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices Application Guide. [C62.43 ]

3. Establish performance characteristics for surge protective devices packaged to be connected to low voltage communications and signaling circuits for multiple component combinations of linear or non-linear elements. [C62.64-2009]

4. Coordinate and incorporate sections prepared by other groups for single devices.

8.3  Contribution cover page

For contributions, use the cover page available on the SPDC web site as WG3.6.7 Cover Page [http://spd.oc.ieee.org/files/folder-20/folder-59]. Send your contributions to Al. He will assign the contributions a number, and post them on the SPDC web site. For examples of the format of a contribution [as agreed upon at the Fall, 2009 meeting], see recent contributions by Al Martin or Mick Maytum on the SPDC web site. Two Reasons for using this form: (1) With this form we know whom to contact if there are any questions about the contribution; and (2) the rationale for the contribution is recorded for future reference.

8.4  Comments on the teleconference

Ernie Gallo provided the teleconference bridge using Telcordia’s teleconferencing service.

Desk-top sharing was not done since Live Meeting was not accessible

9  Liaison


10  Old business: Continue work on PC62.36

The document is IEEE PC62.36™/D1, Draft Standard for Test Methods for Surge Protectors Used in Low-Voltage Data, Communications, and Signaling Circuits, contribution WG3.6.7-10-03-005

10.1  PAR as approved 2/5/2010

Scope of Proposed Standard: This standard applies to surge protectors for application on multiconductor balanced or unbalanced data, communications, and signaling circuits with voltages equal to or less than 1000 V rms, or 1200 V dc. These surge protectors are designed to limit voltage surges, current surges, or both.

This standard describes the methods of testing and criteria for determining the end of life of electrical surge protectors used in low-voltage data, communications, and signaling circuits. The surge protectors covered are multiple-component series or parallel combinations of linear or nonlinear elements, packaged for the purpose of limiting voltage, current, or both.

This standard is not intended to cover packaged single gas tube, air gap, varistor, or avalanche junction surge-protective devices, which are covered by IEEE Std C62.31, IEEE Std C62.32, IEEE Std C62.33, and IEEE Std C62.35, respectively.

Specifically excluded from this standard are test methods for low-voltage power circuit applications. For protection of wire-line communication facilities under the specialized conditions found at power stations, consult IEEE Std 487.

Purpose of Proposed Standard: This standard provides a detailed set of performance and end-of-life tests for multiple-component surge protectors.

Need for the Project: C62.36-2000 [a reaffirmation of C62.36-1994] has been widely used in the telecommunications industry, but is now significantly out of date. It needs to be reviewed, and test methods added, deleted, merged, or revised to reflect current practice and improvements resulting from the use of the Standard.

10.2  Relevant contributions [in order of discussion]

WG3.6.7-12-05-005R2 [Wolfgang Oertel/Mick Maytum - Environmental cycling with impulse surge]

WG3.6.7-12-05-006R2 [Wolfgang Oertel/Mick Maytum - Environmental cycling with ac discharge]

WG3-6-7-12-05-008 [Robert Ashton – Impulse Reset Test]

WG3-6-7-12-05-007 [Robert Ashton - AC Life (Durability) Test]

WG3.6.7-12-04-006 [Mick Maytum – In-line Surge Protector Grounding lead voltage spike.

WG3.6.7-12-01-004 [Mick Maytum – Annex E full text

(cf. WG3.6.7-11-08-006)]

WG3.6.7-11-12-005 [Al Martin – Surge series resistance]

WG3.6.7-12-04-004 [Mick Maytum – PC62.36 draft 12]

10.3  C62.36 status

·  There are no clauses for which a contribution is pending [so we are complete from a planned contributions standpoint]

·  There were 7 finished contributions for discussion, of which 4 were discussed at this meeting. Two of these were accepted, leaving 5 to discuss at the next meeting.

·  Draft 12 of PC62.36 was available for discussion, but was not discussed at this meeting

10.4  Review of clauses

10.4.1  Environmental cycling with impulse surge clause 8.12

WG3.6.7-12-05-005R2 [Wolfgang Oertel/Mick Maytum - Environmental cycling with impulse surge] was discussed and edited.


The contribution as revised at the meeting was accepted

10.4.2  Environmental cycling with ac discharge, clause 8.13

WG3.6.7-12-05-006R2 [Wolfgang Oertel/Mick Maytum - Environmental cycling with ac discharge] was discussed and edited.


The contribution as revised at the meeting was accepted

10.4.3  Impulse reset test, clause 8.5

WG3.6.7-12-05-008 [Robert Ashton – Impulse reset test cf. WG3.6.7-10-11-009 ]

Was discussed at this meeting

Comments from previous meetings

Figure 8.3-1 needs to be redrawn as 2 figures: One for longitudinal tests [configurations with a common terminal] and one for transverse tests [configurations with no common terminal]. Configuration 2A should be eliminated from the new figures.

Add a note to the new figures that a series combination of a capacitor in the range 0.083 – 0.1 mfd and a resistor in the range 135 – 150 ohms may be added across the DUT.

In the new figures remove one bias circuit from configurations 3B and 4A.


Mick to send Robert guidance on how to do the new figures.

Robert to make the changes and resubmit the contribution.

Comments from this meeting

In the figures, all test circuits with 2 bias sources should be deleted, as these cases only occur in applications where the possible current to common doesn’t exceed 10 mA.

In the configuration 5 (unbalanced) of the figure, remove RL1, RL2, and the associated circuits to common


Robert to incorporate the changes and resubmit

10.4.4  AC life (durability) test, clause 8.7

WG3.6.7-12-05-007 [Robert Ashton – AC life test cf WG3.6.7-11-05-005]

was discussed at this meeting

Comments from previous meetings

Rename this as “AC life (durability) test”

Redraw Figure 1 to eliminate RL, and show the Y1 and Y2 terminals as being open circuit.

Remove all references to RL in the text.

Add a note that this test is to exercise the voltage limiter in the SPD

Add a column to Table 1 to show where the values came from. Eliminate the rows in the Table labeled “continuously”.


Robert to make the changes and resubmit the contribution.

Comments from this meeting

In step (b) of the Procedure, Robert proposed to add the sentence, “For configurations 3B, 4A and 5A the current is the current through each of the stressed terminals individually.” The proposal was accepted.

The “Standards calling for test” column in Table 1 was updated using the same scheme as was used for Table 6 in Wolfgang’s updated contribution for

clause 8.8 [Clearwater, October 2011]


Robert to incorporate the suggested changes and resubmit the contribution

10.5  New tests

10.5.1  In-line SPD protected port: GPR surge

WG3.6.7-11-04-006 [Mick Maytum – In-line Surge Protector Grounding lead voltage spike] was not discussed at this meeting


It would be good to include a brief explanation of where the inductance values in Table 1 came from.

Figure 1 indicates that there is no voltage drop across the surge protector. But a voltage drop could occur there. The comment was made that this voltage should be added to the Ldi/dt voltage.

The symbols L and R should be italicized.


Mick to include a brief explanation of where the inductance values in Table 1 came from.

Mick to rewrite the text around lines 28 – 34 to comprehend the possible voltage drop across the surge protector being added to the Ldi/dt voltage.

10.5.2  Impulse Generator Annex E

WG3.6.7-12-01-004 [Mick Maytum – Impulse Generator Annex E]

was not discussed at this meeting


Mick to send Al the latest revision of his contribution [done]

10.5.3  Surge series resistance test

WG3.6.7-11-12-005 [Al Martin – Surge series resistance]

was not discussed at this meeting


For first use of PTC write out positive temperature coefficient

The proposed elimination of the DC resistance test in clause 7.3 was rejected. This test is needed because a circuit designer may need to know how much resistance a series element will add to his circuit.